James Grandfather NDE
Secondhand NDE 16080.
He was 70 years old when he had a heart attack in 1980, and his heart stopped for a full minute on the operating table. He wasn't a religious person, but his NDE affected him very deeply. When he woke up in the intensive care unit (ICU), he grabbed my mother's hand and intently poured out his story. He said that in the NDE, he was floating above his body and felt very peaceful. He saw his two daughters and his wife below him, 'huddled together.' He told my mom with much emotion, that he didn't die because, 'You wouldn't let me go.' He also said he'd never be afraid of death as a result of his experience.
NDE told to grandson.
Michelle L NDE
NDE 16079.
Interview and Transcription by Amey
At four months old, he shouldn’t have been talking, but I heard, 'Mommy, come back! Mommy, come back!' And when I came back, I came back into my body and they had a neck brace.
NDE from auto accident.
Udaya N NDE
NDE 7711.
Non Western NDE from India.
All I remember is slipping on the floor. After that my memory is floating through a dark tunnel while I could still feel and hear my mother crying as if I was dead. But I didn't had any feelings for her even though I know it was my mother who is crying . I could feel that my body is laying there but I knew that I am not that body as I was different from that body. While floating through the black tunnel all I felt was joy of going some where I wanted to go .I was heading to my destination. I could feel the presence of my grandmother who passed away several years before ( when I was in elementary class ) and the presence of other souls too. All of a sudden I heard a strong command to open my eyes.
Nurse's NDE at age 16 due to fall with head injury.
Steve L NDE
NDE 7709.
When I was in the light, a being asked me one question four times. The question was, 'Who are you?' I didn't know how to answer that question. In fact, I answered it wrong three times. Finally, the fourth time this light being asked the question I answered, 'I don't know who I am.' The light being replied, 'You are love.' I asked if I could stay because it was so beautiful there and I didn't want to come back to earth. The light being said, 'No, you have a mission that you must do.'
NDE due to car crash.
Cameron M Possible NDE
Possible NDE 7704.
The room was long, almost tunnel like. Close to the end of this tunnel, there were two men sitting with their legs crossed and face to face with each other. As I approached them, the men stood up. I drew nearer to them. I could see the man looking back at me was Jesus Christ. The other man, I do not know whom he was. But I know he did not like me very much. The two were bickering about what to do with me. Jesus rose up his hand as if to say stop, and said, 'Hold on for five minutes. We haven't figured out what to do with you yet." He pointed for me to go to my right or his left. After I followed his instruction, I met Ronald Reagan. I never really liked the man in life. According to my grandmother, he was the devil. But, I have to tell you that he was one of the nicest guys I'd ever met. We chatted for a while. I asked him about Hinkley and he just laughed.
In medically induced coma 3 weeks, so it is hard to say when the experience occurred to determine if it was a NDE or drug-induced from the medicine to keep him in a coma.
Jan M Probable NDE
Probable NDE 7703.
I thought I was sitting up and rising off the bed. I could see a very distant light at the end of a very dark and long tunnel. I kept trying to focus on the light and felt distressed because I could not get closer to see what was there. I then remember being forcefully shoved backwards to the bed and the glowing man said, 'Not now. You are like Lazarus.'
Probable NDE from severe bacterial pneumonia. She was not expected to survive.
3960. Requested removal
Saurabh C NDE
NDE 7701.
From India, Non-Western NDE.
I had been taken for an immediate surgery as i had bled internally and would have died for sure or at least that is what everybody thought. it is kind of a miracle of odds that I survived and doing very well today. i distinctly remember on that day i felt like i was being lifted like in a transparent elevator towards a soothing light hat did not even hurt my eyes and i saw planets unlike ours with more of just dust and rocks(much like mars or something) and i was just going up at a very fast speed. i felt very good at the time and then suddenly it hit me somehow that i am dying. and i just knew that i didnt want to die so i prayed real hard to go back to mom to an entity whose presence i felt high above. i am not religious but i felt somebody for sure towards whom i was being elevated. then i got depressed and started praying harder and begging to be sent back to my mom because i didnt want to die. and then suddenly i dropped and got conscious flooded with immense pain in the region where i had the surgery. i woke u after hours but clearly remembered what i went through. i couldnt speak for a few days as i had tubes in my mouth. after i could i asked my nurse what happened to me in the operation theatre and she told me that my heartbeat had stopped twice and i had died for a good amount of time. that is when i knew that what i felt was real.
NDE due to cardiac arrest during surgery for internal bleeding.
Shanna L NDE
NDE 7700.
I was wrapped in intense, overwhelming love and comfort. As I drifted behind him into the dimension beyond the ceiling, shadowy figures began appearing through this intense white light that surrounded me and cloaked me in serenity, joy, peace, love, and contentment. I became the very essence of all those things. There seemed to be dozens, even hundreds, of figures all around me mirroring this light and love. Two of the figures approached me and I saw that they were women shortly before their faces became visible. One had short, golden hair. She came forward to greet me.
NDE due to childhood choking game at age 9.
Spencer O NDE
NDE 7698.
The warmth of something infinite began to reach out and absorb me. I went into a deep state of unconsciousness and then levitated over the landscape of the ambulance. The trees were moving. The sky was resplendent and beautiful. Someone told me in a gentle, yet stern, voice, 'It's not your time.'
NDE due to suicide attempt by cutting wrist. Contributor is PhD college teacher.
Noel NDE
NDE 7696.
A photo album opened up in front of me. I saw a boat, a picture of a young boy, and a middle-aged man. I don't know who these people were. It was so strange because it was like I was looking through a camera looking at a book. I had no human body or parts or anything. I just saw the book moved on its own and opened to different pages. The whole thing was sepia-tone with a pitch black background. Black was everywhere. The only thing in my experience was a photo album. As soon as I got a good look at the photos or the pages turned over to a new page, I'm was bought back into reality.
NDE at age 9 due to passing out at school.
Santo V Probable NDE
Probable NDE 7695.
From Italy. Original in Italian
I saw a person, like a vision, that looked like the Virgin Mary, rounded by a white light, she was getting closer and closer, and I saw myself as a child, as if that were a movie, and then as a teenager and as an adult, with friends and with women. The first thing I saw was something that accordingly to the chronological order I should have seen last, myself with a woman in a garden. Then my soul was lifted from the body and came back to it.
Probable NDE from a scooter accident.
Eileen C NDE
NDE 7694.
I was above my body and could see the doctors and operating room staff working on me. There was no tunnel that I remember. A very bright white light appeared. Communication was telepathic. The light told me not to be afraid and to come closer. It explained that I was no longer in my body, but had a different form now. We communicated telepathically although they used words that an 11-year-old would understand. There was a life review that appeared in the form of a film strip. It went backwards and forwards. The light, possibly my guide, pointed out where I could have been nicer, or done something better. I was asked if I understood what was happening and if I wanted to go with the light. I must have hesitated because I was told that I was not ready and would have to go back. I was told that I would not remember some of the things they had shown me and that I should go back and do something to help other people. Re-entry into my body was like being sucked into a vacuum.
NDE due to bicycle accident with head injury at age 11.
Leo A Possible NDE
Possible NDE 7692.
From Argentina. Original in Spanish translated to English by Sean
I felt like I had died. I travelled along a black, square tunnel, with images of my relatives who had passed on. I saw them on both sides of the tunnel. In the center, all my life was shown to me in sequence. I saw some tools and old things made of steel like old cars. All the images were in black and white. All the while, I was aware I was shouting, 'I don't want to die! I DON'T want to die! I DON'T want to die! I have two small girls, and I DON'T want to die! I DON'T want to die!' I said that there wasn't a God because no God would take me from my family. I arrived at the end of the tunnel and a diffuse white light shone. Suddenly, I went back through the sequence. I quickly came back and arrived at the beginning.
Possible NDE from severe burns. He was in an induced coma for two weeks.
Michael J NDE
NDE 7693.
Upon impact, I was immediately out of my body and observing the accident from about 30 feet above and traveling along with it. Just as quickly, I was back in my body for the last 20 or 30 feet or so. The ground of the wheat field was passing by my left shoulder until the car rolled upside down and came to a stop. I immediately started to get out of the care, when I realized the engine was still running. So, I got back into the seat to find the key to turn off the engine. Then I kicked out the back window and climbed out without a scratch, or so I thought.
NDE vs. fear-death experience at time of car crash. Shared 53 years later.
3951. See number 2485
Claire F Possible NDE
Seizure 7688.
From New Zealand
I woke up in the night with severe cramp, as I sat up I lost consciousness, fell on the floor and had my first seizure. I became aware of my husband shouting my name, apparently I was very white with eyes wide open and although I felt conscious I couldn't speak or move my body. My mind was free and I filled the space around me and became filled with euphoria. I was thinking 'Wow this is amazing' I recall my husband ringing the ambulance and placing the phone beside me on the floor which I thought was really funny. I recall the paramedics testing my feet for reflex but there wasn't one and I could hear them talking about me having a stroke, and I thought 'interesting, so this is what a stroke is like!'. The seizures were suffocating my physical body and then I heard one of the paramedics say ' Claire, tell me what’s happening' so I turned into my head and I could see bright halos of light rising through my brain which felt like a swimming hat was being pulled directly off my brain and I realized I could travel around my body and check on how it was functioning and all was good except my brain. At the next seizure I went back into my brain and slowed it down then stopped it.
