Exceptional Experiences

5556. Penny W ADC 3/10/2025. ADC 13197. Exceptional Experience. From the United Kingdom. He joked and said in his very normal, lovely sense of humor, "It’s a damn sight better than how it feels when you are alive, believe me." He laughed, we both laughed. I then went on to ask him how will I be able to know this is not just a dream when I wake up to tell the family. He told me straight away, 'Remember the number 16-80-08 and go and tell your mother, it’s to do with the hospital visit you both had with me. She will know.'
ADC dream with verified information she did not previously know.

5547. André R NDE 2/21/2025. NDE 13183. From France. Original in French. Exceptional Experience. Its radiance invaded my soul, its knowledge was infinite, I knew that I was in a world where everything was possible, there were no more obstacles, my mind could move in the three dimensions at the speed of intention and above all, cross walls, isn't it overwhelming?!
Exceptional NDE due to electrocution.

5542. Galadriel K NDE 2/11/2025. NDE vs STE 13175. Exceptional Experience. The last lesson was that my thoughts and intentions carry energy. Energy that impacts the fabric of reality around me, on people, on the Earth, on my future etc. Each person has free will to choose what energy they want to exist as, and that energy gets mixed with everyone's energy and thus the fabric of our reality is woven together.
Exceptional and remarkably detailed transcendent experience at age 10. No clear imminent life-threatening event, so NDE vs STE.

5538. Bristol O NDE 2/9/2025. NDE 13171. Exceptional Experience. When I was a spirit, planets were small and the people on the surface resembled dust motes… But when we moved about the space and I saw the planets where living people were, I could hear great noise emanating from them. They were very, very loud. I could hear planets before I could see them. I could hear shouts and singing and talking and laughing and crying and moaning and singing.
Extraordinary near-death experience (NDE) due to by severe blood loss from a ruptured ovarian cyst. It offers some of the most profound insights ever shared with NDERF.

5528. Tasha L NDE 1/4/2025. NDE 13147. Exceptional Experience. This space radiated what I can only describe as bliss, happiness, joy, euphoria, and above all, unconditional love and acceptance. I realized I could see all around me simultaneously; my vision wasn’t limited to what was directly in front of me. When I looked down at myself, I saw what appeared to be a semi-figure outline made of pure light or energy, shimmering with pale colors.
Exceptional NDE due to suicide attempt at age 17.

5508. Sharene E NDE 11/24/2024. NDE 13115. Exceptional Experience. While I was walking the four steps back to my body, I saw these 'waving ribbons' of colored lights. They were knee-high and when the ribbon of light passed through me. I felt the love, peace and joy that the ribbon contained. Then I knelt down, next to my body and looked at it. I thought, 'That body is still viable.' I KNEW that it was my decision, but I was torn.
NDE due to being struck by a truck. Part of NDE shared by emergency medical technician (EMT) who was at the accident scene.

5489. Johnny F NDE 10/16/2024. NDE 13081. From Sweden. Translated in English. Since I was 57 years old at the time, it was 57 years that passed in an instant. I got to see every moment from my perspective and also from the other person's perspective. It was excruciating at times and I felt a great pang of selfishness and self-absorption from me. Despondent, I said, 'I had failed.' But the light figure said with an almost humorous warmth in his voice, 'Nothing was wrong. Everything was perfect. As it should be.' He said that I was human and as such, it is not possible to do everything right. It was about learning. That love and its consequences mean everything.
Exceptional NDE due to respiratory illness.

5468. Terence M NDE 9/11/2024. NDE 13049. Exceptional Experience from Australia. Suddenly, there was no ward, no me, not any 'thing' – just brilliant, golden light as if reflecting from beneath a sea of seamless and endless golden clouds. The feeling, that no 'one' was feeling, was ecstasy, bliss and perfect peace beyond any earthly description. Not even one single thought intruded upon this ecstatic awareness, sublime in the extreme. Words fail to do justice to this experience that no 'one' had. There was no 'I' having this experience. Time ceased to exist.
NDE due to cardiac arrest at hospital with exceptional thought-provoking insights on his experience.

5464. Vicki W NDE 8/30/2024. NDE 13042. Exceptional Experience from Australia. One place was how a plant is created, this is a new plant but not necessarily meant for earth. I was asked to join, as apparently, I had done this before. I sat down with other students. We were given a mission to create a plant in a certain environment; and a certain bird that fed off the nectar. A beam of light took the successful plant and it appeared in a forest in an image that was projected directly to our brains.
NDE due to septicemia and encephalitis.

5457. Nick K STE 8/16/2024. STE 13028. Exceptional Experience But there he was, I knew him to be The Son of God. I remember thinking he didn't look like I expected him too when I saw him, he was like we picture him, pale white. He had these piercing, loving eyes and was perfection personified. It was at that moment I knew he could read my thoughts and we were communicating without words.
Exceptional STE with detailed encounter with Jesus.

5428. Will S NDE 7/6/2024. NDE 9986. Exceptional Experience. Off to my left, I saw a light in the distance. At first, it appeared to be moving slowly towards me; then I was suddenly being drawn towards it. In an instant, it was fairly close to me and began to intensely glow; like burning magnesium, only ten times brighter. The light had gorgeous golden, almost yellow, tendrils swirling around it. The color at its core was pure white. As the light hovered in front of me, I could hear a high-pitched ringing sound. I experienced the most profoundly overwhelming, astonishing, indescribable feelings of unconditional love, peace, joy, understanding, and acceptance.
Exceptional NDE due to allergic reaction to anesthetic. Shared about 7 weeks after NDE occurred.

5424. John B NDE 7/1/2024. NDE 9982. Exceptional Experience Only one question was answered, 'What do prayers feel like?' At that moment the answer came in the form of a massive jolt. I instantly felt every single person's prayer that was thinking of me, their loved ones, family they had lost, EVERYTHING! I felt every single thought. There are no real words to describe what that felt like because it was SUCH an overwhelming feeling of unconditional LOVE and PEACE! As soon as the feeling had hit me, it was gone just as fast, but that single moment felt like an eternity. Once the feeling was gone, I remember thinking 'Ok, I'm ready to go back.'
Exceptional NDE due to heart attack. Shared 5 days after the NDE occurred.

5422. Jonathan S NDE 7/1/2024. NDE 9980. Exceptional Experience My life review did not focus on how many f-bombs I dropped, how many women I slept with, how much I drank, my abandonment of religion, porn, money, nonsense, or how I might have acted like a child. It didn’t focus on really much of what we refer to as 'bad behavior' here on earth. What it focused on, in my case, was interactions with people. We looked at whether I used my gifts and talents to help people and how I made them feel during those interactions. I was shown how we are all connected - everywhere, everyone, everything, and how we are meant to be helping each other progress through our human existences. I was shown that our human lives are a collective movement, not an individual achievement.
Exceptional NDE due to undiagnosed severe sepsis.

5420. Matthew Mc NDE 6/25/2024. NDE 9975. Exceptional Experience As I lay there, a cylinder of light appeared above me and to my right. I felt this loving presence coming from the light and heard a voice that said, 'Matt, you have lived a hard life and there would be no shame in giving up now. But if you fight through, I have a plan.' I remember being able to think about my decision and the thing I thought about was wanting to spend more time with my children.
NDE due to loss of consciousness from vasovagal dysfunction disorder.

5419. Tomas S. NDE-Like 6/25/2024. NDE-like;STE 9974. Exceptional Experience from Lithuania I moved forward in the tunnel, losing my ego, and merging with others. I was ok with that, because it was like coming back to my true home. I got so much information and I got answers and views as well as feelings of all people involved. All I had to do was think about it and I would get a telepathic answer. I understood that it is impossible to remember everything. So I asked one question, 'What is the purpose of my life?'
Exceptional STE that is NDE-like with significant spiritual information.

5417. Dorin T ADC 6/25/2024. ADC 9972. Exceptional Experience. The source of the lights light came from far off to my left. I wanted to see the source of the light but it was apparent to me somehow that I would not be able to do that. I focused on the individual lights themselves and somehow knew they were all people. I could not make out features of all of their faces but recognized them as being like me. They were beautiful, individual beings with a connected, common peace.
Exceptional ADC dream with co-worker who died hours before his dream, though he did not know this at the time of the ADC.

5412. Leea W NDE 6/19/2024. NDE 9965. Exceptional experience. I found myself instantly in this incredible sea of living light. It's so hard to describe accurately as I was a part of this sea. It was in me and through me. This space of light was alive and nurturing. With me was a divine presence that I immediately associated with Jesus. I can only relate this experience as being in the universal womb of love. It is a love that is nothing like what we humans call love here on earth. I basked in this nurturing environment and received information via intuitive knowingness.
NDE with profound insights from unconsciousness due to post-surgical hyponatremia.

5400. Michael M NDE 6/2/2024. NDE 9946. Exceptional experience. I was hit with a burst of information and understandings. It felt like I just finished downloading the most amazing universal truths and my purpose. This is my home! I was home and felt relieved. I felt another presence approaching behind me. She was familiar to me, and we began to communicate through emotions (some kind of telepathy).
Exceptional NDE due to passing out, and falling with head injury

5380. Sharon Q NDE 4/30/2024. NDE 9915. Exceptional experience. I had to deal with my alcohol addiction. My personal self was having too many sessions of drinking until I went unconscious. I didn’t have the control I believed myself to have. I had to stop drinking or going numb by other means. This was non-negotiable and I knew why. I wholeheartedly agreed, too. I was offered a choice to return immediately to my current life and reenter my body, joining the scene below; or I could be born as an infant into another family as soon as possible to have my lifetime start over.
Exceptional NDE from crushing injury.

5378. Brad NDE 4/21/2024. NDE 9912. Exceptional experience. The architecture was very Greek in design, with columns and white marble. Here, I met with a love interest; a romantic, twin-flame sort of relationship. We spoke to each other at length, and I recall discussing with her that we'd be 'gone' for a while, meaning gone from each other. I was going to be heading back to my body and she would not be reincarnating back into waking life for quite some time.
Exceptional NDE at age 8 due to being overcome by toxic gasses.

5376. Wendy Z SDE 4/17/2024. SDE 9907. Exceptional experience. We are still in the tunnel and I realize I can no longer join them. I can't cross this point. I don't see a door, but I feel the tunnel ahead of us 'open' my grandfather goes first, his guide goes next and I feel the tunnel 'close'. I'm suddenly very aware of how lonely and cold I am. I hadn't noticed the warm, comfortable light coming from his guide until it was gone.
Exceptional shared death experience dream with grandfather at the time he died.

5351. Ciara B NDE 3/22/2024. NDE 9858. Exceptional experience. I had the thought, 'If I’m there, then how am I here? Where is here?' Then all my memories of this life and OTHER LIVES came flooding back. And I knew those other lives were mine, just as much as I knew my current life was mine. I saw flashes of so many lives and moments I had hurt other people or loved other people. There was no judgement in any of this. It was merely me observing me, without feelings. I felt another presence with me at some point after this. I say 'after this' but events were not linear or sequential. Everything was happening all at once. Though, I can only explain it as separate events because that’s the only way I can make sense of it for myself. This presence telepathically told me that, 'it’s time to go back,' and 'This was just a glimpse.'
Exceptional NDE due to medication injection for cardiac arrhythmia. Remarkable detailed NDE though she was unconscious apparently for just seconds.

5343. Robert RB NDE 3/14/2024. NDE 9848. Exceptional experience. I felt the presence of someone standing next to me, off to the side. I asked who he was. He replied he was an ancestor. I asked if he was my grandfather. He said, 'No, far older.' For some reason I asked if he was Atlantean. He replied, 'Far older.' He explained that he was part of the first colonists. I asked, 'Colonists of what?' He told me Earth.
Exceptional NDE due to unconsciousness resulting from ketoacidosis. The description of the black hole and the discussion with her ancestor are both remarkable insights into the nature of the a universe.

5340. Jen W NDEs 3/9/2024. NDEs 9841. Exceptional experience. 'What purpose?' I asked them. This is hard to explain, but growing and shrinking shapes also help explain their words. Their explanation was that everyone is here for a purpose, each purpose having an intention to a bigger purpose. This is like a rock thrown into a pond, each ripple then becomes a wave that pushes little pebbles up onto the shore, to where a bird might find it, using it to aid their digestion, while they fly over a barren land, dropping small seeds along with that pebble in a field, growing flowers for the bees later in the summer.
Three exceptional NDEs at ages 7-8, later in childhood, and age 18 due to car accident, illness with high fever, and during emergency caesarian section respectively. Includes apparent shared NDE at time her baby died during the emergency caesarian section.

5339. Gaby DC NDEs 3/8/2024. NDEs 9840. Exceptional experiences from Canada. Passing through the tunnel felt normal. So I started enjoying the sensation of weightlessness and absorbed the knowledge. The experience was like the universe was feeding me the information I needed to live my current life. When I saw the sand, I knew I was no longer in Ontario. In an instant, the feeling was loving and warm; I knew where I was: home.
NDE at age 3 ½ due to injury from fall down stairs, and age 32 due to episode of tachycardia immediately prior to planned arrhythmic defibrillation.

5336. Kali K NDE 3/5/2024. NDE and Premonition 9837. Exceptional experience. The most impactful part of this experience was reliving my most traumatic moments in which I was emotionally hurt by another. During those events, I not only felt every emotion that I had experience in that moment, but every emotion that the person inflicting pain upon me was experiencing. Not only this, but I also felt every emotion that the other person had ever experienced in their life up until that moment. This was incredibly enlightening for me, and provided me a grand sense of empathy and forgiveness for the most egregious harm I've felt.
NDE due to heart attack. Six months previously had premonition dream.

5332. Thomas B NDE 2/27/2024. NDE 9832. Exceptional NDE I saw a great Being at least twice the size of the others. This being was best described as a great white flame with a face and what appeared to be a human-like body of flame. This next part is hard to describe. I was looking at the Being far away and approaching. Briefly, I was face-to-face with this being, then back in the place I was held. Then I felt and heard a great voice inside me say, 'COME.' I was shot through the 'veil' I was being held in and into the place with the others. I shot through space and landed at the 'Great' Being's feet. This larger and much more powerful Being said to me one time, 'You are loved, you are accepted.'
Exceptional NDE at age 9 due to head injury.

5303. Lynnclaire D NDE 1/27/2024. NDE 9787. Exceptional experience from Spain. It was a sensing, a knowing and communion with other spirits that could only have been established eons before. Breathing into each other’s hearts and minds, aware that I was dying, I was equally aware that I was being infused with a vibrant knowing of a changeless love. I felt then and feel still, the golden cord formed by One, a bond of timeless love. Our intention was reestablished before this throne hidden behind eternity’s vein.
A beautiful, inspiring, and exceptional NDE accounts ever shared with NDERF. NDE due to traumatic brain injury due to hypoxia while in a hot air balloon race at 21,000 feet.

5262. Jeff H STE 12/4/2023. STE 9740. Exceptional Experience. The first energy download taught me why I was put through so many hardships since birth. It wasn’t by accident or by fate or by bad luck. They were all pre-planned. To make me stronger and wiser. All the pain I’ve been carrying around all these years was erased. It felt like I was reborn again. Then more waves of energy and answers came into me. This experience was overwhelming as they kept me on the floor, still in a fetal position, unable to stand. God showed me what he was. Not a man or woman or any physical form. God is pure love. Pure super bright white light of energy is the best I can explain it. God is everything and everywhere and we are a part of God. God is in all of us, good and bad.
Profound STE with extensive spiritual information.

5248. Steve D NDE 11/15/2023. NDE 9722. Exceptional Experience. At some point my entire life flashed before me. It was not in snippets of my life but somehow my entire life all at once. Some of what I saw and remembered made me feel euphoria, laughter and other times sadness, but again it occurred all at once. At some point, it was communicated to me that 'love is all that matters.' This meant love for all fellow humans, love and respect for the earth, for the birds, animals, and even insects. All things are from our Creator and we are all, everything connected at every level.
Remarkable NDE due to cardiac arrest.

