Does Near-Death Experience (NDE) Evidence Prove an Afterlife?
Consider the Evidence, and Determine YOUR Answer!

This web form considers near-death experience (NDE) evidence that suggests an afterlife, and calculates how strongly you believe this evidence proves the existence of an afterlife. Afterlife means conscious existence after permanent earthly bodily death.

Instructions: In each table below, select the percent probability that the evidence from the single concept alone, without consideration of any other evidence, proves the existence of an afterlife. Please consider all evidence both for and against the single concept.

Example: If you believe the evidence from a single concept proves the existence of an afterlife with a 90% certainty, select 90%. If you believe the evidence from a single concept proves the existence of an afterlife with a 10% certainty, select 10%. If you believe the evidence from a single concept offers no proof of the afterlife whatsoever, select 0%.

The top twelve NDE concepts that are generally considered to be most evidential are presented below.

After you select a percentage, you may change your response by clicking a different percentage. Only one percentage per table may be selected.

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How It Works

NDE Evidence and the Afterlife Calculator Explained

There are multiple lines of NDE evidence suggesting the existence of an afterlife. Many people find it difficult to assess the totality of these multiple lines of evidence in determining the strength of the totality of overall NDE evidence in proving the existence of an afterlife.

An example of this is as follows. Suppose there were only two independent lines of NDE evidence suggesting an afterlife. Further, assume that each one of these lines of evidence individually had a 50% probability that it proved the existence of an afterlife. Many people would consider that the two lines of NDE evidence, each with a 50% probability of proving the afterlife, would mean that the combination of the two lines of evidence suggests a 50% probability of the NDE evidence proving an afterlife. However, this is not true. This may be illustrated as follows. The two hypothetical lines of evidence may be called Evidence1 and Evidence2. The four possible outcomes are:

 Afterlife ProvenAfterlife Not Proven

For both lines of NDE evidence, another way of listing the four possible combinations are:

Evidence1, Afterlife Proven: Yes AND Evidence2, Afterlife Proven: Yes
Evidence1, Afterlife Proven: Yes AND Evidence2, Afterlife Proven: No
Evidence1, Afterlife Proven: No AND Evidence2, Afterlife Proven: Yes
Evidence1, Afterlife Proven: No AND Evidence2, Afterlife Proven: No

Of the above four possibilities, the afterlife would be considered proven with the first three combinations. This is true because there is a Yes response to at least one of the two lines of evidence. Only the last combination, with a No response to both lines of evidence would suggest the afterlife is not proven. Thus, if there are two lines of NDE evidence, each with a 50% probability of proving an afterlife, the combination of the two lines of evidence gives a three out of four, or 75% probability that an afterlife is proven.

The mathematical formula that determines the percentage probability that the afterlife is considered proven by N independent lines of NDE evidence, is:

100 x {(1-N1)*(1-N2)*(1-N3)...*(NN)} %

Collapse Explanation

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Custom design, programming, and development by Phillip Long

How much of the article Evidence for Survival of Consciousness in Near-Death Experiences have you read?

NDE Concepts:

1. Concept: The Medically Inexplicable Consciousness of Near-Death Experiences

2. Concept: Out-Of-Body Awareness During Near-Death Experiences

3. Concept: Supernormal Sensory Awareness in Near-Death Experiences

4. Concept: Near-Death Experiences Under General Anesthesia

5. Concept: Encountering Deceased Loved Ones in Near-Death Experiences

6. Concept: Cross-Cultural Near-Death Experiences

7. Concept: Children’s Near-Death Experiences

8. Concept: Life Reviews in Near-Death Experiences

9. Concept: Near-Death Experience Aftereffects

10. Concept: Near-Death Experience Reality as Determined by Near-Death Experiencers

11. Concept: Shared Near-Death Experiences

12. Concept: The Consistent Spiritual Content of Near-Death Experiences

Click this button only after all percentages for each concept above have been selected. A value in each field is required to perform the calculation.

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NOTE: Only your first survey response will be statistically analyzed together with all other survey respondents. However, please feel free to complete the survey as many times as you want.

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Custom design, programming, and development by Phillip Long -

Copyright © 2021 by Jody Long & Dr. Jeffrey Long