Seizure experience with interesting altered consciousness.
Michael F NDE
NDE 7686.
I floated over the exam table and I saw one doctor and three nurses. I saw a heart monitor, another table, and an oxygen tank. I saw my body with all kinds of tubes coming out of me. I was naked, but the clothes are still there, just underneath my body. I don't know what's going on. I feel a little scared or uncertain about what is going on.
Then I floated through the wall and looked down to see my mother and Aunt Barbara. My mom didn't have access to a car and it was close to 1 a.m. in the morning, so they were hysterically crying and trying to look through the triangular window in the door to the room that I'm in. Now, I float back into the room where they are working on me. I can see my mother crying through the little window and I remember getting scared because I knew I was doing wrong. All of a sudden, I was sucked back into my body. During those two seconds I heard a warm, kind, and soothing voice say, 'Go back, not now.' Then swoosh, I was back in my body.
Evidential NDE due to illicit substance overdose and seizure.
Matt S Probable NDE
Probable NDE 7685.
I have two memories growing up that I've never been able to understand or put together until now. The first is, I was about 30 feet above the ground. I was watching my sister frantically run through our backyard toward the house.
Probable NDE at about age 5 due to drowning.
Untimely Departure by Sonia Berkallah S17.TV
NDEs 16078.
NDERF has a wonderful partnership with S17.TV which is a French WebTV all about NDE. The studio is set up like a news room and is the next big movement towards getting the word out about NDE. Sonia is also the organization behind the European NDE conferences. I urge people to visit her website S17.TV NDE WebTV and support her world changing efforts. She has also released her documentary movie 'Dearly Departed' in English and in French.
Faith M NDE
NDE 16077.
Fifty years ago, while a freshman college, I had a sore throat and earache so went to the campus infirmary. They gave me a shot of penicillin, causing me to collapse on the floor. I saw the most brilliant light. I saw many spirits including my paternal grandfather, the blessed Mother, Christ, and God. Next, I was on the ceiling watching a doctor and nurse pound on my chest. I then came back to consciousness and the doctor yelled at me, “Why do you tell us you are allergic to penicillin?”
NDE due to allergic reaction to penicillin.
Anthony S NDE
NDE 7680.
The crazy thing is that I was outside my body watching the EMT drop his taco and run across the street to help me. Next I saw myself lying on the street from just above my body as the sound of sirens came closer. Half of my body was bathed in, what I can best describe as, a white and silvery light with the other half of me bathed in the darkest of blacks. I don't know why, but something told me that the side with the deepest of black was something no one could return from.
NDE due to stroke, heart attack, and car crash.
Neha S NDE
NDE 7676.
From Australia
While I was in this unconscious state, I went through the most amazing beautiful blissful experience. I saw things about me and my family. I saw my things from the future, like my 19 year old brother with three baby girls pleading with me for help. I saw my entire life. I remember small bits of it now, but barely anything. I went to this amazing beautiful place: Some call it heaven; some call it God; some call it hallucinating. All I know is that this is where everyone truly belongs. It is where the soul goes. I wanted to stay but then something happened. I heard a voice, my voice, kept saying, 'YOU'RE ONLY 15. GET UP, RUN!' Then the blissful place in which I was in closed. It was like I was in a portal that looked like a black hole. It was a black hole with all the colors you can imagine and colors that the human eye does not recognize, and it closed.
Teenager NDE due to lion attack 3 months ago. Background faith was Hindu at time.
NDE 7675.
I remember, all of a sudden, standing in a yard. The grass in certain areas was very well maintained. Beyond the small yard were fields of wheat: Everywhere I looked, it was never ending. I noticed the sun was shining so bright, at least it felt like sun at time. The sun was so bright. I remember instinctively squinting my eyes then, realized I didn't have to squint. I have never experienced that kind of bright-beyond-words, warm feeling. I looked in front of me to find an old house with a wrap-around porch. The house needed a paint job, I recall thinking to myself. As I was staring at the house, I felt a presence to my left. I looked over and it was my beloved grandfather. I couldn't believe it! Inside, I was screaming with excitement and joy. However, at the same time it seemed normal, as if he and I were suppose to be there together at the same time. I recall every detail of him, he was back to the kind of chubby belly he had, a white t-shirt, his red suspenders, and his hat that he always wore kind of lop-sided. He took my hand and without speaking we were communicating. He told me, 'Let's go in the house sweetheart. Come on let's see.' We walked down to the house and stepped up on the porch that needed to be painted as well. I recall that the screen door was old like the house and creaked as we opened it. Once inside, I was hit with familiar smell of my grandmother's homemade split pea soup! I hadn't smelled that in years. She was alive on earth but had been down with dementia for years at the point. I looked around and inside I was so excited! It was a feeling I've never felt before, I was 'home.'
NDE due to suicide attempt.
Nancy R NDEs
NDEs 7674.
When I was there, a landscape of gently rolling hills surrounded me. Flower-filled grassy meadows spread out on the hills around me and huge deciduous trees in full leaf, trees larger and more grand than any here on Earth, surrounded the meadows. A barest sense of a light mist, as if it were a humid summer morning, clung to the tops of the trees. The sky shown a very light blue, similar to what you might see at the ocean's shore, with wispy clouds and a very bright but somewhat diffuse golden light. That was the visual. But there is more to Heaven than what we can see with our eyes. Below the surface visuals was a well of feeling fueled by love, peace, and an abiding Presence that I will call Spirit or God. Through the landscape around me I sensed a profound feeling of peace, “Brightness,” goodness, and love. The Beauty I felt really does deserve a capital “B” It wasn’t just pleasing to the eye, there was something deeper to it, more harmonious, more blessed, more powerful. Everything felt tied together by love and peace, and the beauty of the scenes around me were the product of this unconditional love. While the beauty of Heaven took my breath away, the sense love completely ensnared me and made me want to stay there forever. I felt a deep sense of that love flowing through all things around me: the air, the ground below my feet, the trees, the clouds, and me. I felt the love flowing around me, flowing through me, and eventually capturing me by the heart. I felt supported by a loving Presence so powerful, yet so gentle, that I cried again. I had never experienced such unconditional love and acceptance in all of my years on the planet. It felt as though this place were built from love and peace on a very grand, cosmic scale. What I realized (and was later told by my Guide) was that love formed the structure or underpinnings of Heaven. Each soul might see the 'landscape' differently, but all sensed and 'saw' the love that formed the basis for everything in the same way.
Exceptional NDEs due to being hit by a truck while riding a bicycle. Remarkably transcendent.
Kellie NDE
NDE 7673.
Suddenly, I was floating above myself; up against the ceiling like a balloon, and then softly bumping the ceiling. I could hear people talking, like my hands were cupped over my ears. I really remember the parts in people's hair, straight down the middle, but I couldn't see faces. One girl was trying to help me and was very upset. She said, 'She's not breathing, somebody help her!' While watching this, I was very calm and peaceful. I did not know the girl. I felt grateful that she cared. I had a sense of affection for her and her caring about me. I heard someone say, 'She's wet her pants.' Not caring at all, I was only curious about what I could see. Then suddenly, like a suction, I was back in my body!
NDE due to unconsciousness after smoking illicit substance at age 15.
Nancy L Possible NDE
Anesthesia 7671.
I was very close to my father who died when I was 19. I did not see him there. That is a good thing, because if I had of seen him, I would have not come back to my life on earth. God did not have a body or face, but appeared as dancing light. When the nurse was calling my name, I argued that I did not want to leave God. My words were, 'But I don't want to leave you.' The answer was, 'I am there (on earth) too. I can be with you. You are the one who closed the door.' I also remember that I was shown a holographic image of upcoming events in my life. I was told that these were golden moments and life was full of experiences that I should not miss. Another light Being was telling me about the value of this life.
Anesthesia Experience where she met God.
Mark R NDE
NDE 7669.
From Canada
I felt as if I had lost all hope. I stood up and threw myself straight down against the corner of my desk with the corner hitting me square on my forehead right between my eyes. I was immediately bounced back onto my bed. And the first thing I heard was a high pitched ringing in my ears like the sound you hear when you've had a huge blast of noise and your ears are just ringing. Only this was really loud. Then it was a sound of being completely surrounded by a jet engine less the high pitch noise l, just the continuous thundering like you've stuck your head out if a car window at a high speed. While this was happening I became aware that I was looking at my ceiling of my room but my eyes were closed. I was instantly moving through a tunnel with a rolling cloud that had a cold blueish light behind it lit at the end not swirling but more like as if you were looking up at a grey storm cloud. I immediately thought is this some sort of acid flashback but it seemed as soon as I thought it I was told no. I was instantly made aware that I was dying. I said Jesus I'm not ready yet. That is when everything reversed. I came to. And my life was never the same since.
NDE due to suicide attempt.
Rob N NDEs
NDEs 16076.
I soon came to realize that I was feeling the power of GOD. The love, warmth, peace, and tranquility was also caused by the shadows that were surrounding the tunnel. What I thought were tree branches, were not tree branches at all. They were the people that I loved who had passed before me. They were surrounding the tunnel while holding, guiding, and welcoming me home. I was so content and so complete. I felt the most incredible combination of feelings one could ever imagine.