5196. Cassandra A NDE 9/1/2023. NDE 9675. Exceptional Experience. I felt love and peace like I had never, ever felt before. Everything was the most beautiful golden light. I knew who I was with - they didn't have faces but they had auras and I could feel their presence and could absolutely feel their love. I greeted them there and looked around in awe. I knew they were the spirit guides of the universe; I knew they created it.
Remarkable NDE that was preceded with a pleasant MDMA drug experience, transitioned into an NDE due to asphyxia, then transitioned back to an unpleasant MDMA experience after the NDE. Fascinating example of the contrast in experience content between an MDMA experience and an NDE. This is like a rosetta stone for states of consciousness.

5168. Aridai STE 6/7/2023. STE 9591. Exceptional Experience from Mexico. I was standing in front of Vishnu. He was seated on grass in the lotus pose and wearing only a brown loincloth. Behind him there were clouds; the sky was pink and gold in color. At that moment I experienced a feeling that I cannot describe because I have never experienced it here on earth. I felt absolute peace; there was no pain, no suffering, and everything was fine. He explained to me that I was in a place that was above good and bad. Those things I saw are human but do not 'exist'.
STE during dream involving life review and encounter with Vishnu.

5163. April W STE 5/20/2023. NDE-like;STE 9586. Exceptional Experience. I thought how non-judgmental the spiritual world was. My will, was mine. There was a very large presence that was LOVE. It was so big, strong and it was everywhere. It was like the sunshine from the sun in that it could be felt and absorbed because it permeated everything. At that point, I could not think or feel because the love was that BIG. Love dominated everything. Yet, all knowledge, all time, and all being one were still not everything to this experience. The feeling of Love was so strong, it was the energy force that everything ran on. Every inch of millions of galaxies was full of the power of love. It was extreme and too much for me, but I wanted nothing other than to continue this experience and feel the love.
STE that is very NDE-like.

5159. Stefania B Probable NDE 5/8/2023. Probable NDE 9577. Exceptional Experience from Spain. Original in Spanish, translated to English by Camille. These beings knew me and I knew them and there was a deep bond between us. Being able to undertake all these processes of knowledge together, and at the same time to communicate with them telepathically, I never ceased to be amazed at the power that I was, and how I could have forgotten about this and had believed that I was that character who had oppressed me in this way on earth with its trivial needs. Knowing this, all the problems that I thought I had on earth seemed completely insignificant and even made me want to laugh with all my being. I have to add that at that moment, I was not thinking about my son or anyone on earth, and I was all abandoned to the pleasure of being myself and that all the search had come to an end.
Remarkably deep probable NDE at time of surgery.

5158. Angel G SDE 5/1/2023. SDE 9576. Exceptional Experience. I witnessed a light orb leave her body within minutes of dying. A concentrated white orb-light came out of her chest through the sternum, rose and hovered momentarily and then departed the room while accelerating. I thought I was imagining things until the physician assistant asked me if I saw the light. He said he had seen it before and that it was Vera's spirit. He also said he sensed a great deal of holiness in the room (as I did too).
Remarkable nearing end of life experience (NELE) and shared death experience involving wife.

5139. Peter P STE 3/1/2023. STE 9543. Exceptional Experience from Switzerland. Original in German, translated to English by Marguy. Then in the middle of life a light experience happens that sweeps away all the reactions about this imaginary separation and which dissolves the last doubts with this pure white light like a fog. It's the disintegration of a self constructed veil that prevented a realization that all people are entitled to have as their birthright. It's delightful to know that the light is the most wonderful symphony in the cosmos and that it contains the colors and the sense of touch of the most beautiful experiences
Remarkable STE while awakening from cardiac bypass surgery.

5136. Daniel B STE 2/23/2023. STE 9541. Exceptional Experience. With the 4th step my decision will have been made. I took my 3 steps! It was glorious, absolutely wonderful! I wanted to stay, but I wanted to hear the request too. I turned and walked away from the light. 'What is this request that you have for me?' 'I am pleased that you have chosen to learn more!', came the voice. I slowly looked up, and before me stood the form of Jesus Christ, just ten feet away.
Exceptional STE dream including encounter with Jesus.

5117. Sanna F SDE 12/29/2022. SDE 9509. Exceptional Experience. I believe I said, "She is seeing God!". My sister and cousin could not move as they just started in amazement. I felt compelled to get my mother and uncle who were in the kitchen to come and see what we were witnessing. They returned with me quickly. A total of 5 family members were beside my grandmother's bed as she was dying. Her eyes remained fixed on something above her as though she was receiving a message. Some sort of light (either from within or reflecting from her) was illuminating her eyes.
Remarkable shared death experience with five family members present with the dying.

5114. Doug C NDE 12/20/2022. NDE 9502. Exceptional Experience. I also remember being amazed that my sense of humor was still intact, and that I was still "ME" in this other place. I remember feeling so good and so light with no cares at all. I felt like I was finally going home and immediately was experiencing a presence through my being that I was communicating with instantly. It said to me first "Dont worry, we've got ya". Every thought I had was instantly answered as soon as I thought it. Time seemed to be irrelevant and I didn't care because I was enveloped in a blanket of what I could only describe as pure love and acceptance.
Exceptional NDE due to head trauma.

5107. Iain T NDE 12/3/2022. NDE 9495. Exceptional Experience. I was greeted by a strange, robed figure who led me down a path to a field. Numerous people were sitting there. I recognized my grandmother, great aunt, and a close family friend. All of them had died when I was younger. I ask the robed figure, "Who are you?" Instead of getting an answer, everyone else was asking me what I was doing there so early. I replied, "I don't know."
Remarkable NDE occurring during unconsciousness following two planes colliding near him on 7/17/22 (NDERF: https://news3lv.com/news/local/planes-were-approaching-for-landing-at-north-las-vegas-airport-before-crash-that-killed-4-ntsb-federal-investigators-nlv-southern-nevada-air-traffic-control).

5090. Dr. Phil P FDE and NDE 10/24/2022. FDE and NDE 9471. Exceptional experience from Austria. I feel my life is connected with all life on this earth. I see countless communicating crystals shining and flashing in different colors. Everywhere it sparkles and flashes as if this earth's life would also fight for its survival against the final darkening.
Remarkably detailed FDE preceding an NDE. In FDE, life review memories help him know what to do to survive the car crash leading to the NDE.

5083. Kathleen SDE 10/3/2022. SDE 9457. Exceptional Experience. The intense love being expressed through my heart while simultaneously hearing the thought, “I love him”, was so intense. I felt what I would describe as being crippled in love and awe. It was both an emotional and physical experience. I felt as if I was tilting my head into my left shoulder in awe, like one would do when witnessing the most innocent and beautiful thing you could ever imagine, while at the same time...my heart just swelled in love.
Exceptional and detailed shared death experience with father who died at the same time, although she did not know he was dying.

5080. Jeff L NDE 9/26/2022. NDE 9453. Exceptional Experience. I concluded that my brain's executive functions were intact. I decided to test my short-term memory. Sure enough, I could remember everything leading up to collapsing at the entrance to the emergency room. Not only that but I could remember all of it in exquisite, vivid detail. I then decided to test my long-term memory and arbitrarily chose 8th grade. Immediately, I was furnished a rush of detailed memories. The sharpness and vividness of those memories quickly overwhelmed me. I wondered, 'Where could all that have been stored?' I concluded that my long term memory system was intact and it was much broader and deeper than I believed possible.
NDE due to STEMI heart attack.

5075. Dianne B NDE 9/9/2022. NDE 9444. I then had a panoramic vision of the room. The baby wasn’t in a nursery, but a dining room with the table and chairs pushed across the room so the crib could fit. The room had wallpaper with ships on it and olive drab full length curtains. The room looked out to the front of the house with two big windows with bushes in front of them. It was dark and the house was quiet.
Remarkable NDE at age 2-3 months with very detailed OBE observations confirmed years later. NDE shared 56 years after it occurred.

5074. Marlon C Pre-Birth 9/9/2022. Pre-Birth 23501. It's very difficult to explain, but the consciousness of the older man, and my current consciousness either merged, or swamped position. I eventually penetrated what I initially thought was a wall. I was going to hit it and afterwards, splat. Instead, I squeezed through it, as if it was a thick liquid. I saw the embryo but was communicating with something telepathically. It was telling me I had to enter the embryo, but I got a glimpse of another place and wanted to go there. I was very adamant about not wanting to come back here, but, in a very soothing voice, it simply said, 'you have to go back'.
Remarkable pre-birth remembrance of observing man dying, aware of his consciousness apart from the body, then awareness of themselves as a sperm beginning a new life. Shared 50 years later.

5058. Rhonda M STE 7/27/2022. STE 23499. Exceptional Experience The main being said I learned enough about knowledge, now I was to go back and learn about love. The information about 'love' is not what we think of here in the physical world. Love is not sexual or possessive, but spiritual. Love is more like endless compassion, without judgment. I was to go back and learn about love. I was not alone; they were with me and guiding me and I would know I had the capability to communicate through this "tone of thought" that we were presently communicating with.
Exceptional STE with profound spiritual wisdom.

5043. Byun SS NDE 6/6/2022. NDE 9409. Exceptional Non-Western NDE from Korea. Original in Korean, translated to English by Teresa. When I arrived, this color like of a baby chick, encompassed me with feelings of extreme peace and I conversed with an existence that I could not see and talked with feelings of thought and felt the answers. I knew there was an existence, a being, that was in the distance but could not see. I had no physical body, I just existed inside extreme peace with great sounding music coming from somewhere. Suddenly, I remembered my siblings and thought of wanting to see them, and as soon as I thought this I was with my siblings in our hut and while looking at their faces, I felt nothing. As soon as I thought of a place I was instantaneously there, and while listening to the stories inside the bright light, I felt and realized that it was love.
NDE due to fall, and returned to consciousness while in the morgue.

5022. Kevin L NDE 3/20/2022. NDE 9362. Exceptional Experience, from Canada I was transported to the event horizon or beyond of a black hole. Could I do this if I was alive? The answer I believe is 'No'. The power of a black hole is needed for a soul to travel from one universe to another. I feel no sense of danger and I also realize that I have no sense of distance or movement, but now I do notice that I am falling toward this fissure. Before I can react, I am engulfed by this light. The light absolutely engulfs me and all I can see is brilliant white light. Even months later, I have trouble finding the proper words to describe this, It felt like this light had attached itself to my soul and it was also attached to all my emotions. Then it feels like all my emotions are being pulled like a stretching of a thick rubber band, except it feels like I have a million rubber bands that are stretched all at once and they are getting to the breaking point.
Exceptional NDE due to allergic reaction to wasp sting. Among the most profound and thought provoking NDEs ever shared with NDERF.

5017. Jessica Kay NDE 2/28/2022. NDE 9354. Exceptional Experience. I knew that every action may seem evil but it worked for the greater good. All was perfect in one way or the other. I asked about religion and the vastness of it all. The only answer I could recall afterwards was the word "dogma." This word stood for the concept that the truth was muddled by man's feelings. Although coming from our good intentions, it was inhibiting others from spiritually growing.
Remarkable NDE due to horse falling on her at age 5.

5008. Betty R NDE 2/11/2022. NDE 9343. Exceptional Experience. I saw myself lying in the road and was curious and calm. I saw the horse make the additional 2 miles around the road back to the barn lot and another worker catch him; mind, this was miles from other houses. I saw my friend and employer look the horse over, look out over the fields for me, and get in the truck to head out on the road looking for me.
Exceptional NDE due to severe head and neck injury. After NDE, remarkable recall of NDE in spite of substantial difficulty with memory of events after the NDE. She is now a hospice nurse.

5003. Harry T NDE 2/4/2022. NDE 9339. Exceptional Experience. The bits of light closest to me were my parents, grand-parent, family who all passed before - and connected to them farther away were close friends, and connected to them were people who had influenced me and whom I had influenced (student, acquaintances,etc) - and the people whom they had interacted with, but unknown to me, but connected to me by my interaction with everyone I had known and met in my life and had gone on before. All of those bits of life were relating how my life and actions had effected theirs.
NDE due to pulmonary embolus with remarkable life review and a message that may have saved his life.

4992. Al H NDE-like 12/25/2021. NDE-like 9322. Exceptional Experience. The life story of every single tree I can see(thousands), the landscape and city that existed previously, colors and shapes that do not exist here. It is at this point I take to just looking straight down at the ground as the information is too overwhelming for me. I begin to wonder towards something, I don't know what or why but I am drawn in a specific direction in the forest. I continue to walk for a good amount of time, and then I come upon a clearing and a river. Something I didn't notice before but in this forest there were no animals, they are all here. Lions, Tigers, deer, rabbits, cats, dogs, animals I've never seen before and do not exist on Earth. Everything is here, but there is no fighting, no hunting, no feeding, the animals do not attack one another.
Astounding SOBE, among the most remarkable and detailed ever shared with NDERF.

4989. Sarah B STE 12/13/2021. STE 9315. Exceptional Experience. From South Africa. I have always believed in prayer. It does not matter to me where it comes from – God, the universe, the earth, a higher power – any prayer is pure love. And I felt it. Because deep and far away, I heard something in the darkness. I heard voices calling me. It wasn’t as literal as that. It was an awareness that came to me. Though the dark space I had a clear, distinct, and real thought. It cut through like a beacon calling me. I know that this was the turning point for me. I
Exceptional epic struggle between life and death due to pneumonia and induced coma. Dramatic encounter with her husband who was dying at the time. Hallucinatory ICU delirium mixed with true spiritual experiences.

4981. Marijan H STE 11/26/2021. STE 9303. Exceptional Experience. From Croatia. Jesus spoke of slightly different things each time, but in the same context. He kept repeating that all people are connected to God, they just need to experience the knowledge of it. Everyone will experience it, but only at the moment of death. Those who come to this realization while they are still alive are extremely lucky, but in order to reach this realization they must deserve it with their faith, effort and deeds. He also spoke about the importance of love and understanding among people, about the equality of all people, about the need to do good deeds, the need to live in harmony with people and nature, belief in God and God’s order.
Remarkable STE with detailed awareness of Jesus talking.

4979. Joyce G NDE-like 11/17/2021 & 5/28/22. SOBE;NDE-like 9301/NDE 9406. Exceptional Experience No longer did I feel any burden of grief, no longer did I feel pain from my 40-year chronic spinal injuries, no mourning, no memories, just absolute release into the Light of Love! Home, as I now realize it! Incredible Love! At that point, I was only consciousness, taken before the Light of Jesus. Words fail to ever capture the Vision of His Glory, but the experience now is more real than anything I could ever realize on earth. Everything was so beautiful and healing! I felt as if I were dissolved into the Light, with no words to ever capture the experience.
Remarkably detailed SOBE while in line to receive communion.

4957. Angela B STE 9/7/2021. Prayer;STE 9268. Exceptional Experience As the angel stood to my left and my father spoke to me from my right, a very large, powerful presence hovered over the length of my body. When I noticed the large presence, my inner vision was changed to that of a crystal blue waterfall. The water was sparkling clear and the most beautiful blue I have ever seen. As I marveled at the sight of the water, the static sensation in my torso dissipated and was replaced with a sensation of liquid love rushing into my heart.
Prayer Experience-STE after taking too much medication for migraine headache.

4945. Beatrice W NDE 8/14/2021. NDE 9251. Exceptional Experience from Germany. Original in German, translated to English by Marguy. This was pure freedom and simply the most natural thing of the world, as if I never had been doing anything else. And I knew, 'THAT's my home, my original BEING, the original EXISTENCE of all of us, the home of ALL our souls. It's from here that I come and it's here that I belong. We all come from here and we will all come back here. A deeply familiar sensation of HOME and BELONGING pervaded me completely. I was ONE with everything. There are no earthly words giving me the possibility to describe this deeply anchored knowledge, this memory, and this beloved feeling of home.
Exceptional NDE due to loss of consciousness due to allergic reaction.

4926. Anne L NDE 5/30/2021 & 11/9/2021. NDE 9215/9293. Exceptional Experience. There were two angels who were there with me. I was first met by the male angel who was dressed like a lumberjack with black, converse, high-top sneakers. I was laughing over this because, I mean, nobody wears those. I was amazed that he would choose that fashion choice. I still laugh about that. The female angel had on a yellow dress with blue flowers. The dress had short sleeves and a collar that bent down the front and the buttons were pearls. She had a 1950s hairstyle and little, light colored shoes. The female angel held a clothesline between us. I couldn't see or hear the third angel because I had no telepathic connection with it. The female angel was giving me a lot of information and the other angels were worried it was going to interfere with my free will, so she was stopped.
NDE at age 17 due to passing out from septicemia. She is a nurse. Shared 40 years later.

4911. Niels W NDE 4/22/2021. NDE 9193. Exceptional Experience. I was given a life review while inside the void. During this review, I told the being to pause. I wanted to better examine the parts of my life. I was then able to view these events from overhead. The life review did not last long because I asked the being something that surprised it. 'Can I plan my next reincarnation?' I asked. The being said, 'Usually people wait until their actual death to choose their reincarnation.'
NDE due to complications during eye surgery at age 3-4. Remarkable discussion about his own reincarnation during NDE.

4907. Miguel A STE 4/12/2021. STE 23467. Exceptional Experience. From Spain. I thought to myself, 'I am who I am.' Why is that such a special revelation? Because the heart came from the Hara (the lower abdomen) instead of my head. It occurred as a physical sign, as if someone was writing it from within. It was as if lightning had carved the answer out of rock, or branded it with fire. That phrase clearly came from somewhere else; from another dimension, so to speak. Then there was something like an explosion in my Hara.
Remarkable discussion of brain vs. universal mind from having an STE while driving.

4881. Star E NDE 2/7/2021. NDE 9139. Exceptional Experience. Caution: Graphic violence. A pure, brilliant light engulfed me and I no longer had a physical body. But, I still existed? I had no eyes to see but I looked at everything around me. I was in the center of a vast nothingness, but the nothingness was not empty. It was completely filled with the presence of the living God. There are no words in the English language to describe where I was. I was in the middle of the Glory. Then the Lord wrapped me in His Love and held me to His breast. I was filled to every fiber of my being with His peace that passes all understanding. I felt the love He had for me.
NDE due to criminal attack.

4866. Anne W NDE 1/12/2021. NDE 9119. Exceptional Experience. I was the UNIVERSE in expression, and the Universe was within me, I was shown this, I KNEW this intimately. I was shown through energy that I was ONE with ALL THAT IS, ALL THAT EVER WAS and ALL THAT WILL EVER BE. ALL THAT EXISTED was within me. I was shown this and experienced this within every fiber of my Being. EVERYTHING WAS CONNECTED. I WAS EVERYTHING, EVERYWHERE; omnipresent, omniscense! I KNEW in this place of ONENESS that I was connected to everyone and everything. There absolutely was no seperation.
Exceptional NDE during unconsciousness at time of an apparent heart attack. Remarkable spiritual wisdom from person who is currently homeless.

4858. Anelia G NDE 12/27/2020. NDE 9108. Exceptional Experience. I saw my life on earth as a split second and a tiny fraction of what I was supposed to live. I thought to myself, the equivalent of ' was that it? No, this cannot be it.' At that moment, I had a clear understanding of who I was on a fundamental level. I am not talking about earthly attributes like gender, race or ethnicity. I am talking about the spirit me, for lack of a better term. I wasn’t a human form nor did I have an age. I just was. For the sake of explaining this experience, I am writing everything in linear order, however all of this happened simultaneously. It is hard to explain.
Exceptional NDE when she was just over one year old due to head injury. This NDE is among the best documented and detailed ever reported that occurred so early in life.

4847. Tony G ADC 12/4/2020. ADC 23463. Exceptional ADC From Australia. I yelled jokingly to my sister that someone was here. She entered the room and I described what I saw. She stated that it was her husband, wearing what she had buried him in. She brought the clothes especially for his burial. He came toward us and I could hear him clearly. He was not happy about a boyfriend she was seeing, what she was doing on their small farm, and other issues. She answered when I relayed his questions to her. She appeared to know what he was talking about. I had no knowledge of her activities or relationships. This went on for about 10 minutes.
Exceptional ADC involving about 10 minutes of questions and answers with sister’s deceased husband. Verified information he could not have otherwise known about what the deceased was wearing during the ADC.

4838. Sandi T NDEs 10/18/2020. NDEs 9082. Exceptional Experience. Caution, describes extreme domestic violence. The third race of beings could see us, and raised their hands in greeting. This prompted the others to do so, as well. It was a strange sight. We bowed and sent them blessings before moving on. As we went from place to place, I saw wonders everywhere. I was shown non-intelligent species. I was shown splendors of every kind, like waterfalls and being taken into the heart of a burning flame. I skimmed the surface of a sun, playing in the shifting energy and heard its jubilant joy at giving life to so many wonderful things. It was the most joyful, beautiful, wonderful, amazing experience anyone could possibly have. The size, the scope of it cannot be expressed. I met with incredible, spiritual beings like my attendant, friend, and my guide. They all were filled with contentment and joy.
Among the most profound NDEs ever shared with NDERF. Multiple NDEs age 3-7 as a result of life-threatening abuse by foster parents. Remarkable spiritual insights. The most detailed discussion of life on non-earthly planets in any NDE ever reported to the best of our knowledge. And much more.

4830. Estelle D NDE 9/29/2020. NDE 9069. Exceptional Experience from France. Original in French translated to English by Camille. At that moment, I never wanted to go back or to leave this Happiness. Then a magnificent lady, who was dressed in a luminous, white dress, was standing in front of this great halo of light. I was sucked into this light. This woman was very beautiful, but above all because of the kindness that I saw in her smile and the way she looked at me. I knew I was loved. I thought then that it was my grandmother who had passed away shortly before this experience. She seemed to be fully listening to the person behind her whom I call 'the luminous star'. I wanted to move forward, but she stopped me by waving me back. It was a very painful rejection that stayed with me for several years. I insisted, without using words, that I wanted to stay with her. Words weren't necessary. She listened to the luminous star who seemed to speak to her but I couldn't hear it. Then she told me, 'You still have things to do on Earth; you must go back.'
NDE due to being struck by car at age 16.

4800. Melinda G NDE 7/13/2020. NDE 9029. Exceptional Experience. At some point, a veil lifted. I was drawn into a long, dark tunnel that had a very bright, white light that was shining love. I could hear harps and saw my great uncle Harry Ed and Aunt Vickie. I was in total bliss and happiness. I was home. I didn't want to go back. I had a life review where I saw ever single event from my life. I saw every act of goodness and kindness. I saw every act of spite or ill-will. I also got to see it from the other person's point of view. Although time did not exist, this life review took forever but in reality it was only a blink of a second. I didn't want to go back because I was surrounded by love and the light was god. I realized that we are all brothers and sisters.
Very detailed NDE due to hemorrhage 31 days after childbirth.

4794. Sheila S NDE 7/1/2020. NDE 9025. Exceptional Experience. Jesus told me Kindness was so important. Treat each other kindly. We are all connected and He wants us to treat each other like royalty. It makes Him so happy. He cries a lot for us because the way we treat each other and how we treat ourselves. Even like many of us go to work we give our customers or patients everything. We give them all this joy and love and then at the end of day we go home, take off makeup, brush teeth or whatever. But as we're looking at the mirror, we're finding bad things about ourselves that we don't like. Then we criticize ourselves. This makes Him cry worse than ever because He sees us as absolutely perfect, absolute perfection.
Exceptional NDE associated with cardiac arrests. Met Jesus, and this is among the longest descriptions of encountering Jesus that NDERF has ever received. NDE discussion recorded by friend shortly after she recovered from cardiac arrests.

4769. Maureen K NDE 3/22/2020. NDE 8982. Exceptional Experience. Sensing the rapture that beautiful music evokes as waves is the nearest I may come to describing how breathtaking God appears and how melodiously God resonates. Everything around me was light and ethereal and warm and alive. Light was clearer and brighter than I had ever seen. Colors were beyond vibrant. I felt no fear. I felt no pain. I felt no judgment. I felt no blame. I felt no shame. I felt no fear here! Profound Love and Peace permeated every being everywhere. What I know to be the energy of Angels greeted me with the tenderest warmest energy. I felt embraced by them.
NDE due to suicide attempt. Over 50 pages describe a remarkable NDE and remarkable life changes following the NDE.

4766. Ben B's NDE 3/14/2020. NDE 8975. Exceptional Experience. I was in this pitch white room in front of a big mirror. I heard the lyrics from some music. It was the best sound ever. Better than any speakers I've ever heard. Kid Cudi (a rapper) was with me. I saw our reflection in a big mirror that was in front of me and thought we looked really, really good!! I couldn't believe how good we looked! I began to see my whole life play out in front of me in that mirror. I saw my whole life, everything I had done, and was proud of myself. It was the BEST feeling!
Ben Breedlove’s mother shares his widely known NDE that occurred 17 days before his death. NDE due to cardiac arrest as a result of Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy

4765. Susan H NDE 3/9/2020. NDE 8974. Exceptional Experience. From Canada. Where I am, there is no sense of time. Time as we know it on earth is linear and irreversible. Not in Heaven. There is no dimension to time. All is still. I inhale deeply. I am contented and satisfied in ways I could have never imagined as I absorb this quietude. I have no pain. I have no worries. I do not remember any sorrow. There is no hint of things negative.
NDE due to episode of unconsciousness during very difficult pregnancy (hyperemesis gravidarum).

4748. Debra G STE 2/2/2020. STE 23420. Exceptional experience I brushed off the telepathic ‘voices' and took a few steps. That's when I came up against something that I can only describe as an ‘invisible' wall, or a force field. I honestly can't describe it. I only know that I could not move past it. I was very confused and a little frightened because I did not understand. The ‘Beings' did not frighten me. I had no idea what or who they were, but I knew they were benevolent.
Fascinating STE experience at age 8 that took almost 60 years to understand.

4746. Alfred A NDE 1/21/2020. NDE 8950. Exceptional experience from Switzerland. Original in German, translated to English by Marguy. Standing upright in the boat, there was a man holding a lantern and he was looking towards us. I immediately knew him. It was Jesus! No wonder he was the only light to be seen far and wide. But I didn't care about him. I was completely lethargic about him. Finally he came ashore and stayed about an arm's length away from me. He looked at me with indescribably shiny, loving eyes and gave me a hug. I was immediately surrounded in brightness. Immediately, all my worries and burdens fell away from me. It was simply wonderful being bathed in bliss and love!
NDE due to suicide attempt with narcotics.

4740. Sarah B NDEs 12/22/2019. NDEs 8935. Exceptional Experience From Italy. Original in French. These three pure Beings spoke to me in a different language. They used my thoughts but it was different than thoughts. They reminded me that I had chosen to be incarnate on Earth and that I had to go back. I already knew that by being by their side, everything was coming back to me. They gave me so much love. I was at home and I badly wanted to stay. I didn’t want to leave, but I had to go back. That’s how it had to be. I remember laughing a lot with them. They understood me. They knew the difficulty of an incarnation, as well as I knew it before I incarnated on Earth.
Multiple NDEs from age 5-6 to age 16.

4719. Scott W NDE 11/11/2019. NDE 8914. Exceptional NDE I then left the earthly realm and entered into an alternate reality. I saw a lagoon that was surrounded by beautiful plants. Everything was soft to the touch. There were 4 or 5 entities who were present, but I could not see them. They assured me that everything would be all right and that I could leave anytime I wanted. They told me that this place was for me and it contained all the Unconditional Love I had for others and that they had for me.
Remarkable NDE which appears to have occurred during a surgery at a time his brain was completely drained of blood and filled with cryogenic fluid. “My brain was frozen for 100 minutes.”

4699. Ashley M NDE 9/17/2019. NDE 8887. Exceptional Experience. Then I was brought to a room full of other people and their spirit guides. Each of us were standing around something like a circular table. It had a dome in the center of the table. I looked into the dome and started my life review. I could witness and experience my life from many different perspectives. I felt what others felt from my actions from their point of view. It was hard to go through, but I knew it was to learn and grow from my time on earth. I remember hearing others cry, laugh, and other things because of what they did on Earth. My spirit guide told me it was okay, and that we are all loved; that this was not a judgment. I was told that we all learn best by experiencing it ourselves. God does not judge us.
Remarkable NDE due to accidental hanging at age 12.

4695. Frédéric R NDE-Like 9/3/2019. NDE-Like 8874. Exceptional Experience. From France. Original in French translated to English by Marguy. Almost immediately I felt a vertical movement without knowing if it went up (or down) and all the stones transformed into light. I found myself in the middle of a light of an inconceivable intensity. Compared with this light, the sun when looking it in the face looks like a weak electrical light bulb. This light was of a total transparency, to the point that normal light seemed dense and compact in comparison. Because of my feeling I knew without the smallest doubt that this light was God (while I was an atheist...) in the same way as you don't doubt the existence of the sun when you receive its beams. I couldn't reason intellectually anymore, I only sensed things. This light was loving me with unconditional love and it wasn't judging me. It made me totally transparent for myself, I saw the truth about myself without being able to lie to myself. I saw my life scrolling with an inconceivable speed, like thumbing through a book in a few seconds.
STE at time of distress that is very NDE-like.

4672. Bonnie J Probable NDE 7/4/2019. Probable NDE 8836. Exceptional experience. Then I went back to the cleansing pool a third time. This time, we went into the heavens. We went to the Pléiades and Orion's Belt. There, I said, 'Please stay in The Milky Way.' But we didn't stay there. We went to see the perimeter of the universe. There I watched The Elohim create a new nebulous. It was absolutely amazing! The colors were not anything I had ever seen. The patterns were from the Fibonacci Code that makes the entire universe hold together. The interesting patterns were growing faster than my mind could comprehend and I had to look away often.
Probable NDE due to severe asthma attack followed by cardiac arrest.

4663. Adriana G NDE 5/24/2019. NDE 8804. Exceptional experience from Mexico. Original in Spanish, translated to English by Chuck. I understood that she was giving me a choice. I was still me, Adriana. I was not my body, but I was my essence, and I began to ask myself what there was to return to? Why leave that place where I was so happy, so full, and with such great joy and love in my heart, when I heard my daughter’s voice, telling me, “Mom, I need you for my wedding.”
NDE due to complications of lupus.

4661. Rachel F NDE 5/22/2019. NDE 8805. Exceptional experience. From the UK. I felt completely accepted. Totally whole and loved. Loved beyond comprehension. Loved in my entirety. Loved with a Love I have not felt here. Loved with the purest love there can be. I felt I was 'home'. I felt I knew this place/space/being. It was light.
Exceptional NDE due to complications of a blood transfusion following delivery.

4650. Greg N NDE-Like 4/24/2019. NDE-like 8783. Exceptional experience. I recall stopping at the top of the tunnel and floating towards an open opening or portal. A strange feeling came over me that told me that I had arrived. Behind me was the top of the tunnel. In front of me was a demarcation point consisting of a bright blue sky with swirling white clouds around it. In the very center, I saw a massive ball of light of indescribable brightness. I knew immediately this was God.
Remarkable STE that is very NDE-like.

4614. William R NDE 1/15/2019. NDE 8726. Exceptional experience. With that said and understood, God took me back to my body. It was almost instantly in comparison to the journey to heaven with the angel. He placed me back in my body and was leaving when I realized he had not fixed my neck. I said, 'Wait! What about my neck?' God then came back and put his hand on the back of my neck. My neck began to crackle, pop, and make noises as things were going back in place. The warmth of his hand on my neck was a healing type of warmth. God began to leave and I noticed that my neck still was not right. I said, 'Wait, there is one more thing out of place.' God said, 'That is to serve as a reminder so that you will never forget what has happened.' God then went back to heaven.
Exceptional NDE due to motorcycle accident at age 15.