Three NDEs, one from a heart attack and the other two from surgery complications.
Bart F NDE
NDE 7668.
Non-Western NDE.
Without any awareness of time, I found myself in a void. There was really NOTHING; no fear, no danger, and nothing but the distinct thought that I was not "in Kansas any more." I was aware that there was a decision to be made. My initial impression was this decision was that of God, but as I pondered the possibility of not reaching adulthood it really became my decision. BOOM!
NDE at age 10 in Saudi Arabia due to Scarlet Fever.
Doug J NDE
NDE 7667.
From Canada
I was in the most beautiful place I have ever been and felt at complete ease and comfort. I felt completely at peace, like I have never felt before. I had a conversation with my Uncle about life and life's expectations but all that we spoke about is a little sketchy now. What felt like hours was probably only minutes. From far away, I heard a voice yelling my name. I thought to myself, 'Leave me alone. Why is someone bothering me?' My Uncle told me it was time for me to leave and go back. I found this very strange. I told him I did not want to leave this beautiful place. He then told me it wasn't my time and that I had to go back. His last comment to me was, "Play it again, Dougie." This was what he always said to me when he visited, as he wanted to hear the same song over and over again.
NDE associated with injury that broke his neck from fall.
Bella F Possible NDE
Possible NDE 7660.
From Italy. Original in Italian
I instantly found myself in absolutely real a place. I have no words to express all I saw and heard. I knew all; I knew why life, and why grief. But the knowledge is all gone because maybe a human mind cannot contain such amount of knowledge. In this regard, maybe forgetting is a way to safeguard us. The body I was in was quite similar to the human one, but incredibly powerful.
Possible NDE vs. Anesthesia Experience from an atheist.
FDE 7654.
From Japan. Original in Japanese, translated to English by Max.
I heard a whizzing sound of the opponent’s punch cutting through air. Then everything started to slow down and I felt my body become weightless. At that moment, I saw two people fighting from the ceiling.
FDE from sparring during boxing.
Angela M Possible NDE
Possible NDE 7663.
Instantly, I found myself soaring through the air like a majestic bird, while taking in the utter magnificence of the landscape unfolding before me. I was awestruck! The scenery reminded of images I had seen from Scotland or Ireland, after a long heavy rainfall. The lush, green fields beamed at me in colors of deep green radiance. I could see valleys and clusters of trees to my left and little cozy huts situated in the slopes. Everything was so clean and so perfect. I knew that every little straw of grass was perfectly shaped, just like a painting from an old master. Every little flower petal was designed as though from the shape of the most heartfelt song. There was no tear anywhere; no decay whatsoever. I wondered, 'How could something be this exquisitely perfect?' I could not help but notice the profound happiness present throughout my whole being. I felt so light, so magnificently happy, and so utterly free of earthly worries. I was beaming with pure joy. My sense of adventure filled my entire being and I knew that this was who I really am. There were no burdens: There was no sadness. I had no recollection of earthly struggles and there was no illness. I was completely stripped of having to do, having to say, or having to have an opinion about anything at all. I existed in the only moment that ever mattered. It was the eternal moment of now, the eternal flow of life. I existed in profound peace.
Possible NDE that is at least a remarkable STE.
Bobby HR NDE
NDE 16075.
The sound was loud and beautiful. I can still hear it in my head, though it cannot be described with words in my vocabulary. The music was like incredible streams of notes and chords that cannot be heard by the human ear. The appearance of the angels was hard to describe because they barely had shape to them and their bodies did not look like human bodies. There was a very vague line that defined their substance, almost like pillars of energy contained by a thin line of light. I don't recall distinguishing features like noses, hair, or anything else like what humans have. However, the angelic mouths were soft o's as they emitted beautiful music. Their eyes had no definitive description of color but they did looked identical to each other. Their eyes all gazed at the center of this stage where this bright light shined. This was GOD.
NDE from surgery complications as a child
Norberto Possible NDE
Possible NDE 7657.
From Argentina. Original in Spanish, translated to English by Sean
Then I began to go through a dark tunnel extremely fast. I wanted to cling to the sides but it was impossible. Just then, I started to slow down. I saw beautiful colored lights on the sides. Below, appeared a very strong white light, to which I drew near. Almost as if in slow motion, I was floating and feeling a deep peace. It was a beautiful sensation of tranquility. I arrived at this light that was so intense it was almost blinding. I went through the light. Arriving was like a toboggan ride. I sat down. By my side, were two people dressed totally in white. They reminded me of a planning board.
Possible NDE due to surgery complications.
Joanne L NDE
NDE 7658.
From Wales.
Everything was a deep, deep orange color. I was up against the ceiling with my hands pushing against the ceiling. I thought I was going to be drawn further to the white light in the tunnel above me. I remember thinking, 'Oh my God! I can't leave my unborn baby with my partner. My baby needs me!' My partner was violent towards me on many occasions. I felt like at that very moment, I had a choice. I could stay or I could let go and be drawn up to the light. I felt my father, who passed a few years previous to this incident, was waiting up in the tunnel. He was watching and I could feel his love. It was like a personal love, not like the love coming from the white light itself. I made a huge effort not to be drawn up to the light above me because I knew my baby would need me.
NDE at time of delivery.
NDE 7656.
I said aloud, 'I'm dead.' As soon as I said that, I felt a warm feeling wash over me. At no time was I scared, worried or concerned. I felt so much peace and calmness. I then heard a voice to my left telling me, 'I'm impressed.' I turned to the voice and saw my Dad. His back was against the hallway wall. As he walked to me, he said, 'I'm impressed. A little John Wayne-ish, but I am impressed.' The wall of the hallway began to dissolve behind my Dad. Behind the dissolving wall was a large valley that was very green with a few trees. Further away, I saw large mountains with very blue water in front of them. The sun was behind the mountains. My Dad was smiling with a very bright light on him.
NDE due to heart attack.
Joel B NDE
NDE 7648.
From France. Original in French translated to English by Marguy
During this time, I was in an endless tunnel and had the impression of seeing my life flashing by. I passed relatives and other people that I knew like my fiancée and brother.
Atypical electrocution NDE from an atheist who remained an atheist.
Jessica D Possible NDE
Possible NDE 7653.
It was exactly as if she was in a tunnel. Then I began to hear beautiful soft sounds of bells all around me. Everything around me appeared to be immersed in white, as if we were in the middle of a fluffy white cloud.
Possible NDE due to bleeding after delivery at age 17.
NDE 7650.
I opened my eyes. 'Cool,' I thought. 'I made it through this and I'm not even hurt! No pain at all!' Then I tried to move. Not so much as a finger responded. I was lying face down, head in the back seat, my feet somewhere up around the area of the steering wheel. A thumb was pressing hard against my nose and lip. I could see that it appeared, by it's relative positioning, to be the thumb from my left hand, but it was my right thumb. I could also see that my right arm bent in an awkward position under my throat. 'God, I'm glad I'm paralyzed because that would really hurt if I could feel it,' I said to myself.
NDE due to crash, then multiple OBE experiences as he came remarkably close to death many times after the crash.
Mrs. Grace NDE
NDE 7649.
Non-Western NDE from India
I counted up to about 12 and noticed that I was in complete consciousness but felt bodiless and a kind of lightness. It was like being lifted above the cot. I felt bright and saw myself moving effortlessly inside a self-illuminated tube. The tube had a brightness that I have never seen before. It was a divine brightness and a pleasurable experience. I insisted on moving forward, but suddenly started feeling the reverse events. I felt heaviness of the body, as started carrying the weight when I move. I then heard doctors conversing among themselves.
NDE from psychiatrist and associated with complication of appendectomy. Contributor is physician from India who was Hindu at time of experience.
Phil S NDE
NDE 7647.
From Australia
I had the odd experience of being under the water gently drifting along, but at the same time looking down from some distance above the rockpool, seeing the people sitting on the rocks surrounding the pool. After some time, as it appeared to me, I was still drifting under the water when I saw an object far ahead which I was approaching on my underwater "swim." As I got closer I could see it was a female form wearing a flimsy white flowing garment, & as I approached even further I recognised the person as my older sister Diane who had died of cancer 13 years previously at the age of 28. There was no surprise in meeting her, & in some way that I can't describe she was different than I had known her in life.. more radiant & fairy-like perhaps, but it just seemed ordinary to meet her that way. She beckoned with one hand for me to follow her & I did without any thought for where we were going, much like a couple of kids playing a game. We swam for what seemed like ages through the light-patterned almost shimmering water.. then after a while she headed upwards. I followed & suddenly all of that world collapsed & I was spluttering, gasping for breath, trying to see.
NDE due to head injury and fall into water.
Jennifer W Probable NDE
Probable NDE 7645.
I found myself in a wonderfully, beautifully lit space. There were no walls, ceiling, or even a floor. Everything was pure white with light. I felt so happy, so free, and so loved. Even though I didn't see anyone or anything around me, I didn't feel alone. Contrarily, I felt as if I was surrounded by unconditional love and acceptance. I did not feel like I was in my body. I didn't even think about this aspect until much later, but I recall feeling unrestricted by gravity and completely pain free. I remember wondering if I was in heaven, but though I never actually spoke such words, I felt an affirmative response to my wonder.