4613. Telesa H NDE 1/15/2019. NDE 8724. Exceptional experience. I was shown a small portion of what my future holds as my purpose in this life was revealed to me. My purpose is to love and be loved and to teach and be taught. I am to be a beacon for those like me, those who have experienced a life-altering reality and are seeking understanding. I was to raise my children to lead from their hearts and accept all of humanity to help them seek balance and understanding.
NDE due to unconsciousness as a result of pulmonary embolus.

4612. Emanuele NDE 1/15/2019. NDE 8722. Exceptional experience. From Italy. Original in Italian. Translated to English by Sarah. I intuitively went towards the stars. Before me unfolded a scene that I had never seen in my whole life. I saw dazzling, beautiful lights in so many colours, among which were white, pink, and gold mixed together. There was no tunnel. These marvellous lights filled the whole sky. I wanted to go towards the lights but was blocked by a collective presence. I couldn’t see the other worldly Beings, but I could feel their presence. I instinctively knew that this collective presence was 'God.'
NDE due to episode of unconsciousness following terrrifying earthquake at age 14 and a few months ago.

4601. Kerry B NDEs 12/15/2018. NDEs 8703. Exceptional experience. At that moment I looked up and saw my destination. I was looking in awe at God. It was like everything was happening at once. As I was staring up at God in amazement, every gay slur or violent act ever impressed upon me ran through me with such a flow. Events in my life played back in my mind like a movie. I felt a deep heaviness as I stared directly at an Almighty, Genderless God. I was thinking, 'Was this the Lake of Fire moment? Would I be cast into Hell for being an abomination?' With absolute humility, I uttered 7 words, 'I’m gay, will you still love me?'
Two NDEs. One due to hate crime attack. Another due to anaphylactic reaction from unknown cause. Remarkable discussion of her being gay with her deceased grandparents and God.

4592. Anni S NDE 11/27/2018. NDE 16098. Exceptional experience. From Denmark. Original in Danish, translated to English by Karl. I went to a peaceful place. It was so beautiful that I thought, 'The earth is like a film that hasn’t been developed. Not until we reach the other side, is the film developed,. Everything will be seen in beautiful colors that don't exist here on earth.' I saw a beautiful meadow. There were flowers and colors that were so fantastic that our earthly brain can't comprehend it. The colors we have here on earth are very pale in comparison to the colors I experienced in the spiritual realm.
NDE due to trauma to the central nervous system from medical procedure.

4571. Sandra M NDE 10/19/2018. NDE 8659. Exceptional Experience. I went into the ground floor of the main house and straight into the cook's room. I saw the cook asleep on his stomach in his bed in his very small bedroom. The back of his head was facing me. I was floating against the wall at the foot of his bed. I screamed for him in a panic, but the words that came out - it was energy. That same instant, he startled me because he jumped out of the bed and ran out of the room. He made it to the threshold of the door that led to the yard. He fell to a sitting position with his hands on his head.
NDE due to drowning at age 5-6. Her screaming at the cook and having the communication wake him from a sound sleep because he felt like the room exploded is very remarkable because she described her words in the form of energy and it is a clear example of how the other side can communicate with the living.

4558. Timothy V NDEs 9/16/2018. NDEs 8640. Exceptional Experiences. I was instantly in this place of golden light and pure love. I was standing in this area of light without boundaries. The love was incredible! I saw a group of people made of light. I wondered who they were. As soon as I thought that, they instantly came to me. There were about a dozen people and two of them came closer to me. One of person was a beautiful woman with auburn hair. She was dressed in a white robe and radiated light from her being. She was powerful, in-charge but full of love. The love surrounded us and it was in us. We were all connected in the love light.
NDEs due to cardiac condition that periodically causes loss of consciousness. Multiple detailed NDEs starting at age 17.

4538. Mache G NDE 8/4/2018. NDE 8606. Exceptional Experience. I felt like I was part of everything and everyone. I just floated up and could see other rooms. I later detailed conversations that there is no way I could have known. I lifted out of the hospital and continued ascending. I began browsing through time. I saw events from my short life. I later detailed things that occured before I could even talk. These were events I should not be able to remember but I do and in great detail. As I kept ascending, I felt at peace. There were no questions or unknowns. Time wrapped in on itself. There was no past, present, or future as we see it here. Everything happened now and all at one time. I felt no fears or worries. I began drifting towards a beautiful light and I wanted to touch it.
NDE at age four due to cardiac arrest associated with severe illness. Remarkable due to verified memories from earliest childhood during life review.

4537. Alma B NDE 7/30/2018. NDE 8604. Exceptional Experience. Suddenly, the huge white Orb of the Glistening Eye of God dims and a huge Golden-yellow Orb comes out from its right. I immediately sense that IT is the Light of Jesus. I am bathed in this Golden-yellow Light and healed, and healed, and healed even more. I cannot speak. It tells me, 'I Love you.' Its rays touched my body and I thought I would somehow be transported up those rays. They touched me and then the Golden-yellow Orb went back into the first huge white Orb, the Glistening Eye of God. A stone ledge then came out of the sky and a moving-art drawing of my life is presented to me. Then another, and another. I was having a life review. The drawings, where I was moving in them, were showing me that I was kind to people at different ages of my life.
Remarkable NDE due to seizure.

4515. Jeff H NDE 5/10/2018. NDE 8559. Exceptional experience. The things I was shown have been more like choices that were made when the options were fairly limited. The feeling at the time of the choice was simply 'This feels right. This feels like the right thing to do.' With that feeling is a sense of peace, and calm. I was told that if I were to continue in this life, that it would be unlikely that I would reach my potential. However, it seemed clear that starting over was a wild card and I was not shown anything about that. I remember meeting other people, and I get the feeling that these were people who had lived here and were there to help me decide what to do.
Remarkable NDE because as a child he was shown his future so he could decide whether to come back or not.

4500. Stefania S NDE 4/1/2018. NDE 8530. Exceptional Experience. From Italy. Original in Italian, translated to English by Amy. Everything that happens is perfect because it accords perfectly with a cosmic order in which we all take part. In an instant, I knew that the life we live is an illusion. It's not real because it's a creation of our minds. We continually create thoughts and then project these thoughts outside of the mind, just as cinematic frames are projected onto a screen. In that moment, I knew that real life is something other than what we think it is. We all are expressions of a Love energy. It is from which we come and where we are destined to return so as to merge once again in this original Oneness which our minds make us believe we have lost. This place is Paradise and our Union with the All.
Remarkable NDE due to complications following open heart surgery at age 16.

4489. Laurie L NDE 3/15/2018. NDE 8525. Exceptional Experience. Yahshael and I were teleported to the center of a vast golden field. I could hear the most beautiful music and I could feel it moving through me. The breeze blew against the tall golden wheat stalks, and as it did I could feel the spirit of all things living around me: animals, plants, the elements. I was one with them. I looked up and saw a huge ball of light that cast the purest, warm light all around me and felt God touch my skin. He knew me, he loved me no matter how imperfect my Earthly life had been.
Remarkable NDE due to drowning at age 19.

4476. Mark W NDE 4/17/2024 & 2/3/2018. NDE 9903/8503. Exceptional experience from the United Kingdom. I felt like it was deathless: that it had never been born and could never die, and it was the essence of meaning. I felt as though I was experiencing the heart of the true self. The experience was astonishing - a concentration of boundless love, wonderful intelligence and profound purpose.
NDE due to asthma attack.

4474. Lacee T NDE 1/27/2018. Shared NDE 8497. Exceptional Experience. From France. Original in French, translated into English by Marguy. Suddenly I was in a field of tall, beautiful, green grass that was undulating in waves—yet there was no wind. Overhead, the sky was pink/rosy/purple and I felt a strong sense of well-being, as if I were in a wonderful paradise—a sort of Garden of Eden. I saw my husband walking towards me through the grass.
Remarkable shared NDE with husband who died in crash.

4473. Dr. Robert Cole 1/27/2018. NDE 16095. Exceptional Experience. At first, it was the Light, a brilliant, white light, without reflection and without glare. Then, the feeling... of quiet jubilation, of peace and incredible serenity enveloping me. It was not ecstasy or any feeling I could identify, except perhaps glory in the warmest most positive sense of the word.
Psychiatrist's NDE in an email to his son Adam. Robert joined the light about 3 years ago.

4453. Lynn Z NDE 12/18/2017. NDE 8466. Exceptional experience. I used a wheelchair and was completely stiffened - so this experience of actually running was so freeing, so amazing, so wonderful! Looking forward, the tube seemed endless, twisting away into eternal space, but I didn't care because I was so free, and every running step took me eons away. Then I was suddenly in a beautiful place, with a meadow to my left descending down a rolling hill, and wildflowers, and a lush green forest in the distance beyond the meadow.
NDE due to complication of anesthesia. Though confined to a wheelchair in life she was ‘running’ in the experience.

4434. Ingrid H NDE 11/20/2017. NDE 8440. Exceptional Experience. Originally from Columbia where the experience happened. Next, I was looking at my mom walking down the street several blocks away from the house, coming up on her bus stop. Time and distance had vanished for me; I could be anywhere at any time. It wasn’t until that moment that I realized that I didn’t possess a defined form. I could communicate with everything and I was part of everything. It was like the Wholeness and I were one. As I sank into an atmosphere of pure bright light I had the clear awareness that before I became human, I was a being made of pure light, just as I was now.
NDE due to drowning at 2 (nearly 3) years old.

4426. Doug F NDE 11/5/2017. NDE 8422. Exceptional experience. Looking at the body, what arose was the perfection of the life just lived. This life could not be described as pleasant. In fact, it was filled with suffering and hardship. Yet it seemed so perfect as it was observed. Then other lives lived started to appear in a visual format. Each life appeared in a bubble; the entire life from beginning to end, in an instant, with awareness of every moment of that life as if it was just lived from birth to death. There were many lives, too many to count. Each life was perfect. Reincarnation is part of the human experience, but it is optional. Once I was aware of the addictions pulling me back to another life, then I was ready for what came next.
NDE involving reincarnation, bargaining about returning, and a detailed description of the dying process.

4421. Barbara D NDE 10/30/2017. NDE & Shared NDE 8419. Exceptional experience. I first looked for the sun, but found nothing that provided a light source for the daylight conditions. I then looked across the river, to see such an amazing world of mountains, trees, waterfalls, exotic flowers. Everywhere was green, green, green! It looked like our own natural world, but on steroids. There was so much life with colors, textures, light, and smells that were all in a state of absolute perfection and abundance. I could scarcely take it in.
NDE at age 13 due to drowning. Also a shared death experience.

4417. Teresa M NDE 10/22/2017. NDE 8410. Exceptional Experience. I could feel my mother's hysteria and distraught, as if her emotions were my own. I remember being overwhelmed with feelings of intense love for my mother and having memories of a past life that I had shared before involving both my mother & my sister. I also experienced a knowing of my mother's future through two separate scenarios. One if I decided to leave this life, and one if I decided to stay. The knowing felt like a gift being given and even though I had a 3 year old mentality I was able to receive this information as if I was a mature person.
NDE at age 3 due to accidental overdose of aspirin. Shared 51 years later.

4379. Aaron M NDE 8/8/2017. NDE 8350. Exceptional Experience. Running through the trees was something that looked like a cross between a Yak and an Orangutan - a huge muscular animal charging quickly by itself through the wild. I'm then shown more and more other places, some remarkable and some unremarkable. I realise just how huge the universe is. Earth is just a tiny part of an endless world.
Exceptional and remarkably transcendent NDE due to severe illness.

4377. Helen S STE 7/30/2017. STE 8347. Exceptional experience. I noticed as I looked out the window that I was one with the blades of grass and the rocks in the road. I was enveloped in a love I could not put into words. This divine love was in everything and in me. At the core of my being, I was this love and so was everyone else. In this state of grace, there was no right or wrong, no good or bad, and no judgment whatsoever. Fear was non-existent. There was no death and I knew that we all live forever. Everyone I met was love.
Remarkably profound STE.

4368. Virginie R NDE 7/24/2017. NDE 8334. Exceptional Archive. From France. Original in French, translated to English by Marguy. I was advancing towards a white light, at the end of this Passing into or through a tunnel, which was very bright. My little brother Philippe, who died 12 years before, took me by the hand and was smiling to me while taking me in front of the light. A strong, but not nasty voice, asked me why I wanted to die. I answered that the absence of my little brother was too hard for me, and that my mother felt resentful towards me because of Philippe's death. (He died with leukemia at the age of 7 and I was not compatible as a marrow donor. I was his only sister.)
NDE due to suicide attempt.

4367. Xue-Mei C NDE 7/24/2017. NDE 8326. Exceptional Archive. From China. Original in Chinese, translated to English by Jenny. Wherever my conscious went, He unfolded the answers before my eyes....”This world was made up of particles. When microparticles accumulated, it formed a world with thousands of “collective representations” (it meant specific images.) For example, as to many people the tree in front of a house is only a tree, while in this realm it is a stacked heap of tree-shaped molecules that are drifting and cycling forever. I did see the piles of molecules, flowing and surrounding this phenomenal world.
Remarkable non-Western NDE from mainland China.

4332. Graça P NDE 4/30/2017. NDE 8260. Exceptional Archive. From Portugual. Original in Portuguese, translated to English by Hector. I stayed watching the wave as it came nearer, waiting for what would occur. When the wave touched me, I felt it gave out love. It was a love so great that even if I added the love of my parents, my husband, my son, all the family and that which I felt for them, it could not be compared to this love more than a grain of sand to the desert. I had never felt anything like it. A new wave formed and when it came to me I felt loved in an unexplainable way. I wished to go to the source that emanated so much love.
NDE due to cardio-pulmonary arrest from allergic reaction.

4331. Anke E NDE 4/24/2017. NDE 8276. Exceptional Archive. From Germany. Original in German, translated to English by Marguy. On one of those visits at the hospital room, my spiritual teacher asked me to tune in to my physical body. He wanted me to feel inside and to get into clear contact with it. I felt it's CONSTRICTION, HEAVINESS, and it's limitations But I also was aware of it's creativity as it was constantly renewing. It had inconceivable possibilities and it's very own way of communicating with me. I was allowed to explore it and let it, for the first time, tell me it's 'stories'. Upon this extraordinary experience, followed the most important question I ever was asked in my life: 'Now you are allowed to make a DECISION! IT'S YOUR CHOICE. Do you want to return into this/your body, or do you want to tell it good-bye here and now?'
NDE from suffocation by fire.

4317. Karen T NDE 3/19/2017. NDE 8250. Exceptional Archive. My guide took me inside where it opened into an enormous library full of tables and lined with books. Many spirits were studying different books and my guide communicated that this hall held the Book of Life described in the Bible. We continued to a back room where some spiritual Beings were sitting in chairs that circled around a screen in the floor that was like a glass bottomed boat. They communicated that I was to watch my life and then scenes like a 3D hologram appeared. I was able to re-experience myself in all these events in my life, but just as importantly, I was able to experience the impact of my actions and words on those other people with whom I had interacted. Not one of the spirits condemned me for those painful things I had done or not done, but I felt so very sorry and sad about them within my own heart. It all seemed to happen very quickly, but had a tremendous impact on me. I got the impression that these spirit beings had been with me and had helped me plan my life before I was born. They let me know that I would be able to return to my life, if I chose to do so. Then they showed me through the same screen some future events in my life if I chose to return to it. Some events would definitely occur and some events were possible but not definite.
NDE due to bleeding out during surgery.

4315. Sharon M NDEs 3/14/2017. NDEs 8247. Exceptional Archive. I saw an old fieldstone wall with pink roses growing up and over the wall which stood halfway between the garden and the golden city. As I stood there next to the magnificent golden wall, a tiny brown and white beagle puppy wiggled at my feet demanding my attention. As I leaned down to pet him, he barked and wiggled all over with such joy while allowing me to rub his soft little puppy belly. As I continued to rub his tummy and play with him, I looked up and saw hundreds of people pouring out of the beautiful garden and begin walking through the tall grass and wildflowers of the meadow. Each person that I saw had an angel walking with them. The angels were taller, dressed in light blue and white colored robes and they were much more illuminated than the people. The people walking with their angels were laughing and talking among themselves happily.
Many NDEs.

4301. Dr. Simmi M STE 2/18/2017. STE 8229. From India. The same year on 27 July, suddenly in the middle of night my room got filled with something foggy and colorful at the same time. I saw Chinese Goddess Kwanyin. My son who was suffering with very high fever suddenly improved. Even he witnessed Kwanyin and he still remembers this experience quite vividly. Later, I started seeing some vibrant rainbow-colored geometrical shapes. This I came to know only last year in September that all these years I had been perceiving Flower of Life.
Exceptional STE over time with profound spiritual insights.

4294. Katherine L NDE 2/6/2017. NDE 8213. Exceptional Archive. After the life review, I was taken before more beings which seemed to be wiser than the two who brought me to my life review. I communicated with them about my decisions during my life review and areas where I could improve. While it was a collaborative process, I had deep respect and reverence for these beings. I felt that they loved me completely and without any judgment. In psychology there's a term to describe this called 'unconditional positive regard.' I felt completely sure that they had this feeling for me. This surety felt like a warm glow of light around me. The conclusion of these conversations was that it wasn't so much a decision of doing the 'wrong' thing in situations, or making unwise choices, but that the times of greatest challenge for me were times in which I could have acted but chose inaction. It was concluded that when I returned to earth, I must choose action and use my experiences and feelings to guide these actions so that they be an act of love.
Exceptional NDE due to blood loss during laparoscopic surgery.

4288. Heather V NDE 1/29/2017. NDE 23192. Exceptional Archive. Then I began getting an information download. There was no talking, just information going into me with absolute love. It was very clear, very loud, and very certain, that We are ALL VERY IMPORTANT TO GOD. We are all deeply, deeply loved by God and that Life is suppose to be hard but that it is some sort of proving Ground for God to create him. The message was that our lives are deeply important to God and to the existance of the universe. Our Love we have and the love we cultivate on earth, especially for people we have a hard time liking, that love somehow expands the universe and does some very important things.
Exceptional NDE due to cardiac arrest prior to beginning surgery.

4284. Wilson FDE 1/22/2017. FDE 8200. Exceptional Archive. At no stage did I see anything whatever that resembled what we humans would think of as an afterlife or spirit world or life after death realm. It’s as if we are either on the outer surface of the wheel itself, in one of its realized worlds, or else we are dead and we are the wheel itself. The wheel is a space where all uncreated possibility exists, but nothing completed or actual. And bear in mind that nothing was concealed from me. I was the ALL, and knew the ALL. I certainly don’t retain it or pretend do, but I knew it then.
Remarkable fear-death experience with awareness of multiple possible realities associated with apparent imminent fatal car crash.

4280. William C NDE 1/19/2017. NDE 8195. Exceptional Archive. Then I looked in front of me and saw my deceased grandmother. She was standing just in front of the 'White Light.' The light radiated warmth, light, love and anything I needed to know. I also noticed other figures off to the left of me. They seemed peaceful in pairs holding each other and swaying with the music. My grandmother delivered the choice to me. I could stay with her or go back to my life. She told me that if I stayed, everything would be o.k. She said that if I went back to my body, it would be the most challenging experience I would ever endure.
NDE due to complication of feeding tube following car accident at age 17.

4244. Karen M NDE 11/19/2016. NDE 8141. Exceptional Archive. I kept shrinking until I was just like an atom, perhaps? I could see each particle of the cloud and what we looked like down to our tiniest level. It was beautiful; we were beautiful. I had shed the sense of my body very quickly. I was simply nothing and everything all at once. I eventually left the cloud, still with no sense of a 'body.' I was me. I was pure energy, purely beautiful and whole. I was pure love and yet still 'me.'
NDE due to cardiac arrest during surgery at age 14.

4213. Tricia B NDE 8/25/2016. NDE 8086. Exceptional Experience. One of the most important lessons that was transferred to me by the light is that love is all that matters. Though this seemed like a hippie slogan or a paraphrase from the Beatles, the message sunk into me on a deeper level. Every interaction is meaningless if love is not attached to it in some way. A prayer is meaningless without love. A sermon is meaningless without love. A religion is meaningless without love. The prayers of those who loved me felt like wind, slowing down my progress toward the light. Though their love felt sweet, and reminded me of my life on earth, their prayers did not stop my desire to keep going deeper into the light. I’ve always been an adventurous soul, and this was the greatest adventure I’d ever been on. When I returned to my body, it felt like a dark wind had engulfed me. I still felt one with everything.
NDE due to cardiac arrest during surgery.

4210. Robin L NDE 8/25/2016. NDE 8083. Exceptional Experience. We are standing on this cliff edge facing each other. He nods his head to the right toward the open space. He is showing me our next step is off the cliff edge. He offers both of his hands to me with his palms open. If I were a newborn baby I would fit in the cradle of his large hands. I step closer to him. With complete trust I put my hands in his. My hands look small and perfect in his. We inch our feet toward the edge. I curl my fingers around his and squeeze tight as we leap off the cliff together. We begin falling into black night and total silence. There is great ease in staying together just as when we had our feet on the ground. Now instead of being held steady by the ground, we are surrounded by sky. It does not feel like wild falling, it is peaceful. We have a relationship with every star. Some stars are becoming further away, while others are coming closer. He looks at me with pure love, and with his voice speaking inside me he tells me, 'This is dying.'
Abducted at age 8 from America and brought to Africa. NDE due to bullet grazing her head.

4197. Ali A NDE-Like 8/7/2016. NDE-Like 8066. Non-Western NDE. Originally from Algeria, living in France. Translated to English by John. Since I had been electrocuted at 360 volts, it was expected that I would die. Yet, it happened that I came back to life. I’m grateful that I came back with a wonderful discovery. I am instilled with Security, Peace, Love and Trust in the Beyond.
This is a remarkable NDE-like experience promoting love and peace.

4193. Marina P NDE-Like Experience 8/2/2016. NDE-Like Experience 8059. From Spain. Original in Spanish, translated to English by Sean. I felt peace and tranquility like inner and outer peace, peace, peace and more peace. There was complete and serenity wrapped in a sense of timelessness or eternity. I had the sensation of living there all my life, as if I had always been there. In fact, I had no memory at that moment of the identity I now have. I didn't remember anything from my current life, including my name, age, or the fact that I live on a planet called Earth. I had no memory of what it is to be a human or about anything that comes with it like eating, sleeping, or travelling. I felt love and ecstasy. This is the hardest part for me to talk about because trying to explain this sensation with only words degrades the experience.
Profound NDE-like STE that started as a meditation experience.

4174. Diana H NDE 7/2/2016. NDE 8034. My next realization was that I was no longer frightened about not being able to breathe on my own. I was at peace and very aware of the steps the doctors and nurses were taking to save my life. I understood all the terms they were using and could comprehend that I was not alive as far as they were concerned. I became aware of is the state of each person's relationship with others in the room. There were suddenly no secrets and yet, there was no judgment on my part, but rather an unconditional love. I felt very much loved at this time and I wanted to extend that to the others in the room. But they could not hear me.
NDE due to complication of pregnancy.

4167. Jeffrey C NDE 6/29/2016. NDE 8024. The Blessed Mother asked me what I thought of what I learned. I told her I thought it wasn't right that I had to put up with people hurting me, that Jesus was suppose to protect me, and if I was going to go back that I wanted him to make it right. He looked at me and said, 'My son, I can not cause pain to another, I can only heal those who are broken.' With the arrogance of youth, I tried to pull the old 'I want to talk to the manager' routine and demanded to talk to God. The Blessed Mother said, 'You can not 'see' God.' Jesus spoke up and said, 'No one can see God.'
NDE due to suicide attempt. Remarkably transcendent.

4165. Celso NDE 6/26/2016. NDE 8022. From Paraguay. In my particular case, God took the form of a luminous warm water. It does not mean that a luminous warm water is God; it is just that for me it became a representation of the concept God because it was with the experiencing of the luminous warm water that I felt the most connection with the eternal, with the source of the life force. Despite this image still being a somewhat poor representation of God, for me it does entail all the overwhelming emotional qualities of the genuine concept of God. It created in me that profound emotion, that feeling that shakes all the molecules of each one of your DNA helixes and changes your life forever. Believe me, once you have had such experience, your life will never ever be the same!
Exceptional NDE from a biomedical engineer due to drowning; remarkable observation of the time in his watch during NDE.

4158. Bobby R NDE 6/5/2016. NDE 8010. The place seemed to expand for all eternity. I do remember a being of light, God, standing near me. It was looming over me like a great tower of strength, yet radiating only warmth and love. Its first words sent a shock through me, 'Bobby, I'm sorry for the pain this meeting will cause you. When I created the Universe, I put rules and limitations in place. Every time you come here, it changes you, because this is your second time here. You will remember more than you're supposed to, and it will cause you more pain than you know. You will suffer as no one in your family ever has, and I can't change that.'
NDE due to respiratory arrest caused by asthma at age 4. Remarkable awareness of future events. Was born legally blind but could see perfectly in NDE.

4141. Steven D NDE 5/9/2016. NDE 7981. The next memory I had was trying to stand up, but it was like I was slipping on a hillside with lose rock like shale. As I looked up, it was dark and there were three crosses. The man's face on the cross in the middle had a 'slash' of light illuminating his face, mainly his eyes, but just from his face you could tell he had been severely beaten. But his eyes - to this day I get emotional when I think and feel the complete love, compassion and caring I felt he had for me.
Exceptional NDE due to heart attack.

4126. Deborah L NDE-Like 4/26/2016. NDE-Like 7961. My brother began motioning to a white marble bust on a pedestal that had no head or arms, just the torso. 'One thing that you have to understand about our cousins is that they just didn't have it in them to be any different than they were when I was sick. Look at this bust, it has no arms. You wouldn't expect a person without arms to play the piano or to catch a ball. It's the same concept with our cousins and how they behaved. They didn't have it in them to be any different.' I nodded and looked at the statue. His words seemed to make sense to me. 'If you carry bitterness and hatred towards them in your heart, you will only end up poisoning your own life,' he continued, 'You must consider them as souls who are spiritually handicapped.'
Detailed ADC Dream from her brother.

4107. Sharon M NDE 3/17/2016. NDE 7925. For me, all He did was love me throughout the review of my life. Not a word was said, and it was over in a blink of an eye. It was after the life review that I heard a male voice say, 'What you put out into the universe will come back to you'. As I stood there in the garden, I noticed once again, how beautiful and brilliant the colors of the flowers, the trees and the grass were. The reds were redder, the pinks more pink, and yellows more yellow. The colors were so much more vibrant than any colors I had ever seen. The air was sweetly fragrant. It was so clean and clear. The grass felt cool to the touch, like on a beautiful spring day. There were birds singing in the trees, and I saw a stream where the water glistened like diamonds in the sun as it flowed over the rocks. I heard music, which was more beautiful than anything I had ever heard before. It was then that I noticed everything had its own pitch or sound. The trees had a sound, the leaves on the trees had their own sound, the grass had a sound, the rocks had their own sound, the water had yet another sound, and so on; and, when you take all of those individual sounds and put them all together, it sounded like the most magnificent symphony and choir ever created, and what’s even more amazing, was, everything and everyone in Heaven was singing praises to God.
Exceptional NDE where she met God and Jesus! Remarkable in many ways.

4065. Philip S NDE 12/13/2015. NDE 7855. But then I was caught off guard, because this perfected royal figure was not there to see them. It came to within an inch of my face and smiled at me with the same concern a parent would have for their child after they been involved in an accident. I still couldn't see, hear, smell or taste, but my feelings returned. This royal figure just smiled and gently said something to the effect of, 'My child, why are you here? It is not your time to be here, I have to send you back!' This incredible figure sensed my concerns and added, 'Don't be afraid when you return back to Earth and make mistakes, just live your life the best way you can and try to show the unconditional love for the people you meet, the same way my subjects shown their unconditional love for you! Don't be afraid if people believe in me or not, just have faith that anyone you meet will be touched in some way or another from your experience and let me handle the difficult job of judging people if needed.' I felt this Royal figure gently pick me up and take me back to my body that seemed billions of light years away. The journey back was so much more peaceful as we headed back to earth.
NDE due to cardiac arrest. Extraordinary understandings on time and location from NDE.

4055. Sharon NDE 11/18/2015. NDE 7839. I then noticed a very soft, yet worn-looking, flow and fold of a light blue and gold robe. I could only see the legs of the person wearing the robe. I knew He was God. I wanted to see His face as I moved closer, but I did not. During my travel toward the light, I recall hearing gently softly-spoken words. I somehow knew that I needed to remember the words. I recall feeling slight frustration that I was having difficulty remembering the words, but after a while, I had 'memorized' them and recall feeling relieved. The words I was being 'told' were: 'Seek not to understand so that you may believe, but seek to believe so that you may understand.' I then felt myself being pulled back and away from the light. I did not want to go and recall feeling sad. I tried to fight being pulling back. Yet, I continued moving backward.
NDE due to pneumonia. Shared by a nurse. Experience shared less than a month after it occurred.

4040. David N Possible NDE 12/30/2011. NDE 6135. Exceptional Experience From Australia. As the angel took me up out of my room and up towards the upper atmosphere it was talking to me the hole time and telling me things about the reasons as to why we live and learn on Earth to help us to evolve our spirit. The Angel told me that it was 'all a learning experience.' WE moved on from there into heaven where I was taken to a Beautiful building that had a clear ceiling that you could see out to the heavens. I was introduced to family ancestors and people that I had met that had passed over. I was filled with love and joy that I can not describe when I was in there presence, It was like we could feel each others love and joy as though it was one energy. The angel gave me time with the past family and friends and then we moved into another part of the building to a room where I met two Very wise male figures who spoke to me about my life. I absolutely loved being in their Presence.
Exceptional Possible NDE that is at the least a NDE-like STE. Remarkable spiritual wisdom. He submitted this in 2011 but was just diagnosed with sleep apnea, so it is possible that this could be a NDE.

4019. Cristine H Experience 9/14/2015. SOBE 23053. I took notice of the flowers, of how they were alive and they were immersed in a love that was pure. To this day I can cry thinking of it. The garden’s colors were also alive with hues that made every other colors at ‘home’ dull. The flowers moved as if a gentle wind always was present. It was sunny but the sun never hurt my eyes. The temperature was perfect and I felt a sense of wellbeing as I never have. The sun lit up the petals and wings, making them transparent and I would fly in to enjoy the intricate designs (like I did inside the kaleidoscope)
Among the most remarkable SOBEs ever shared with OBERF. Sudden visit to a beautiful realm with remarkable descriptions of her experience there.

3993. Duane S NDE 8/15/2015. NDE 7743. As I was shown around, it was explained to me how most of our celestial, eternal knowledge is blanked-out during our chosen life spans on earth. We must temporarily forget most of what our higher-self already knows so we can immerse ourselves in the roles we have chosen to play. Furthermore, they said that it might take a while for all my knowledge and memories to return. To ease the transition back into this realm, I was told to think of my time on earth as an extended visit to the ultimate theme park. Consider it a place with thrilling rides and various adventures that I could choose to experience or not. I was also reminded that the reason we leave the celestial realm at all was for the excitement, variety, adventure, and entertainment that different incarnations offer. However, to take all our celestial knowledge with us on our various adventures would have ruined the very experience that we had chosen to live. Someone there said that I should think of our trips to other realms as choosing a new novel to read. I can choose a new book, depending on what I am in the mood for. Furthermore, if I knew every turn and twist of the story, line by line, prior to reading it, it would spoil the fun.
Astonishing exceptional NDE due to illness.