Probable NDE from surgery complications.
Javier G NDE
NDE 7641.
From the UK.
Following the sudden impact, I lost the notion of time, location, and everything else, including life itself. I felt that I 'ascended' into space and was being 'absorbed.' I floated upwards into a space where it was all white and peaceful. It was not shiny white like the sun reflecting on the snow, nor like the white of clean bed sheets. It was a different whiteness. I was floating in the air and suspended in a vacuum. I was very happy while looking at the relaxing whiteness around me. I felt attracted to the whiteness, like through magnetism. I was being pulled gently up and absorbed slowly. I let myself go up, ever deeper into the whiteness and was eager to continue. I looked around me and everything was marvelous, calm, attractive, and inviting. There was no sound. The place radiated peace and was full of positive sensations.
NDE from a train crash that killed 42 people. It is intriguing that the description of hell could be REM intrusion because the earthly scene around him is described similar to his description of hell. Also interesting that with that many people who died at one time that he didn't have a shared NDE with someone else.
Dolly M Probable NDE
Probable NDE 7640.
That is when I went through the most healing light. It was warm, loving, and peaceful. I was surrounded by spirits all around me. I was so happy not to feel any more pain both physically and emotionally. I knew it was another realm and not here on earth.
Probable NDE from blood loss from ovarian cysts rupturing.
Analia R Probable NDE
Probable NDE 7639.
From Argentina. Original in Spanish, translated to English by Sean
At my side they took my hand, me an adult, her a child. My cousin was with me, all dressed in white, as well. 20 years ago, she died, an angel, at the age of 4, she was my friend in those days of eternal infancy. Her smile was so beautiful. She never said to me in words, but I knew what she was saying, she wanted me to come with her to the top of the hill. We began walking, looking at each other for a moment, happy. Peace, tranquility and joy, I felt, I never wanted to return and live, it's indescribable with words. I was immensely happy, and nothing bothered me, I had to get to this hilltop in my cousins hand. But this wasn't going to happen, I woke up suddenly in the operating room feeling a sense of suffocation, it was maddening.
Probable NDE during surgery.
Omar R NDE
NDE 7635.
From Argentina. Original in Spanish, translated to English by Sean
I continued listening but from above, and suddenly I started to see a bright white light, every moment brighter, as if I had travelled towards it very rapidly. I felt one with the light, as if I were part of the white energy, very bright like the white light of energy saving lamps, I was part of this LIGHT, I was deep PEACE, so much peace and light.
NDE from asthma attack.
NDE 7636.
Original in Spanish, translated to English by Sean
I told him my family and friends about my 'innocent' experience of leaving my body and the world far beyond. I was sitting on the first stair of some steps, that led to the terrace. I am still living in the same house with some changes and improvements. Suddenly I fainted. I saw myself leaving my body with no pain, nor intensity from my body sat at the bottom of the stairs.
NDE from fainting.
Sue Ann NDE
NDE 7632.
The next thing I know, I'm in a bright light but it doesn't sting my eyes. Even the ground was light. I looked to my right and saw three identical, humanoid beings but they were very old. They seemed to be connected as one. They wore a robe with flower petals and feathers that were falling around them. My spirit spoke for me telepathically to the beings. My soul knew the questions I needed to ask, which centered around why I have endured so much heartache and hardships. He answered telepathically, 'You have chosen every path you have taken; everything that has happened was directly related to your choices. You will rejoice in every experience one day, but that it isn't your time yet.'
NDE due to cardiac arrest from medication reaction.
Susan F NDEs
NDEs 7631.
I looked around on the carpet where I sat for something like I key. Then, I looked for something to stick it into. The closest thing available was an electrical outlet. I remember finding a bobby pin and sticking it into the electrical outlet. The next thing that happened was that electricity knocked my spirit out of my physical body. Again, I found myself in an unearthly but very pleasant feeling place with some very loving beings. They once again said, "Sorry, it's not your time yet. You've gotta go back." The next thing I remember is being back in my physical body, crying with a little bit of black on the bottom of my feet and hands. And again, I felt angry I had to come back. I wanted to stay with the loving light beings.
Two NDEs and an Other experience. NDEs both at age 2 due to suffocation and electrocution.
Flynn B Possible NDE
Possible NDE 7630.
I remember that I felt like I was physically moving up and/or down in direction as grave headstones flashed by me. I couldn't make out the names on the headstones. Before I knew it, I was sitting a bench in the park. My surroundings were dimly lit and not of this earth. It was beautifully quiet. Then I noticed an older man sitting next to me. I got the impression that we were the only two there. He was not old in an age sense, but he was an elder. I got a great feeling from this man. Then I saw us from a different viewpoint. I saw us sitting on the same bench, but I was standing behind the bench at a distance. He asked me what was wrong and why I was there. I told him some personal information, including the name of a male individual. He told me that they knew who this man was. After I told him what was bothering me, he told me that I was perfectly all right, and there was something about the man next to me that caused me to know it was true. There was nothing wrong with me. He was so understanding and otherworldly beautiful in the most practical sense.
Possible NDE due to suicide attempt.
Janna T Possible NDE
Possible NDE 7629.
I went to a farm house. It was cold. When I went into the farm house, people were there. I knew these people were familiar to me. There was a woman, man and about three children. All of them were dressed in old-fashion clothes, so I knew they had to be dead. The people were very welcoming, and I knew I belonged with them in some way. The house was heated by fireplace and a quilt that hung on the wall. When I was going to go upstairs to bed, the lady took the quilt off the wall to cover me. Later on, she offered me chicken and dumplings to eat. When she went to get the food, I saw a name engraved on a plaque. I do not remember the name, but I know it was a family name. Then I remember leaving the farm house, but felt like I should have stayed.
Possible NDE due to illness and medically induced coma.
Siri L Possible NDE
Possible NDE 7628.
As I closed my eyes, I thought, 'Finally I will sleep this off and feel better and never touch this stuff again.' I saw blackness; not just the blackness that you see when you start to dose off, but a void-darkness. I was thinking this is not sleep. Then I started realizing that this is amazing; I felt really peaceful.
Possible NDE associated with amphetamine use.
Fiveia NDE
NDE 7608.
From Russia. Original in Russian, translated to English by Jim
My thoughts became distinct and clear. I was pulled upward where I saw a bright white light. But the light did not blind me, it was calming and pleasant. I thought, 'What is that? What’s happening to me?' Then I saw myself in a meadow. I sat on the grass and was playing with the grass and flowers. The part of the meadow I was on was separated from another part by a small stream. On the other side was a girl, about 13 years old, sitting and holding a little book. There were four children sitting and listening to her.
NDE due to accident at age 10. Shared 57 years later.
Randall R NDE
NDE 7626.
Then off to my left, a bright white light appeared. In that light, I felt my deceased mothers presence. I felt so much peace and comfort that I was reaching with both arms for her to take me into the light. Then a hand appeared in front of me, motioning me to stop. Then a finger pointing down. I knew then I was being told to go back. I can't explain the disappointment and sadness of not entering the light with my mother.
NDE due to respiratory arrest due to Guillain Barre syndrome. Experience happened less than two months before it was shared.
Gray W NDE
NDE 7625.
The part of the experience when I was hovering above the scene of the accident, I felt I had entered into a tunnel and had come out the other side. I was completely detached from my body and from the action going on below. It was as if I was watching everything happening to someone else. It was like watching television drama.
NDE due to fall from tree.
Rev. Dr. Robert Joy
NDE 7624.
I saw dogs playing in a grass-covered field and I was with them. I have always loved dogs. I think they were dogs that I once had as an adult or child. I'm a minister and I don't really believe 'all dogs go to heaven' but there they were! Then I was in a different place. It was bright or red? Then there was an extremely bright light, like a vertical column of light. But it was much more than light, like a pillar of pure energy. It was sparking, sparkling, and much, much brighter and whiter than any sun. I floated over near it. I don't know if I wanted to or not, but I was about 6 inches from it. It was not hot or cold, just pure white energy. I was face-to-face with whatever this was. I took it to be the pure divine presence of God.
NDE due to cardiac arrest. Contributor is a minister.
Justine NDE
NDE 7620.
From France. Original in French translated to English by Marguy
I remember seeing myself lying face-down on the ground at the bottom of the stairs face down. I was seeing me from above. I saw my body lying on the ground as if I was floating some 50 cm above my body. I couldn't distinguish my face but those were definitely my clothes, my hair and my hands. My hand gave me this horrible impression. I saw this body and knew it was mine, but I also knew perfectly well that this body was dead and lifeless. It was a simple piece of cold meat. This sight disgusted me. I saw my lifeless arms as I approached closer to this body that was lying on the ground.
Child NDE from a fall.
Dominique Possible NDE
Anesthesia 7618.
From France. Original in French translated to English by Marguy
I found myself enveloped in an unbelievable white light. I felt good and had no pain anymore; I was like appeased, I felt so much love! That space had no limits, I was part of this space!
Anesthesia experience from a c-section.
Chris P FDE
FDE 7623.