3991. Mohammad Z NDE 8/14/2015. NDE 16083. Non-western NDE from Iran. Original in Farsi, translated to English by Amir. One example of my life review was when I was a little kid. We were traveling by car and stopped somewhere along the way. There was a river not far from the road and I was asked to go and bring some water in a bucket from that river. I went to fill up the bucket but on my way back, I felt that the bucket was way too heavy for me. I decided to empty some of the water to make the bucket lighter. Instead of emptying the water right there, I noticed a tree that was alone by itself in a dry patch of land. I took the effort to go out of my way to that tree and emptied some of the water at the tree base. I even waited there a few seconds to make sure the water is soaked in the soil and is absorbed. In my life review, I received such an applaud and joy for this simple act that it is unbelievable. It was like all the spirits in the Universe were filled with joy from this simple act and were telling me we are proud of you. That simple act seemed to be one of the best things I had ever done in my life! This was strange to me, because I didn’t think this little act was a big deal and thought I had done much more important and bigger things. However, it was shown to me that what I had done was extremely valuable because I had done it purely from the heart, with absolutely no expectation for my own gain.
Exceptional Muslim NDE from an auto accident.

3982. Joschua B NDE 8/2/2015. NDE 7737. I could see myself under the water and I remember feeling no attachment to the body. I floated higher and higher above the scene and could see a great part of the city below me. I still had a human form while floating up, it was like a 'ghost body'. I remember looking up into the sky and then being somewhere else. This place was like being in space except with no stars. Wherever this somewhere was, I had no human form. I was like a small ball of yellow light. Though in darkness, I knew I could see in all directions at once. Around me appeared other orbs of light. The orbs were other people who had passed away. We all glowed with different shades of light. Some were more pink, some were blue and I was yellow. I remember that all of our thoughts flowed into and out of each other simultaneously. Despite this, I could still process my own thoughts. I knew that the lady near me was in her 30s, that she had died in a car accident leaving behind children but she was at peace with the fact that her husband would care for them.
Exceptional NDE due to drowning at age 6.

3970. Bill VandenBush 7/6/2015. NDE 16081. Interview Recorded by NDERF 3/5/2004. Transcribed by Amey G. 7/5/2015. Beyond me, I could see that there was a beautiful setting. It was almost this pristine meadow and water and I wanted to move there. I had this feeling that I needed to move toward that. But as I did, another being approached me, one that was obviously someone that was in charge, someone in authority. And that person said that I couldn’t go on, that I had to return – go back where I’d come from. And he told me that I had a higher purpose to fulfill and that I’d be fulfilling that purpose and that at some point, after that purpose was fulfilled, I would return to that place.
Exceptional combat NDE from during the Vietnam war.

3947. Untimely Departure by Sonia Berkallah S17.TV 6/3/2015. NDEs 16078. NDERF has a wonderful partnership with S17.TV which is a French WebTV all about NDE. The studio is set up like a news room and is the next big movement towards getting the word out about NDE. Sonia is also the organization behind the European NDE conferences. I urge people to visit her website S17.TV NDE WebTV and support her world changing efforts. She has also released her documentary movie 'Dearly Departed' in English and in French.

3942. Nancy R NDEs 5/17/2015. NDEs 7674. When I was there, a landscape of gently rolling hills surrounded me. Flower-filled grassy meadows spread out on the hills around me and huge deciduous trees in full leaf, trees larger and more grand than any here on Earth, surrounded the meadows. A barest sense of a light mist, as if it were a humid summer morning, clung to the tops of the trees. The sky shown a very light blue, similar to what you might see at the ocean's shore, with wispy clouds and a very bright but somewhat diffuse golden light. That was the visual. But there is more to Heaven than what we can see with our eyes. Below the surface visuals was a well of feeling fueled by love, peace, and an abiding Presence that I will call Spirit or God. Through the landscape around me I sensed a profound feeling of peace, “Brightness,” goodness, and love. The Beauty I felt really does deserve a capital “B” It wasn’t just pleasing to the eye, there was something deeper to it, more harmonious, more blessed, more powerful. Everything felt tied together by love and peace, and the beauty of the scenes around me were the product of this unconditional love. While the beauty of Heaven took my breath away, the sense love completely ensnared me and made me want to stay there forever. I felt a deep sense of that love flowing through all things around me: the air, the ground below my feet, the trees, the clouds, and me. I felt the love flowing around me, flowing through me, and eventually capturing me by the heart. I felt supported by a loving Presence so powerful, yet so gentle, that I cried again. I had never experienced such unconditional love and acceptance in all of my years on the planet. It felt as though this place were built from love and peace on a very grand, cosmic scale. What I realized (and was later told by my Guide) was that love formed the structure or underpinnings of Heaven. Each soul might see the 'landscape' differently, but all sensed and 'saw' the love that formed the basis for everything in the same way.
Exceptional NDEs due to being hit by a truck while riding a bicycle. Remarkably transcendent.

3938. Rob N NDEs 5/10/2015. NDEs 16076. Exceptional. I soon came to realize that I was feeling the power of GOD. The love, warmth, peace, and tranquility was also caused by the shadows that were surrounding the tunnel. What I thought were tree branches, were not tree branches at all. They were the people that I loved who had passed before me. They were surrounding the tunnel while holding, guiding, and welcoming me home. I was so content and so complete. I felt the most incredible combination of feelings one could ever imagine.
Three NDEs, one from a heart attack and the other two from surgery complications.

3899. Mira S NDE 3/8/2015. NDE 7602. I realized that the real goal of the mind-created life game was to remove the veil of delusion and ignorance and reach the Ultimate Truth of one's reality in life itself. This Truth, this Self I was bathing in and which had encompassed my Being, was nothing but Love. The Truth was Love; pure, unconditional, Universal Love, that is almost non-achievable in human terms. It was the fabric of this Consciousness of which I was a part. Yes, because Love is God and God is Love. It was very clear that the cosmic composition was made up of nothing but Love! Love is the God-glue that is holding ‘All’ together. I realized I was not just inside the Love but rather, one with 'It', this Universal Body of Love, of God.
Astounding Hindu NDE with profound spiritual wisdom.

3891. Ana Cecilia G NDE 2/25/2015. NDE 7572. From Mexico. Original in Spanish, translated to English by Sean. A little further up, I saw another large layer of branches. This time there were teenagers, people of middle age, and people just growing old. I saw harmony, serenity, and happiness. People smiled and I felt strengthened. The voices were clear harmonious and fluent, the communication flowed in a natural manner. The atmosphere was total peace, and completely full of love. There was also a fountain surrounded by flowers of every color, in the centre of a large garden. The water cascaded in different rhythms forming images and it's sound was in harmony and was amazing. The people were sat down around themselves and talked and smiled at one another. They didn't talk with sounds from the mouth. It was as if just with the mind they could say everything and I could hear them. There were people leaning in the garden reading a book, or just enjoying the Sun. The countryside was fantastic.
Amazing NDE!

3885. Scott W NDE 2/15/2015. NDE 7578. I did feel consciousness forming but not like we know or understand. It was just doing its task. It was doing what it’s supposed to do and that’s all it knew. Then it became clear all of it, all things knew what it was supposed to do. Something was directing it. I could tell, even though it had consciousness, it seemed as though it had surrendered its Will and accepted it’s truth to the Creator. Then my Grandma reached for me and took my hand as we started back. The universe was full, absolutely full of strings of light and energy. They were pulsing, they were moving, and we were in it, part of it and it a part of us. DNA stretched for eons; memories, connected, intertwined but all moving according to the Light. I could see molecules, atoms connecting, intersecting, building and becoming new life forms and consciousnesses. Galaxies, stars, fish, trees, air, water, man are all patterned forms, built from all over the universe. Then we were back in the field, but it didn’t stop there. I looked at my Grandmother and the Light. Everything opened up, illumination poured through me, out of me and in me. It can’t be changed, or threatened. It can’t be manipulated, or colored. There are no Illusions or fairy tales about it. It’s here. Each is at its own time, in its own evolution, doing its own reality, living its own consciousness. We are part of it and it a part of us. We truly have nothing to fear, we are really loved. There is a power so great, that it can only be called God.
Exceptional NDE due to cardiac arrest at age 42. Remarkable experience in heavenly realm. Astounding spiritual insights.

3875. Rachel E NDE 2/10/2015. NDE 7553. I was no longer a body floating above the pool. I became time and space. I could see the entire universe and it was not like when you watch the Nova channel. It was different because I was the universe. I was everything. Sound disappeared except I could hear my debate. My debate was not sound. My debate was made of time. I could enter my body, my body was a piece of time in space. Or, I could stay out of my body and be everywhere, part of everything, which would be a different type of time in space. I asked the question, 'Should I go back into my body?'
Exceptional NDE at age 12 due to drowning.

3864. Franziska R ADCs 2/5/2015. ADCs/Other 7539. From Switzerland. Original in German, translated to English by Marguy. I woke up in a white chalked-up African hospital room. Far up, in the high room, there were two small windows through which dawn came and immersed the room in blue light. The whole room was vibrating with total love. Elage was welcoming me cordially. He was healthy! I sat with him at the little table and had to laugh for a start. It was like a prison that I could not get out of. The windows were too high up and the doors locked. Then we were talking as if we had not seen each other for centuries. We laughed, giggled, and reflected about the world. We solved all problems that exist and ever existed or ever will exist. Then he got up.
Exceptional ADC and pre-birth remembrance.

3853. Yvonne N Probable NDE 2/1/2015. Probable NDE 7527. I realized that I was sitting on what looked like an enormous wing. It was bright, colorful, the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. The brightness it was so intense that it should have been blinding, but it didn’t hurt my eyes at all. My vision was acute there. I could see even the tiniest detail clearly. The wing was auburn and gold and then browns too.
Probable NDE due to surgery for brain tumor.

3852. Leonard K NDE 2/1/2015. NDE 7526. When the concept finally sank in it was like a big celebration, and I got introduced to a lot more people. Both of my great-grandmothers on my father’s side stayed with me, and they introduced me to my great-grandfathers as well. Both of them were very nice, and the love that we all shared together was something that is hard to describe in words. It was intense and automatic.
Extensive writing about an astounding NDE due to complications of emergency surgery at age 8 and shared 51 years later. Exceptional experience!

3843. Jennifer W NDE 1/21/2015. NDE 7516. Completely non-judgmental, yet clear and precise was the voice inside my head. I learned why I was dying and how it would affect my loved ones. More information kept flooding my consciousness as I listened, learned, and understood profound life conditions of the past, present and future. I became my own proof of individual divinity, blessed with immortal life, by the infinite mercy of God's unconditional love.
Exceptional NDE due to drowning.

3839. Arshan NDE 1/19/2015. NDE 16074. Non-Western NDE from Iran. Original in Farsi, translated to English by Amir. I was flying and entered into a gray-colored environment. I tried to reach a gray and dusty light that was moving in front of me. As I got closer to this light, it became brighter. The light looked like a vapor or smoke that is lit up under a street light. It was formless and had colors of blue, orange, yellow, and gold. I didn't know what it was. The light didn't bother my eyes and wasn’t blinding. I was pulled towards the light with great force. The closer I got to it, the more joy and peace I felt. After a while, I noticed Beings similar to me but they were more brilliantly colored and were moving slower than me. Then I was surrounded by my deceased relatives. I was feeling so much joy and lightness from seeing them. I felt they were there to help me. Their body was transparent and luminous.
Detailed Muslim, non-Western NDE that is virtually indistinguishable from detailed Western Christian NDE.

3837. Carson D NDE 1/14/2015. NDE 7511. Slowly everything went dark. I heard a roar of what sounded like an engine, and then there was nothing. I remember standing up and seeing my body lying in my bed. I felt very calm. I turned to see my grandmother standing there in her pink dress. I knew it wasn't her as she had passed away only months before. She smiled and held out her hand. I took her hand and the next thing I knew I was flying and moving incredibly fast! There were these beautiful beings all around me.
NDE due to illness at age 11.

3812. Penny W NDE 11/23/2014. NDE 7469. I see my body in the bed and it is very still. My friends Megan and David are now in another room, a waiting area. I am omnipresent both with myself in my hospital room and in the waiting room. David and Megan are discussing that if I survive this, I need to have a person that can make my medical decisions if I cannot. This conversation and the location of it have been confirmed. My attention is shifted back in the room. The conversation in the waiting room between my friend and my son and what is going on in my room and the ICU are happening all at once but I am able to shift my attention between the two.
NDE due to anaphylactic shock and need for resuscitation in ICU. OBE observations confirmed.

3794. Bronwen C NDE 11/1/2014. NDE 7446. From New Zealand. I found myself traveling rapidly upwards into the sky. I had an immensely joyous feeling of lightness. I remember looking back at my crumpled body on the rock below and observing that ‘I’ was not my body. I could see everything below me very clearly. Below was the Hawkesbury River, with the beautiful bush surrounding it. I was heading towards some very beautiful cumulus shaped clouds. I had no fear, only joy. I looked back again and saw my boyfriend, who I was very much in love with, standing beside my body. In real time, this would have been several minutes after I fell, as he was quite a ways behind me and it would have taken some time to get down the steep cliff. I was a long way away by now and still traveling upwards, but I could feel exactly what he was feeling. He was very distressed. My heart filled with compassion for him, which I guess was what brought me back.
Exceptional NDE due to head injury from fall and an encounter with an angel.

3784. Anna A NDE 10/27/2014. NDE 7433. From Greece Her thought came into my being and I could feel and see things through her mind and sense exactly how she meant it. I ‘told’ her, ‘I would so love for you to be with us and play with your grandchildren’. She ‘answered’, ‘Don’t you worry at all! Before this child was born, we went together to all the gardens and lovely forests and we laughed, played, and sang together. Besides, now that I'm here I can protect you much stronger than if I was there, weak and ill.’
Exceptional NDE due to blood loss after delivery.

3774. Nichole BD NDE 10/11/2014. NDE 7417. I was running in a grassy field toward a giant sun. I remembered looking down at my legs and they were short to the ground: I was a child again. There was another child holding my hand and running beside me. It was a little blonde hair boy with blue eyes. The most amazing part was a pure feeling of the most intense love I can barely describe. It was just wave after wave of pure love. It was within me, it was around me, it was EVERYTHING. It felt like heartbeats of love, one wave of love after another. Yet there was love in the interim as well, and then the wave would come with even more and more. It was endless, eternal and complete. I had no fear whatsoever. I had no feeling other than LOVE. I had no thought other than reaching the LIGHT. I felt pure happiness and joy. It was the most beautiful feeling that words could never even come close to describing. The closest thing I can think of to relate it to on this earth would be the moment I brought my child into this world.
NDE due to apparent complication during surgery.

3772. Elle D NDE 10/11/2014. NDE 7413. I observed my parents making love and was drawn to them, experienced myself in my mother's womb, then my own birth and relived my life. Not so much the various experiences but what it was like to be myself at each stage of growing up, until I became an old woman and died again.
NDE due to strychnine ingestion. Interesting frightening aspects of NDE until she surrendered- and the experience became blissful.

3754. Ricardo AH NDE 9/19/2014. NDE 7379. From Mexico. Original in Spanish, translated to English by Erika. After several minutes we approached the mountains in front of us and the cloud was increasingly larger and brighter. Its whiteness was impressive and that glow was growing more and more; it approached me until it enveloped me. In the light of the cloud I realized that its color was white, but with a slight golden hue. I felt at that moment peace, joy and absolute tenderness, as if that light burned me and gave me complete serenity. I was subjected to a love without limits comfortable as if on one’s lap. I felt welcomed, loved unconditionally, forgiven for all my mistakes in life. Everything disappeared, the sharp sound, the voice of my companion, the panoramic view, everything. Well I was there, enjoying the peace. In the light of the cloud, I didn’t see my body either. I found myself joined with the light and full of happiness.
Exceptional NDE that happened two months ago from a priest going unconscious.

3753. Wendy G NDE 9/7/2014. NDE 7373. From Canada The next thing I saw was a meadow in the mountains with indescribable beauty. The sky was the bluest blue; the grass was the greenest green. All colors here are extremely pale compared to there. I saw my grandmother, running with children, towards me. She took me by the hand and we were at the beginning of a bridge over a small creek. We talked for what seemed like hours about my life since she had died. I had just turned 9 years old when she died. We also talked about when she came to let me know that she died, to say goodbye until we would meet again and not to be sad. She was so vibrant and healthy, despite dying of a brain tumor.
Detailed NDE due to cardiac arrest during surgery.

3741. Sam J NDE 8/16/2014. NDE 7352. Creator/God/Great Spirit said to me, ‘You’re going back.’ Exercising my free will and choice (Yes, I have that kind of relationship with Creator/God/Great Spirit that I feel just fine talking back) I said, ‘No I'm not’ Creator/God/Great Spirit said, ‘Yes you are. I have 'stuff' for you to do.’ With that, a bolt of energy came out of the energy form and zapped me.
Exceptional and thought-provoking NDE due to apparent clinical death with absent brain function.

3737. William H NDE 8/9/2014 & 12/12/2010. NDE 7340/4948. Each of us, as an individual sphere of communion seems the embodiment of two complementary halves: Understanding and Memory. While Understanding seems the principal characteristic of the higher soul, Memory seems to be the principal characteristic of the lower soul. As I experienced it, Understanding is our individual portion of the limitless Knowledge of the One Soul, the evolving insight we possess into the Way of the One, our individual spark of immortality. Memory, on the other hand, is the accumulated impressions of all the lifetimes we recall, the sum of all the personalities we have yoked to our soul, our enduring storehouse of mortal treasures.
NDE due to cardiac arrest.

3718. Tina G NDE 7/15/2014. NDE 7307. The right screen showed a happy joyous occasion, Sofie was graduating, throwing her hat in the air. Johnny was hugging the whole family. The children are well on their way to a successful life. Corey and I held hands tight we were so happy. But the pain, it was agonizing. I took a breath in but I could not breathe out. I felt as if someone had hit me with 100 sledgehammers. This is how I would live for a period of time, I would have to heal for period of years but, I would know my purpose. Could I endure such pain for my purpose?
NDE due to aneurysm rupture.á Remarkable simultaneous future visions of the consequences of returning to life or not.

3700. Michael Joseph NDE 6/9/2014. NDE 7210. I ended up with a life review, and was escorted around 'the other side' by a being who was my guardian angel/teacher whom I came to call 'professor' but he had an incredible sense of humor. I say 'he' with tongue in cheek because 'he' was neither a he nor a she. I saw what happened to true atheists (apparently, I was opened minded enough that I didn't qualify). I got to see various 'heavens' and asked to see what 'Hell' was like if there was one (and there was but it was nothing like I expected). I even asked to meet Jesus and apologize only to meet a man that was nothing like I expected and was given interesting historical facts I was later able to verify.
Two NDEs as a teenager.

3679. Nicole E Friend Experience 5/26/2014. Secondhand Other 32304. Michael said that he remembers me stopping for gas and asking the attendant for directions to the hospital (TRUE). He said that he wanted me for his mommy because he liked my voice when I was speaking to the attendant. ( I did stop for gas and I was kind of lost going to a rural hospital, so I asked for directions). Then he said that he remembers that the parking lot was partially closed for construction, so I had to park on a corner and run to the hospital… Then Michael said the most incredible thing. He said that while his "real mom" was in labor, he asked God if I could be his mom because he knew that his "real mom" wouldn't survive very long, and he was afraid of being alone on Earth. Apparently he was told that he couldn't have me for his "real mom" but that everything would be OK and he would still get to be around me during his life.
The most remarkable pre-birth remembrance ever shared with us. Exceptionally detailed observations of boy about to be born confirmed years later by a friend present at his birth. Nicola E did not share her email address- we are asking her to email us.

3666. Robyn F NDE 5/3/2014. NDE 7209. I left my body and passed through a tunnel of light, which took me to a door of brilliant light. The door opened. I knelt down and saw that I was dressed in a dark robe of some sort. As I knelt, I looked up to see Jesus in front of me nailed to the cross. He looked down directly into my eyes. I've never seen eyes like those before or since. As he looked into my eyes, I asked him, without speaking words, 'What do I do?' He answered without speaking words, 'Forgive him.' As he 'said' the words, it was done. The forgiveness happened in that very instant.
Exceptional NDE due to brutal murder attempt by husband she was going to divorce. Remarkable communication with Jesus that saved her life.

3645. Ronnie D NDE 4/12/2014. NDE 7188. As I approached the light, I felt no fear nor was I worried about anything. I felt everything was okay. As I walked out of the tunnel, everything got very cloudy, but I could make out figures of people walking towards me. I did not see their faces; they just walked by me on my left and right. I walked further away from the tunnel and got scared again. Afraid that I would not find my way back. I kept hearing water dripping like being in a tunnel with an echo. I walked some more and came upon a pair of steps. The steps were solid gold.
NDE at age 15 due to sledding on snow into the path of oncoming car. Remarkable sense of slowing car that might have saved his life. Apparent inexplicable recovery after being run over by car.

3626. Madeleine NDE 3/23/2014. NDE 7154. From Mexico. Original in Spanish, translated to English by Manuel. At the time this was happening to my body, I saw myself standing at the same place, seeing how my body was on the floor. I didn't have any feelings, physical pain, and any stressors, neither fear nor anguish. I lost perception of time. I don't know how long I spent observing myself on the floor, trying to understand why I had fallen, smacked myself so hard, and not felt any pain.
NDE from teenage suicide attempt.

3620. Romy NDE 3/9/2014. NDE 7153. From Australia I looked back at my childhood. I could enter pictures there. From each picture, moment or thought, there was always the possibility to access that light that separated between it and the next picture. I could also see all the thoughts I had all my life. Their ‘pictures’ were as strong as the pictures that depicted action or words. I was amazed to see that our thoughts are that strong, so real. It looked as though they were also threaded on a string of light. I realized that everything that happened to me and every single thought I had, created an imprint.
Exceptional NDE from a lady originally from Isr'l resulting from car accident in India. Remarkable and detailed comments on life review. Received information in experience that likely saved her life.

3601. Carlos K STE 2/23/2014. STE 7124. The whole of Heaven was loudly celebrating and rejoicing with me on my arrival! I was back!!! I could ‘hear’ heavenly bells, trumpets, angelic choirs, laughter and all kinds of happy, joyful sounds of infinite gladness, for which we have no name here on earth, because those things do not exist here. I felt the unspeakable, all encompassing, unconditional Love of God for me. It felt really ‘personal’ and because of its unconditional character is almost incomprehensible. To the point where I thought: ‘All this Love for me? Who am I? I am just a boy who grew up in a middle-lower class family, in a regular neighborhood, went to a regular school. I have no accomplishments. I’ve never done anything remarkably special. I'm just a regular guy, a normal human. What have I done to deserve this? Is ALL this LOVE really for me?’ The moment I finished that thought, I was instantly ‘swallowed up’ by this amazing Love. ‘I’ was completely GONE! There was nothing but Love. No me, no God: just eternal, incomprehensible, indescribable, total, complete, absolute LOVE.
Exceptionally profound STE. Among the most remarkable and detailed STEs ever shared with NDERF.

3596. Lauren K NDE 2/9/2014. NDE 7116. I left my body and went into an aura of all white light! It was totally warm and Peaceful, pure Love emanating through me and around me. At that moment, my Grandfather, who had passed away earlier that year, appeared to me and we embraced. ‘My darling, you have a decision to make.’ I knew the decision was to stay or to come back. At that moment, I had an opportunity to view my life.
NDE due to trauma as a result of an accident while being towed behind a car in a snow saucer. Remarkable dialogue about the later need for a tracheotomy (and that she would be okay) if she chose to return to her body, or what her cause of death would be if she chose not to return to her body.

3584. Tammy H NDE 2/2/2014. NDE 7060. Exceptional Experience. I did not feel scared or confused. I felt calm and curious about the activities below. I was too high up to see the people in enough detail to identify them. I felt as if my back was against a barrier. I knew the barrier was not visible to me; but, if I turned around and examined it, that I would move through it. I did not question this knowledge. Beings, loved ones or friends did not meet me. I did not see 'the light'. The feeling of total calm and peace did engulf me. My focus moved from the people, and I found myself very curious about a row of pine trees along the right fence line and how it looked. I remember thinking: 'So, that is what they look like from up here!'
NDE due to head injury as a result of a fall from a horse at age 13.

3556. Donald C NDE 1/19/2014. NDE 7060. After this, my Gram and him talked and she turned to me and said, ‘You have to go back.’ I think I even surprised myself, when I said ‘no, I want to stay here.’ At this point, Gram said that would make my family very sad because they love me very much. I said, ‘no they don't’ and was told to look. As I looked down, through what I thought was a television, I could see my sister and my brothers trying to revive me. My older sister was digging the mud out of my throat and nose. I was surprised. I could hear her saying, ‘Donnie breathe, Donnie breathe, please’, as she slapped my face. Then my Gram bent down, and while on one knee, turned me around and looked me straight in the face. With her hands on my shoulders she said the words that would haunt me, ’Donald you've got to go back, but remember. Remember You Are Part of Something Very Important!’
Exceptional NDE due to fall from a tree at age 10.

3554. Eruera M NDE 1/5/2014. NDE 7053. From New Zealand I looked around at the trees and made a conscious decision to look at the trees because there was an aura of warmth and care emanating from that direction. When I looked at the trees, again they were aware of me. Exuding from the trees was love and acceptance.
Exceptional NDE due to injury during rugby game at age 15.

3553. Gillian M NDE 1/5/2014. NDE 7054. My next recollection is being in a vast, seemingly endless, space filled with brilliant white light. I recall no limits on perception, no binocular vision, but panoramic/spherical/360 degrees: hard to describe. I spent what seemed like a long time, certainly not minutes, hours, or days; more like weeks, months, or eons. Time was meaningless. I was with a group of beings that I felt I had known for a very long time. It seemed like more than 12 minutes and less than 25 minutes.
NDE due to cardiac arrest in a physician. Extensive and interesting discussion about the NDE.

3523. Sarah W Probable NDE 11/23/2013. Probable NDE 7003. This time when I was thinking them to myself, like I had so many times before. I was getting answers back. It was a male's voice. His voice was soothing and calming. It was the perfect pitch and music to my ears. I was going over in my mind what I always had. 'Why won't God protect me?' I heard 'He will'. I said 'He will?!!' He said 'Yes.' With each answer, I could feel the weight of worry come off my spirit, much like the saying, 'the weight of the world on your shoulders'. I asked, 'Why won't God stick up for me?' He told me the things I was dealing with were all temporary. I told him I didn't do all those things of which I was being accused. But, no one would believe me. He said 'I believe you.' I said 'You do?' I can't tell you how great it felt to have someone believe me. I was still staring out onto Earth. It was so close to where I was. I was in awe of the size and colors.
Exceptional probable NDE at age 14. Epic experience in the unearthly realms and with Jesus with answers to her deepest life questions. By classification rules this is a 'Probable NDE', but what you read here is the real thing.

3521. Yazmine S NDE 11/16/2013. NDE 6992. From New Zealand It was in and with everyone and everything. It had always been in and with everything. It was/is, Truth and Love and Compassion and Joy and All. This Goldenness held all information. It was the One Mind. It contained the creation of all of everything ever created. I felt, I experienced everything that has ever been and ever shall be. All is simultaneously occurring. There is no past or future. It all just IS. There is no way to describe the immaculate beauty of this experience, though every day, for the last 35 years I wish I could find a way. Bliss, is a mere descriptive word, yet does not give to you what I wish I could, but yes, ‘bliss’ is close, in a way.
Exceptional NDE due to blood loss following miscarriage.

3519. Lisa T NDEs 11/9/2013. NDEs 6988. I suddenly saw what appeared before my eyes as an old movie screen of my life being played out: from the very day of my birth, all the way to what would have been my funeral. As I watched my family crying, I cried out, ‘No! No!’
Three exceptional NDEs at ages 10, 19, and 40 due to head injury, drowning, and cardiac arrest during medical procedure. Remarkable insights!

3452. Joan LH NDE 9/17/2013. NDE 6896. I went from being in my body to being in a place of absolute Love. I can only describe it like being in a swimming pool, but even my body was filled with this Loving. I was one with it, but also apart from it. I was still me, but I was far more than me. I was one with everything: it was ALL good. I did hear beautiful music, but it wasn't like our music. The music itself was part of me, but I don't think I was singing. It was more like it was just part of me and I was part of it, but it was much more than just me. I felt weightless and free: absolutely free. I was enfolded in this Loving, and was part of it, too. There was not one single part of me, or part of anything else, that was not love. Individuals did not exist in the same way as we do here. I was still me, but I was also part of The Loving. I simply KNEW things without hearing a single spoken word. I WAS love.
Exceptional NDE due to complication of spinal anesthetic. Contributor is a nurse.

3401. Dr. Bell C NDE 6/30/2011. NDE 16052. I was captivated by how the cognitive experiences of our body differed from that of the soul. Whilst our body is connected to the surrounding world through the five senses, our body relies on sensory cell to detect the outside stimuli, and make the mapping to a particular group of regions within the brain where the signals were received and interpreted, such as images and smell. In contrast, the soul does not require sensory cell to connect to the universe at all. Instead, it works in a way similar to telepathy. In that different state, my vision and hearing actually followed my changing mind. In other words, I saw and heard what I thought about. I was in active rather than passive cognitive processes. My perceptions were no longer restricted by any physical object or distance, because in that state I comprehended things through its basic forms similar to energy. That was a brand new cognitive experience to me.
Non-Western NDE from a PhD Psychologist.

3399. Mukurarinda D NDE 7/28/2013. NDE 6820. From Rwanda. I went and entered that room and found there Jesus Christ. He welcomed me in his office and had me sit before him while in between was a small table. Before anything, he stretched out a file with some written papers and he started to read everything I had done on earth until the time I ascended to heaven. Then He closed the file and asked me, ‘Do you agree to have done this while on earth?' I accepted all. While reading them, it was like a video or like you are doing it that moment. There is no way to reject it whatsoever. He told me, ‘I want you to go back to earth. There is something I want you to do. After you will finish it you will come back here in heaven and live here forever.'
NDE in Rwanda at age 17 . Contributor became a missionary.

3389. Garry R NDE 7/14/2013. NDE 6802. As I passed out I exited my body and found myself floating in the center of the room. I was aware of the entire room, my stuck body, and the surroundings within and without the house. I was also aware of a sort of shimmering fog that surrounded the area and that was growing more distinct and substantial by the moment. While I felt very calm and very peaceful, I was also aware of a sense of very real urgency in that, if I did not get help soon I would not be able to get back. I was aware of my sister playing outside in the yard with our friends and I moved out through the second story window and down into yard.
NDE at age 9 due to suffocation. Interesting apparent communication with 4 year old sister while in OBE that saved his life. Remarkable observations on OBE state.

3379. Bolette L NDE 6/20/2013. NDE 5437. From Denmark. Original in Danish, translated to English by Runi. Everything was sharper and I could focus on it when I wanted to. Colors were clearer and vibrant. My field of view was all around. It was so beautiful and all the colors were unearthly beautiful. I was so happy and calm during all of my near death experience. I have hearing loss in my life, I did not have that in death, and I could hear much better than ever in my life. I had no trouble with my hearing; the sounds were beautiful and melodic. The conversations I had with others did not take place with sound, but rather with telepathy. I was completely filled with emotions, such as great joy, deep, deep love, comfort, gratitude, freedom, ‘EVERYTHING is as it should be’ feeling. All is well feeling.
Amazing NDE where she met her future son.