From Greece
I remember telling myself, ’This is it!' Instantly, I felt very comfortable with this. I totally relaxed my body while I was watching the wall. There were colorful footholds, as in a rainbow. It was like the same picture you have when you are travelling in a fast train, only in vertical form. Then, there was the impact! It ruined the peaceful feeling I had.
Fear-death experience at time of fall.
Bella E Possible NDE
Anesthesia 7621.
Then I could see my father. I thought I must be really out of it as I can see my father, but then there was no pain and I didn't feel like I was being operated on, it was like I was just resting in the sun, my father walking quickly over and back behind the doctors but not looking at me. He was so vivid, like I could touch him. He looked 20 years younger and the peace was beautiful.
Observation of deceased father in operating room during emergency caesarian section.
Mike M NDE
NDE 7617.
Within a moment I was in another place with my old friend and he was showing me my life as I had lived it. The review was not unpleasant but during the review I could see how my decisions impacted others, I could gauge and feel the impact of my decisions, and how these actions effected their lives. There were no feelings of guilt or remorse, only the knowledge that I could have done things differently in some of the situations. There was no blame, no remorse, and no feelings of guilt. The "life review" covered my entire earthly life in no more than a few minutes. I could see people whom I recognized as relatives on the other side of a river of light, and could feel their love.
NDE due to cardiac arrest.
Jayne S NDE
NDE 7610.
From Australia
I would compare it to being like I was a raindrop returning to and becoming conscious of the fullness and expanse of the ocean only on a much larger scale. Love was all around, peace, and blissful-joy. I felt myself moving forward and after travelling faster than light. I thought, ‘This is further than our galaxy!’ I questioned, ‘How come I don’t feel afraid?’ I went to look at my stomach where I expected to feel fear but I saw nothing and it didn’t matter. I continued to move forward, in this amazing peace, joy and love at increasing speed.
NDE due to suicide attempt.
Patrick VW Probable NDE
Probable NDE 7609.
From the Netherlands
Then I thought that this must be the river Styx and I must cross it. I started to sing the song and after a while, I could see a boat slowly coming towards me with someone standing in it. He reached the beach and I looked at him and him at me. A boney hand then stretched out to me. Instinctively, I knew that I must give him a coin. So I did. He held the coin up, looked at it, and then looked at me. He nodded to me and then his hand made the gesture for me to step into the boat. So I did.
Probable NDE from suicide attempt.
Nancy O Probable NDE
Probable NDE 7612.
From Australia
I was floating above my body and looking down wondering why they were still giving me the penicillin - I somehow "knew" this was the problem. I remember 'seeing' from my floating position above the bed and can still describe the jaunty actions and dress of the young Doctor who was called in to see me on the Monday (holiday day) who agreed I had measles and recommended continue the penicillin. On the Tuesday morning I 'saw' the hospital physician come in and examine me and immediately ordered they cease the penicillin.
Probable NDE due to allergic reaction from penicillin resulting in apparent coma. Shared 50 years later.
James H Probable NDE
NDE 7607.
I felt that I was joined into a greater consciousness and therefore I had more capacity to understand things. I understood how everything fit together and that everything is a whole. I could see a green grid made of light flowing under me. The feeling that I felt was pure bliss; words cannot really describe the feelings. They were wonderful!
Probable NDE due to unspecified drug or medication overdose.
Mira S NDE
NDE 7602.
I realized that the real goal of the mind-created life game was to remove the veil of delusion and ignorance and reach the Ultimate Truth of one's reality in life itself. This Truth, this Self I was bathing in and which had encompassed my Being, was nothing but Love. The Truth was Love; pure, unconditional, Universal Love, that is almost non-achievable in human terms. It was the fabric of this Consciousness of which I was a part. Yes, because Love is God and God is Love. It was very clear that the cosmic composition was made up of nothing but Love! Love is the God-glue that is holding ‘All’ together. I realized I was not just inside the Love but rather, one with 'It', this Universal Body of Love, of God.
Astounding Hindu NDE with profound spiritual wisdom.
Mindy B NDE
NDE 7603.
I thought that this was such a blessing! I got to die at my favorite place in the world! I was now in a space that was golden in color and feel. It was warm. I started seeing images roll in front of my eyes like a movie. With each image, I saw it with pure love. I saw it through God's eyes, not my own. I knew why everything had happened to me; all of the abuse, rejection, hate anger, and abandonment. All of these events had indeed meant something. God wept with me at one point. I felt more love than humanly possible. I had become love. There was not one single reason for me to go back to the human world. I was done.
NDE due to fainting episode apparently due to hypoglycemia.
Sydney L NDE
NDE 7600.
From France. Original in French, translated to English by Marguy.
I saw myself cascading down the stairs like a rag doll. I was out of my body and floating above the stairs. I saw my brother, sister, and mother screaming while taking me in her arms at the bottom of the stairs. Meanwhile, I was up above and didn't understand a thing. She was screaming at them and crying for me, without me understanding anything as I was above them and could see everything.
NDE from a 3 year old child pushed down the stairs.
NDE 7596.
From Russia. Original in Russian, translated to English by Jim.
I took everything that was happening in a disconnected way, as if it didn’t matter, as if it were not I there on the threshold of life and death, but a movie with no connection to my fate.
Beginnings of a NDE from blood loss.
Andrew G NDE
NDE 7597.
Two silhouettes are cast on the window and my attention turns toward them. The shape that was closer to me, is a young boy, maybe 8 years old or so. He was running toward me with his arms wide open and his hair bouncing, laughing because he can't believe I'm here already. I'm instantly overwhelmed with joy, in a 'Oh my God! I never thought I'd ever see you again!' kind of feeling. But I don't move, I just look. I know I'm here to just look. Farther along the window, there's a grown male silhouette, probably about my height and build but with better posture. He reaches out to the boy and tells him that I'm not coming with them yet. His presence comforts the boy. As I look at the man, I can see that the light source behind the window is just beyond him, at about his head height.
NDE due to cardiac arrest.
Dan B Possible NDE
Possible NDE 7590.
The therapist then asked me to tell me what I saw at that moment. I remember this image of seeing myself bent over the airbag. It was as if I was against the roof of the car, looking down at my back. I knew I was dead. The next thing I knew, I was standing in what I believe was that field, looking at the car. A bright light shone down at me through the trees. I remember being told somehow that it wasn't my time, and I had to go back because there were things I needed to do. I said 'Okay' and went back.
Remembrance of a possible NDE during rapid eye movement hypnosis.
Andrew R FDE
FDE 23012.
Fear-death experience during auto accident.
Ana Cecilia G NDE
NDE 7572.
From Mexico. Original in Spanish, translated to English by Sean.
A little further up, I saw another large layer of branches. This time there were teenagers, people of middle age, and people just growing old. I saw harmony, serenity, and happiness. People smiled and I felt strengthened. The voices were clear harmonious and fluent, the communication flowed in a natural manner. The atmosphere was total peace, and completely full of love. There was also a fountain surrounded by flowers of every color, in the centre of a large garden. The water cascaded in different rhythms forming images and it's sound was in harmony and was amazing. The people were sat down around themselves and talked and smiled at one another. They didn't talk with sounds from the mouth. It was as if just with the mind they could say everything and I could hear them. There were people leaning in the garden reading a book, or just enjoying the Sun. The countryside was fantastic.
Amazing NDE!
Sandra J Probable NDE
Probable NDE 7588.
I found myself in a dark room. I was moving but not walking. I began to see pictures of people in my life, like in a slide show. Click, click, next picture. I saw my friend's faces, my family, and then I saw my kid's faces. I made myself stop moving. I suddenly became aware of my situation. I saw ahead of me, a white light that was so bright. I remember thinking, 'Oh no! I can't go there, that will be the end of my life. My energy, my life force will leave me. I need to get back to my kids. I realized I was in this dark hallway or tunnel that lacked walls.
Probable NDE at time of seizure.
Reese J NDE
NDE 7584.
What I remember most vividly is an overwhelming feeling of peace, joy, and elation. Everything just felt wholly GOOD; yet the word 'good' fails epically in describing the feeling. I was with a man in a long flowing white gown. He had yellow hair (not blonde, yellow) and he glowed. I remember feeling frightened and he was trying to soothe me. He kept telling me I was going to be ok.
NDE at age 15 months due to drowning.
Michael F NDE
NDE 7582.
From Ireland
Suddenly, I find myself immersed inside a light. I found myself immersed in this all-encompassing light where time has no meaning. Space has no meaning. I have a feeling of oneness with the Universe. The pull of this light is so captivating and overwhelming that I have no choice but to completely surrender to it. It reminded me of shimmering liquid mercury. My natural instincts tell me to look left and right. I manage to look two degrees in both directions before I am instantly drawn back to the center. The attraction I feel towards this light fills me with total awe. The unconditional love, peace and happiness it exudes is infinite.
NDE due to criminal attack. Currently an atheist. Interesting materialist explanation of what occurred during their NDE. I can’t recall another NDE out of nearly 4000 reviewed with this perspective.
Alan S NDE
2/21/2015 & 6/21/2020.
NDE 7581/9022.
From Canada
Turning his head toward the adjacent windows where holographic images displayed events from the past, present, and future, slowing to images of my two daughters. He looked back at me and said, 'If you choose to.' “So I have a choice?” I asked in confusion. He replied, 'Yes, you do. All of you have a choice. Everyone is given a choice with no judgment passed either way. Where you have been, where you are, and where you are going at all times is of your own choice.' I was overwhelmed by an emotional summary of my life, which we must all experience whether staying or coming back. The closest way to describe it was to condense every emotional moment in your life and relive all of it over a few moments. Mine was marked by guilt for wasting my life and many talents. We both gazed deeply into each others’ eyes. “I want to stay. I want to live.”
NDE due to apparent cardiac arrest.
Jacob NDE
NDE 7580.
From Canada
I observed my body like I was floating above it. I then found myself at the edge of what seemed like a black amphitheater looking out across the universe. There was a vortex of white fire spiraling through space. It was a beautiful sight and looked very much like the electricity coming from a nuclear power generator. There were voices calling me to join this energy. Some voices were familiar, but most were not. I looked at the energy and said firmly, 'NO! I want my own.' No sooner had I thought it, a very slim pillar of white fire appeared a distance from the large one. I said with satisfaction, 'That is mine.' I heard or thought a voice that said, 'It is not your time, you may remain if you wish though.' I thought through my life and wanted to stay, but then I thought about my daughter who was 8 at the time. She needed me.
NDE due to apparent respiratory arrest
Scott W NDE
NDE 7578.
I did feel consciousness forming but not like we know or understand. It was just doing its task. It was doing what it’s supposed to do and that’s all it knew. Then it became clear all of it, all things knew what it was supposed to do. Something was directing it. I could tell, even though it had consciousness, it seemed as though it had surrendered its Will and accepted it’s truth to the Creator. Then my Grandma reached for me and took my hand as we started back. The universe was full, absolutely full of strings of light and energy. They were pulsing, they were moving, and we were in it, part of it and it a part of us. DNA stretched for eons; memories, connected, intertwined but all moving according to the Light. I could see molecules, atoms connecting, intersecting, building and becoming new life forms and consciousnesses. Galaxies, stars, fish, trees, air, water, man are all patterned forms, built from all over the universe. Then we were back in the field, but it didn’t stop there. I looked at my Grandmother and the Light. Everything opened up, illumination poured through me, out of me and in me. It can’t be changed, or threatened. It can’t be manipulated, or colored. There are no Illusions or fairy tales about it. It’s here. Each is at its own time, in its own evolution, doing its own reality, living its own consciousness. We are part of it and it a part of us. We truly have nothing to fear, we are really loved. There is a power so great, that it can only be called God.
Exceptional NDE due to cardiac arrest at age 42. Remarkable experience in heavenly realm. Astounding spiritual insights.
Hailey M NDE
NDE 7575.
I remember at that point thinking quite clearly, 'I'm either having a really messed up dream or I'm dead right now.' And once I had that epiphany I felt the greatest sense of calm, peace, and love greater than I ever thought possible wash over me and then it felt as if I was everywhere at once seeing multiple things happening at the same instance. I could see my surgeon talking to my parents about how the surgery went and getting a call and running back to where I was telling them, 'If I'm not back in five minutes, it's a good thing.' Then it was like being sucked back into my body and waking from a dream.
NDE due to respiratory arrest after surgery.
Chanse R NDE
NDE 7574.
I was in complete euphoria. I didn't feel the weight of gravity anymore. I was completely aware of myself without my physical body. I was soaring through space in some galaxy with the whole universe in front of me. I could see in perfect clarity the stars and galaxies. I felt the earth was behind me on my right side; a small ball that was getting smaller. I had no desire to go back because I was in complete happiness traveling to somewhere wonderful. I could sense a host with me outside my peripheral vision. The host was there right along with me as we were traveling to some place. I could not tell what the host was or who it was, but it didn't matter to me at the time. All that mattered was that I was in complete awareness of myself traveling across the universe, in the most wonderful, peaceful, and powerful state of existence.
NDE due to loss of consciousness while lifting weights.
Linda T Anesthesia
Anesthesia 7570.
On my left shoulder I felt this overpowering "draw" to move on, to continue ahead, to proceed, to go to the next dimension. However, on my right, I felt as if I were tethered. I felt like I was anchored and being pulled back to the present. I started pleading and begging the force that was compelling me to move forward, "I can't go right now, I cannot leave my boy, I cannot go without my son; please let me stay until I can bring my boy also." Then the pulling, compulsion, yearning, to go ahead ceased. I felt a knowledge that I was free to come ahead if I so chose, but I would also be allowed to return if that was my wish. I chose to return to a mortal life.
Anesthesia experience.
Scarlett FDE
FDE 7569.
From Guatemala
I remember not feeling anything, just seeing a bright white light. I know it sounds typical for people to say that, but it’s true. My life didn't flash before my eyes, but I did have a last glimpse of people I loved. I saw my little sister. I thought that I am with them and I felt peace. Once my mom got the car back under control and didn't crash, the light shut off.
Fear-death experience due to almost crashing in a car
Laura V Probable NDE
Probable NDE 7565.
Caution, Graphic Adult Content.
I went out this golden door, and immediately saw Christ. Or so I believed Him to be. The world outside was still much the same as it was in normal life, but everything glowed with beautiful color, and I smelled flowers so sweet there is no describing it.
Probable NDE at age 17 due to criminal attack.
Kevin S NDE
NDE 7558.
I floated on top of the helicopter and was looking down and all those people who were trying to keep me alive. From there, I floated up to heaven. Everything was pure crystal-white and angels were all around me lifting me to heaven. Then God held me in his arms and told me three times to go back.
NDE due to being run over a car at age 7.
Jeremie L Probable NDE
Probable NDE 7556.
From France. Original in French, translated to English by Marguy.
After a short time, I saw a kind of tunnel of absolute whiteness, full of Love and joy. I entered in this tunnel and at the end I saw my grand parents and my uncle who died when he was in his twenties. I only knew my grandfather, it was happiness for me to know that they were fine. They asked me to join them in order to experience this moment eternally. I accepted immediately. As soon as I said 'Yes', a silhouette that strongly resembled Mary said to me, 'It's not your time, look'.
Operation under general anesthesia.
Rachel G NDE
NDE 7555.
From Trinidad
I was looking out the window and enjoying the view of vivid colors. The trees were of different colors and the grass was a shade of green I am not accustom seeing on earth. Everything around me appeared to be really bright, but not hot. It was a beautiful day. I remember holding out my hands in front of me which appeared to have a glow, like a halo surrounding me. I started to panic because I was in a strange place and everything seem unreal. I could feel three beings sitting in the back seat with me. The strange thing about it, I never felt threaten by them or that they were any form of evil. I felt goodness coming from them. One of them spoke to calm me down, 'Don't worry, everything is going to be all right. Sit back and relax and enjoy the ride,' are the comforting words that was spoken to me.
Hindu NDE due to choking.
Kantor R NDE
NDE 7554.
From Czech Republic. Original in Czech, translated to English by Rick.
I realized that this is end for me but I was calm and otherwise relaxed. My entire life passed through my mind. It was like I saw my entire life at once in one picture. I saw even details such as what I was wearing as a little boy, a button. I saw in detail my family, mainly my mother. I said to myself completely calm that I had not lived very long but then I realized that my mother would really be terribly hurt. Then from above I saw myself as I was lying on the ground, beside me were fellow workers.
NDE from electrocution.
Rachel E NDE
NDE 7553.
I was no longer a body floating above the pool. I became time and space. I could see the entire universe and it was not like when you watch the Nova channel. It was different because I was the universe. I was everything. Sound disappeared except I could hear my debate. My debate was not sound. My debate was made of time. I could enter my body, my body was a piece of time in space. Or, I could stay out of my body and be everywhere, part of everything, which would be a different type of time in space. I asked the question, 'Should I go back into my body?'
Exceptional NDE at age 12 due to drowning.
Ysel NDE
NDE 7552.
When the firefighters broke down my gates and door, I was looking down at my self seeing everyone trying to bring me back to life. I did feel peace as I can remember, I knew there was someone behind me. I heard the firefighters and the police speaking to a neighbor that made the call. My husband was out of town and had called him because he felt there was something wrong. They were asking the neighbor questions. He told them that he could see me through the bedroom window and that I wasn't moving, so that is why he called 911. He answered, 'Yes, she has 3 children. One is in Chicago, one is in grammar school, and the other is in a child care center.' Anyhow I saw from up above, the police was taking notes on where my children went to school. When the lady officer said to the other one, 'We have to call Children and Family services to pickup the kids and have them go to foster home center.'
NDE due to suicide attempt.
Shara G NDE
NDE 7549.
I realized I was floating around the room looking down at my body. I had an opportunity to look closely in the face of each person working on me. By this time, there was intense panic in the operating room, but I felt peaceful. I seemed to have a heart connection to each person there, but especially with the anesthesiologist, who was terrified and working hard to "bring me back into my body." I didn't want to get back in.
NDE due to accident in administration of anesthetic agents and adverse reaction to them.
Jeffrey B NDE
NDE 7548.
Close by there was a doorway in the wall. The door was open, hinge on the right side, opening outwards. Due to the angle, I couldn't see what was on the other side of the door. Coming out of this doorway was this whitish, pearlescent, tendrils of light, flowing out and dissipating. I was overcome with an emotional blend of relief, love, and acceptance, that I was "coming home" and that everything was going to be alright.
NDE due to being struck by car as a pedestrian at age 14.
Wendy S NDE
NDE 7547.
I instantly went to a place that was pure white light and beautiful. I had a conversation with my deceased parents. My Father died Dec 17th 2007 and my Mother died on my Father's birthday, Dec 31 2010. The love that was felt really isn't like what we experience alive. It encompasses everything around you. There are no earthly words to describe it. I told my parents I loved them and they reiterated.
NDE due to faint associated with illness.
Donna W NDE
NDE 7546.
I sensed my self in a funnel like atmosphere and my life was regressing at a very fast pace in front of my eyes. At the same time the most beautiful field of flowers with this awesome light was pulling me and it was the most wonderful sensation I had ever felt. I just wanted to go there really bad. The distressing part was that my young daughter was in the vehicle with me and I knew I had to stay and take care of her.
NDE due to being hit by a train while in a car.
Catalina NDE
NDE 7545.
From Romania.
Right when I was crying and asking if I am dying, I received information. I don't know why it happened but I know that some aspects of my life flashed, just like on a screen. Then, I remembered that I am a mother. I saw my son's face and I understood that God will let me live again. I felt like I had to choose.
NDE due to autoclave explosion and electrocution. Shared 3-1/2 weeks after experience happened.
Ryan NDE
NDE 23005.
Then I was whisked away to this white room. There were no lights that were making this light. But I felt weightless and like nothing could hurt me. I was at peace. There was this big white door that had to be taller than 20 feet. The door opened and even more white light poured into the room. Then a man came in. He was so pure and good. I could not look at him too long because it hurt. Then he told me, 'It is not your time Ryan.'
NDE at age 12 due to faint.
Samaa NDE-Like
NDE-Like 7559.
Suddenly, I reached a part of the tunnel where there was a lady. I did not see her, it just felt as if the being was a lady. I did not hear a voice and did not see anyone. Maybe it was a telepathic understanding. I was told that if I pass this point, I won't be able to return. But that feeling of lightness and happiness was so pleasant that I didn't mind moving on. I was told again, ‘If you go you cannot ever see your father and brother.’ It was as if she wanted to change my mind no matter what. I thought for a moment that my father will feel devastated without me. I remember that she told me, ‘They will really suffer without you.’
Non-Western NDE-like dream with an OBE component.
Sadaf J NDE
2/10/2015 & 5/13/2016.
NDE 7541/7972.
Non-Western NDE from Iran. Original in Persian, translated to English by Tam/Amir.
As soon as my uncle laid me down on the floor (at home) my soul left my body. I could see myself laying down on the ground with very pale look and my family and relatives had gathered around me. I could not hear their voices anymore and time was passing very slowly. I was also looking at the light bulbs from the ceiling level and their light seemed much brighter.
NDE from falling.
Abrisham NDE
NDE 7393.
From Iran. Original in Farsi, translated to English by Reza.
First, I heard a sharp sound. Then, I was travelling through a tunnel with light passing over my head. The light was kindness and I was moving at an unimaginable speed through the tunnel. After a while, I stopped while in the tunnel. A very gentle and kind voice told me to go back. I travelled back with the same speed.
Non-Western NDE.
Franziska R ADCs
2/5/2015 & 1/9/2024.
ADCs/Other 7539/9758.
From Switzerland. Original in German, translated to English by Marguy.
I woke up in a white chalked-up African hospital room. Far up, in the high room, there were two small windows through which dawn came and immersed the room in blue light. The whole room was vibrating with total love. Elage was welcoming me cordially. He was healthy! I sat with him at the little table and had to laugh for a start. It was like a prison that I could not get out of. The windows were too high up and the doors locked. Then we were talking as if we had not seen each other for centuries. We laughed, giggled, and reflected about the world. We solved all problems that exist and ever existed or ever will exist. Then he got up.
Exceptional ADC and pre-birth remembrance.
Diane B NDE
NDE 7544.
I was bathed in white light and a feeling of joy and bliss. I saw a tunnel and heard voices telling me it was ok to go toward it. I could 'see' my distraught father trying to wake me and my mother screaming and running down the hill. I was torn between the bliss and knowing what my death would do to my parents. I chose to return.
NDE due to sledding accident at age 6. Shared 59 years later.
Carol NDE
NDE 7543.
I was very confused because in those few seconds, I saw a whole game of soccer. The game was between my school and another school's soccer team. It wasn't like a dream where weird things happen out of order. It was a complete game, in consecutive order, and one that I think usually takes 2 hours? I don’t know much about soccer, so it is whatever time soccer games take. It all happened in a few seconds. It wasn't a soccer game that I had seen before; it was a totally new game.
Lucid and organized experience while unconscious, so it’s an NDE. Highly atypical content. Experience occurred in Colombia.
Kurt O NDE
NDE 7540.
I should also mention that before I turned around, all I could see was a soft but brilliant, white shade of light. Then I was still looking down. Things were getting darker and I began to turn around again just to look around. Throughout all of this, I had feelings of being very content, confident, completely free, or something like that. It's hard to explain. I also felt a loving feeling, more like I loved everything rather than being in love. It all felt very normal, like no big deal.
NDE due to drowning at age 7.
Henry's Mother's NDE
Secondhand NDE 7538.
Mom said that during the beginning of the procedure she ascended to the ceiling of the operating room. She observed the physician and nurse for a few minutes and heard the doctor tell the nurse in a rushed tone, ‘Turn off the ether!’ realizing they had given her too much.
Second-person NDE by contributor’s mother at age 8.
Jeanne ZS NDE
NDE 7537.
I and hovered above it watching the doctors frantically work to cut open collapsed veins and fill them with plasma. I didn’t see through my physical eyes. I observed a woman die across the hallway and saw her non-material soul sail upwards and out of sight. I was able to hear everything without physical ears. The medical team was talking about how ‘gone I was.’ I heard my husband’s conversation with his best friend down the hallway. I heard his true, unspoken thoughts and fears within his mind. I had an absolute 'knowing' without a physical brain to reason with.
NDE due to hemorrhage after delivery.
Lonnie L NDE
NDE 7536.
From Canada
I was completely surrounded by a beautiful, white light that words could not properly describe or do justice. It was nothing I have ever seen or experienced. I felt very much at peace and not afraid. I heard the most beautiful music, like classical or choir music. It was nothing like I have heard before; it was not anything human or from musical instruments I recognized. I did not feel anything except peace and happiness. I did not want to return.
NDE due to heat stroke.
Sebastian X NDE
NDE 7533.
First thing I remember is traveling through a dark tunnel that seemed it would go on for eternity. The darkness was so heavy it was like tar, like a void, complete lack of creativity; the Great Nothing in Never Ending Story, a space of indifference. Finally the dark tunnel ended and I was floating over my body. Looking back, that tunnel may have represented the space between awareness of this life and the life to come. I could see all dimensions of my body.
NDE due to suicide attempt with medication.
Betty H NDE
NDE 7530.
Then I remembered it being dark and I felt a jolt. I saw very bright multi-colored lights, mostly purples and greens. Then I heard a voice in my head say, 'Do you want to stay here with Chris (my son who passed 7 years before) or go back to be with Andrea?' Then I heard a voice in my head say, 'I have to go back to be with Andrea, she needs me.'
NDE due to asthma attack followed by cardiac arrest.
Elijah S Probable NDE
Probable NDE 7529.
Time stopped. Yet on either side of my head, I could see something like a movie strip playing from my infancy until where I was now. It seemed to stop on certain events, like the birth of my sister, the death of one of my younger friends, the huge blizzard of 1979, or other events comprised of my mother, father and my wife. I also saw an older man. I assumed and felt that he was my grandfather.
Probable NDE due to fall from rocks into ocean.
Conni J NDE
NDE 7528.
I found myself in a dark space and my peripheral vision was expanded. The space was intensely quiet and peaceful and completely void of color. I sensed, and in some way saw beings surrounding me, as if I were in the center of an immeasurable, yet intimate circle. It seemed that the beings were silently and intently observing my situation.
NDE due to loss of consciousness following delivery.
Yvonne N Probable NDE
Probable NDE 7527.
I realized that I was sitting on what looked like an enormous wing. It was bright, colorful, the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. The brightness it was so intense that it should have been blinding, but it didn’t hurt my eyes at all. My vision was acute there. I could see even the tiniest detail clearly. The wing was auburn and gold and then browns too.
Probable NDE due to surgery for brain tumor.
Leonard K NDE
NDE 7526.
When the concept finally sank in it was like a big celebration, and I got introduced to a lot more people. Both of my great-grandmothers on my father’s side stayed with me, and they introduced me to my great-grandfathers as well. Both of them were very nice, and the love that we all shared together was something that is hard to describe in words. It was intense and automatic.
Extensive writing about an astounding NDE due to complications of emergency surgery at age 8 and shared 51 years later. Exceptional experience!
Kate L NDE
NDE 7525.
From Australia
Then I went down a long tunnel that got brighter and brighter and I could hear music that was unbelievable. I have loved music ever since. I came out into a place so bright with flowers and trees and a stream with a bridge over it. The bridge appeared to be made of tree trunks that were sort of entwined. At the other side of the bridge was my Grandma and another woman next to her who had brilliant blue eyes and a dark mole near her mouth and an indent in her chin.
NDE at time of operation.
Cindy J NDE
NDE 7523.
From Australia
The noise in the tunnel very loud. I was moving down the tunnel toward white light. I was passing through a membrane or curtain into white light and at same time felt myself disintegrate into atoms or particles and become one with the white light. This sensation was accompanied by the most amazing overwhelming feeling of love, joy, happiness, and UNION with everything.
NDE due to respiratory arrest from asthma attack.
Mitchell K NDE
NDE 7522.
Then her voice softly called to me. I felt love. The voice was familiar as if it belonged to a friend from long ago. She told me to rest and heal, so I rested. Then she told me, ‘You have done so much. You may stay or you may go back. The choice is yours. If you go back, know it will not be easy.’ My choice was simple. Jackie’s request, ‘Come back to me’ was my choice. ‘But how do I get back?’ I asked. ‘It’s simple, just breathe,’ she replied.
NDE due to, and I am not kidding about this, being struck by a falling coconut from a palm tree. NDEr is a nurse who travelled to Liberia to help Ebola patients. This NDE wins the award for the most unusual cause of a life-threatening event so far this year (2015).
Kobe Possible NDE
Possible NDE 23002.
I seemed to pop out of my body and float about 10 feet above myself, slightly to the left and back corner of the room. The room seemed very dark except a bright light shining on my body from medical lighting equipment on the ceiling.
Anesthesia experience. Got pre-medication, then OBE and observed self sliding from gurney to operating room table.
ShadowN Z NDE
NDE 7521.
The next thing I remember is being surrounded by warm, white, and bright lights. I saw all my past events, even the sad things in my past; including some things, I might have already forgotten. Then I cried very happily. I felt like I was finally released by all circumstances. I'm not worried about anything anymore. There is nothing I miss about family or friends. I was crying from happiness and relief.
NDE due to head injury.
Matthew H Probable NDE
Probable NDE 7520.
My life was poured out. Every voice looked through it, and asked many questions. I answered what I could. When everything was done, I realized I was not worthy of the company of my ancestors. This was dismissed by my ‘narrator’ who was my guide through this. He said, 'You are your own harshest judge, and always will be. It is not because you are unworthy, but because you have unfinished business to attend to. You can go back if you choose'.
Probable NDE due to cardiac arrest.
Steven T NDE
NDE 7519.
I was floating in the air above the car looking down at what was happening and fire and rescue responding. I felt nothing physically, but could see myself grabbing at my chest from my viewpoint. I was seeing two viewpoints one from inside the car and the other view from floating in the air. I knew the car was on fire but could not move to try and get out of the car.
NDE due to crash during car racing event.
Bonnie L NDE
NDE 7517.
I was calm and peaceful. A warm sensation began to build as light filled the river, my body, my thoughts, everything. It was as if reality was filtered away and I was beyond thought, one with the energy that was all. The love and connection was indescribable. I became aware again, the warmth was focusing around, underneath, and behind, almost as if coalescing to cradle the self I became again. Without words or images there was communication a cherishing comfort and then, and then, there are no other words for the bereavement even as I know it was a choice that I made for a purpose that still eludes me.
NDE due to drowning at age 4.
Jennifer W NDE
NDE 7516.
Completely non-judgmental, yet clear and precise was the voice inside my head. I learned why I was dying and how it would affect my loved ones. More information kept flooding my consciousness as I listened, learned, and understood profound life conditions of the past, present and future. I became my own proof of individual divinity, blessed with immortal life, by the infinite mercy of God's unconditional love.
Exceptional NDE due to drowning.
Deborah R Probable NDE
Probable NDE 7514.
Then I stopped at the end of the tunnel. I was sitting up and I could see doors. It was like glass doors. I was seeing people, of different cultures, and I remember thinking, I don't see any of my relatives. These people are all strangers. It was like they were in an airport, just walking around, and some were looking up at a sign the sign reminded me of an airport one that show the ETA's and departures.
Probable NDE due to severe kidney infection.
Erik C NDE
NDE 7513.
I tried to walk around them to get to the light when I felt a small hand on my right knee. I looked down to see my son who passed a couple years ago at birth touching me. He then said "daddy, keep fighting" then I noticed that there were three angels.
NDE due to apparent poisoning. Remarkably, shared about one week after the experience occurred.
Lamar Possible NDE
Possible NDE 7518.
From France. Original in French, translated to English by Marguy.
I was traveling in a world of natural rationality, a calming well-being, a feeling of universal knowledge. As if I had the chance, to manage my future and to be able to do or see, whatever I wanted to. Without any time constraint I saw my daughter, while at present I still have no children, in her future and modern world. I experienced my burial, hearing old women saying, while they were washing me, 'dying young, you have to get used to'; my best friend attacking me in telling me, that I had nothing to do there.
Possible NDE from suicide attempt and then liver failure.
Arshan NDE
NDE 16074.
Non-Western NDE from Iran. Original in Farsi, translated to English by Amir.
I was flying and entered into a gray-colored environment. I tried to reach a gray and dusty light that was moving in front of me. As I got closer to this light, it became brighter. The light looked like a vapor or smoke that is lit up under a street light. It was formless and had colors of blue, orange, yellow, and gold. I didn't know what it was. The light didn't bother my eyes and wasn’t blinding. I was pulled towards the light with great force. The closer I got to it, the more joy and peace I felt. After a while, I noticed Beings similar to me but they were more brilliantly colored and were moving slower than me. Then I was surrounded by my deceased relatives. I was feeling so much joy and lightness from seeing them. I felt they were there to help me. Their body was transparent and luminous.
Detailed Muslim, non-Western NDE that is virtually indistinguishable from detailed Western Christian NDE.
Jennifer J NDEs
NDEs/Shared NDE 7510.
I think the first NDE I experienced was when I was suddenly wide-awake. My thoughts were lucid but I was definitely not in this world. I didn't exist, actually. I was aware that I existed only as a thought, and I quoted to myself, ‘I think, therefore I am.’ I thought about Descartes and wondered what he knew when he said that, and that I understood now what it meant. Wherever I was, it was neither black nor light; it was perhaps a void. I fancied myself like a genie as I hovered there. I was perfectly lucid in thought, but was aware that I was nothing more than thought! I considered it as being curious. I was not afraid; everything was peaceful beyond understanding. Then it ended as suddenly as it began.
A must read! Among the most profound NDEs ever shared with NDERF. NDEs due to severe complications following delivery.
Carson D NDE
NDE 7511.
Slowly everything went dark. I heard a roar of what sounded like an engine, and then there was nothing. I remember standing up and seeing my body lying in my bed. I felt very calm. I turned to see my grandmother standing there in her pink dress. I knew it wasn't her as she had passed away only months before. She smiled and held out her hand. I took her hand and the next thing I knew I was flying and moving incredibly fast! There were these beautiful beings all around me.
NDE due to illness at age 11.
Valeria I Possible NDE
Possible NDE 439.
I saw myself rising from the bed and at the ceiling of the room looking down on my body. Next, I was rising through the beautiful clouds into a sweet, peaceful, loving, delicate, and secure place. I knew I was in the place where God is. There was no fear, no pain, no hurt, and no worry. I felt none of the things holding me down that were with me just a few minutes ago. I felt the deepest peace and love flowing all around and within me. I felt secure beyond measure.
Possible NDE during anesthesia.
Kim P Mother's Possible NDE
Secondhand Possible NDE 7507.
Somewhere during that time, she found herself going through the tunnel of light. At the end of the tunnel was a man in a turban and with a short beard. As she came closer to him, she heard him chanting, 'Come on Virginia, come on Virginia.' The face then turned into my father's face. He was smiling and she suddenly went back into her body. My father was in the waiting room at the time chanting, 'Come on, Virginia, come on Virginia.'
Mother of contributor had possible NDE during delivery 67 years ago.
Alana G NDE
NDE 7506.
From Canada
In this NDE, I was entering into another dimension coming from my one-dimensional understanding. When I go from our one dimension into another dimension, I often find it hard to explain the experience coming from living in a one-dimensional realm. I was almost through the portal and heard a voice say 'NO.' The voice was not loud but I knew that all in the heavens, on the earth, and under the earth, had to obey that Voice. I just knew there was an authority and everything had to obey that Voice. Then I heard the Voice say, 'It is not her time.'
NDE due to car accident. Contributor is a pastor.
Michael M Probable NDE
Probable NDE 7504.
I looked over my shoulder and it was as though I was on the moon or somewhere else other than earth. I saw the blue-white sphere in the distance. I turned and looked back ahead of me and there was a soft yellow light in the distance. The floor looked like tile because of the light reflected from it. There was a man standing over to my right but he never said anything or moved during the experience. A feeling of love and peace came over me. In the background, I kept hearing the entity reassuring me that all was o.k. and that I was home.
Probable NDE vs possible anesthesia experience associated with dental surgery.