3367. Deborah W NDE 6/4/2013. NDE 6758. I could hear medical staff saying they lost me two to three times… It was like a huge cathedral and I knew I had to stay there and watch my operation with my mother. She was sitting on a settee dressed in a beautiful off white gauze skirt and over blouse… I knew the magnificent healers, there were four, and were not to be reckoned with! They were there to help the doctors keep me alive only.
NDE due to ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm.

3337. Robert N NDEs 5/5/2013 & 1/5/2016. NDEs 6712/7869. There is no anger in heaven, there is no hate, there is no violence but that does not mean there are no misunderstandings. Does that mean that that particular soul does not want to see you or talk to you? No, not at all, you can have the opportunity to sit with that soul and other higher level Angels to find a solution to the challenges you two may have. You can discuss and ask questions about why they may have done certain things that affected you in a dramatic way. Perhaps there is an explanation we did not see on earth that would make sense now that we are in heaven again. This may sound strange but you must remember we are not perfect and we must grow our souls to become close to GOD and to achieve a high status in Heaven. We have lifetimes upon lifetimes to learn and to grow. Unfortunately there are times when we are not able to secure this meeting since the other soul has chosen to return to earth to relearn or learn a new task.
Remarkable NDEs (3) due to cardiac arrest.

3304. Jeffery O NDE 3/31/2013. NDE 6660. I left my body at the scene of the accident and visited another realm of light, where I was told by my own deceased wife that I must return to my oldest son who also survived the accident. As I returned to my body, I had profound experiences with the living people I encountered. All judgment was lost as I saw others for who they really are through God's eyes.
Profound NDE due to car crash. Encountered wife and son who died in the same car crash (shared NDE).

3291. Robyn NDE 3/14/2013. NDE 6636. I became one with all in existence, yet, I had a firm knowing that I was me. All was okay, all was love, the purpose of human life is solely for experience and expansion. I was one with the doctor, the nurses, my Mom down the hall, the equipment, the sound of the flat line, and all the space in between. I could have raised the doctor's arm up if I wanted to. But here's the important thing: I had zero desire to manipulate his free will. None. But I knew I was capable of controlling the entire situation, it just wasn't in my best interest for me to do so. They were me and I was them.
Profound and exceptional NDE due to overdose of anesthesia. This is a must read!

3265. Gustave P STE 2/9/2013. STE 6600. The soul, or our consciousness, is in all things and is all things. I wasn't seeing, so much as I was being what I wanted to perceive. If I wanted to look at a pine tree, I wasn't actually ‘seeing’ the pine tree, I was or became the pine tree—from whatever perspective I chose to observe it. I could either see it as a tree or know it at the molecular level. Since I was also the tree, there was no limitation to my ability to ‘perceive’ or ‘know’ the tree. In fact, this is a better way of putting it. The soul (or the nub of consciousness that we become one with when we leave our bodies) doesn't ‘see’ things, we ‘know’ things. If we want to see a pine tree, we ‘know’ it. We don't ‘see’ it, as on earth we do with our eyes. Also, concepts like ‘near’ or ‘far’ are meaningless to the ‘soul’ because we are one with all things and all things are one with us. We see distant things with the same perfect clarity as nearby things, because there is no such thing as near or far. Those terms are only used to refer to the position of earthly things relative to each other.
Profound Spiritually Transformative Experience (STE) while in an altered state at age 11.

3253. Peter N NDE 2/4/2013. NDE 6584/10105. From Scotland. I transmitted (communicated) my thought-feeling sense of reverence and thankfulness to this being. It was not necessary for me to do this, as it already knew. It did however thank me for this with more love, which I knew it would not have withheld anyway. I surrendered myself to this being, I wanted to be open to this being, I wanted to be so close to this being forever. We united in mutual love. I could not begin to describe the comprehensiveness of this union. There is no union like this in ordinary existence between people on Earth. This is love expressed with no barrier of any form between the direct experience of the love of the other which is now not other. The sensations generated by union in this condition are beyond belief in their scope and in their subtlety. Again it is only describable by metaphor.
NDE due to motorcycle accident. Among the most transcendent NDEs ever reported to NDERF. Very long account, but a must read!

3232. George J NDE 1/5/2013. NDE 6552. I saw paramedics from above assess me. They were panicking because they thought I was deceased. From above I saw them quickly cut me out of my coat. My spirit or consciousness then departed and travelled to 'heaven' or a place where a being told me 'It's not your time yet, you have to go back and do something important'.
NDE due to being struck by car at age 6.

3199. Chris T FDE 12/3/2012 & 7/12/2020. STE 6511/6510 FDE 9828. Exceptional Experience from Canada. My spirit moved around the suspended shards, admiring them for a few moments, and then I turned to the 'task at hand.' This body (to which I felt no emotional attachment) had just been in an accident, and I wasn't sure it was still inhabitable. I know that sounds odd, but that was my question; was this body still intact, could I still 'use' it? My consciousness positioned itself in front of the body to examine it, to scan it, from top to bottom no damage.
This was formerly published anonymously as Walter C, but now it is published under his real name. STE1 - SOBE at time of auto accident. Remarkable observation of shattered glass in air as time stood still. STE2 - Exceptional SOBE that lasted for months following receiving traumatic news.

3169. Nury M Probable NDE 10/16/2012. Probable NDE 6455. From Columbia, living in Thailand. During the fevers, for three days my mind was like in parallel worlds: I could be here and talk to others and at the same time my mind was like seeing my own mind in different times or lives, all passed so fast. Passing tunnels of darkness and tunnels of light and finally at the end of the tunnel of light to arrive to a place full of light where I recognized was my great grandparents and grandparents and others persons darling to me that had passed away. They were holding me with so much love and welcomed me to that place. I was full of peace and happiness. I came back to tell my mother I saw my grandparents' deaths; and I slept again and continued to be there with them. My mother became very fearful and called a doctor to come to my home. When he came, I was dying. I felt such peace and happiness. He did not feel a pulse in me but my mind was with the heaven. So he rushed me to the hospital, where they admitted me for 5 days administering antibiotics and serum.
Probable NDE from illness. Originally from Columbia. College teacher of comparative religion. Interesting spiritual journey around the world. Experience is hard to understand and a little preachy.

3156. Gwen J NDE 10/6/2012. NDE 6429. What I remembered was that I had completely merged again with God. It was a void, darkness, but unconditional love. I was no longer a separate being. I was where I belonged, where I came from. It was perfect. When it was time to return I had to again differentiate from God and become a separate soul again. Yet I was still a part of God.
NDE from physician. NDE due to rock falling on tour bus that she was in. Exceptional NDE and also how she lived her life after the experience.

3151. Anna W NDE 9/30/2012. NDE 5426. From the Netherlands. My mother-in-law and grandmother vanished. In their place beside my bed appeared my late grandfather clad in a white coat. He had been a general practitioner/doctor during his life. However, I had never met him as he had died when I was seven years old! He spoke to me about the details of my medical issues and pointed out, in terms of centimeters, exactly where in my abdomen the three main internal infections were located. He specified this medical information in Latin. I don't speak Latin but I understood him. Then he too disappeared. I immediately re-entered my body and so I was able to repeat everything my grandfather had just told me while the surgeon wrote down detailed notes and my husband listened.
Exceptional NDE from the Netherlands in English. Peritonitis following surgery. Remarkable information from deceased grandfather (who was a doctor) helped surgeon find areas of abdominal infection.

3110. Roy S NDE 8/11/2012. NDE 6367. Next, I was shot backwards through a tunnel at even higher speeds. I stopped at a giant planet, and went around in orbit with it for a bit. Then I took off in another direction also at a high speed. I found myself going through a large tunnel to which a smaller tunnel was attached. The smaller tunnel was sucking in somebody. There seemed to be a dark hole at the end. I swam towards it. Before I got to it, I heard a voice that said for me to not go there, ‘You don't ever want to go there.’
Remarkable pre-birth & birth remembrance and NDE at age 4.

3107. Karen vDK NDEs 8/11/2012. NDEs 6359. From the Netherlands. During the operation of April 23, I was aware of a hugely intense feeling of love and compassion. I traveled through a kind of tunnel. Time didn't exist, and I found myself at a 'gate,' together with three figures. One of them, I recognized as my grandmother, whom I knew was alive at the time. The other two were other kinds of beings, human-like, but I couldn't identify them. The feeling of harmony, love, and goodness was overwhelming. At one point, we were 'told' we weren't allowed to pass yet and had to 'go back.'
NDEs due to surgical complications. Remarkable encounter with grandmother in experience at time grandmother had a stroke, and again when grandmother died. Rare two separate shared death experiences.

3098. Lori E STE/SOBE 5/1/2012. STE, SOBE 22717. There to my left on a screen was my life. I could see it! Me! I saw and felt all of my choices in this lifetime. There was absolutely NO judgment attached to it. None. I wasn't judging my life, I was simply seeing it. To the right it was dark, dim. I ‘felt’ like the right side was reserved for when I actually did physically die. I would be privy to it then. It contained all the possibilities of all the angles of all the decisions I had made, played out in a different realm. As if, let's say, I had decided not to get married when I did. What my life would have been—and it actually was played out, but not in a physical way. It was still acted out. It was all the ‘probables’ in life. I asked, in thought, or feeling, not with my voice, why I was here. I was told that it was because I had asked to be there. I knew this voice, as it was comforting and familiar and yet I knew it was God. How was that possible? I immediately questioned the voice about its being female. I had always envisioned ‘God’ to be male. I had expected to be greeted in a male voice. I was shocked to hear/feel that I had chosen this voice, because it was MINE! It was MY voice! I suddenly knew that I was part of the universe.
This is a MUST READ. Among the most remarkable spiritual experiences ever received. SOBE with stunning spiritual insights.

3007. Victor C Other 4/8/2012. Other 6247. Awareness for me is what is behind the consciousness that comes with the functioning of mind and body. The awareness behind it however is of a much broader, infinite nature. The thoughts that we all have in our consciousness appear to be a constant stream that is continuous and linear in nature. However, upon intense concentration on what is an iota of time between our thoughts, I believe that what I have experienced was a gateway leading out of consciousness and into the hidden spectrum of pure awareness that lies beyond. It was kind of like this; I wasn't thinking but if I did think, I would become what I was thinking. Therefore, I dared not think about anything because that would have meant that I would have manifested out of total awareness and bliss. Being in this state was beyond bliss, you want to stay there and not do anything to disturb it.
Among the most remarkable and inspiring meditation experience that we have ever received.

3006. Natalie S NDE 4/8/2012. NDE 6246. Originally from Iraq. Having agreed, I moved to another vibrational location where healing would be performed on my physical body. From this location, I could see my physical body in the truck, head propped up by my right hand, elbow resting on the door handle exactly as I'd left it. I could also see my body as an energy matrix. Reading from both those levels simultaneously, I could tell that my right hand was nearly severed at the wrist, my right foot and ankle were badly mangled, and I had a deep wound in my right torso. There was a large hole in my head; I was missing one eye, the frontal sinus, and a portion of my brain. Some energy beings and I worked together, quickly repairing the body, primarily working through the matrix. The injuries weren't entirely healed, as some were to be of use in situating me for tasks I had agreed to perform or things that I wanted to experience as a whole infinite Self.
Exceptional NDE as a result from a roadside bomb in Iraq. Remarkable account of healing and spiritual wisdom.

2995. Laura M NDEs 3/31/2012. NDEs 6235. I only know I remember nothing that I saw in my life review; only the memory of having one remains and also of the love! My surroundings were then brought into focus as I became aware of a flower, a magnificent flower. It was rather like a perfect Gerber daisy glowing in brilliant orange hued colors, it was alive, and it loved me! In Amazement, I turned again to Him in wonderment and awe, exclaiming, 'This flower loves me. I can feel it.' 'Everything,' He said 'was made in love for you!'
Two NDEs. Relatively brief one early in life due to postpartum hemorrhage which was frightening. Stunningly transcendent second NDE due to shock from allergic reaction to blood transfusion. Features an epic argument with Jesus.

2969. Cherie B NDE 3/1/2012. NDE 5457. I was made aware that my body would heal and that it was safe for me to return to my body. It was clarified that we are not alone. We are always surrounded by loving beings when we cross over and even now in this existing dimension. I know that we are always safe and protected. And I know that no matter what our circumstances, who we are perceived as or judged to be by the world, or what we have done in this lifetime, that we are all pure love. It's as simple as that. And we are all here to remind each other of our pure essence and what we can create in this three dimensional world through love and co-creating. I learned that we are all one in the same sharing different experiences.
Stunningly transcendent NDE due to very prolonged cardiac arrest.

2965. Isabel R NDE 2/25/2012. NDE 6205. The voice reminded me of the vision I had had of my husband and son in funeral clothes. He said if I didn't go back to them, I would disrupt some 'plan'. The plan would be repaired and everything would eventually be ok, so I could go ahead if I wanted. The consequences of my untimely demise would be that my husband and son would suffer in ways I could not imagine and I would know that these sufferings were because of my selfish decision not to go back. I would know this throughout eternity. It would not be a huge sadness for me to bear, more like a prick of conscience that could never be totally healed. No big deal, unless you consider how long eternity is.
Exceptional NDE due to ruptured fallopian tube and internal bleeding.

2932. Jean R NDE 1/18/2012. NDE 6166. I then went through a life review. It was all about my relationships with others in this review. During this, I felt what they felt in my relationship with them. I felt their love or their pain or their hurt by things I had done or said to them. Their hurt or pain made me cringe and I found myself thinking, 'Oooh, I could have done better there.' But most of what I felt was love, so it was not too bad. No one was judging me during this process. I felt no disapproval from anyone else, only my own reactions to it all. That feeling of unconditional love saturating me continued to be there. I was judging myself, but no one else was judging me in this review.
Exceptional NDE due to toxic shock syndrome. Remarkable experiences- a must read!

2930. Pegi R NDE 12/31/2011. NDE 6164. They were all standing, except one in the middle, up front; he was sitting. He was God. God spoke to me, and I replied to him. I was rude and disrespectful. I started screaming that I didn't want to be there and didn't want to stay. I was very angry. I told him I have young sons at home that need me. I screamed, 'I won't go!' Then God let me know, through thought, that I may be trying to get my way, but I was not the boss there. So I humbled myself before him, and asked him to look into the future and, I said, 'If my sons would be better off without me, I will agree to stay.' But if they wouldn't be, I begged to go back to take care of them. Then I saw them, my sons at home, being raised by their dad without me there. They were so sad and alone. He had a girlfriend and she didn't love them the way I loved them, and they missed me terribly. I was so sad and I longed to comfort them. I then asked God, 'Who else will teach them about you?'
Exceptional NDE due to ectopic pregnancy and internal bleeding. Another NDE from drowning.

2927. Sue C NDE 1/18/2012. NDE 6159. Slowly, one...then two....then four...and on, stars lit up in my vision. They were far away, very tiny. They twinkled white at first, and then as they grew in number and I felt I was getting closer, there were colors. Colors I have never seen, colors I love, colors I am familiar with. At first it was like looking at the sky, but as became one with this sea, it was more like a translucent river of stars and colors, they would breathe and undulate. They seemed to be as one. They all interacted together like an ocean, with a tide, with waves...rising and falling lazily in space. I became aware of my place among them, I floated and relaxed. The most important thing in this place was the feeling of bliss.
Exceptional NDE due to accident at age 17.

2925. Marilyn R NDE 1/8/2012. NDE 6158. From Canada Suddenly I felt someone pick me up in their arms and I was surrounded by light and I looked in the smiling face of a man who said his name was Jesus he told me not to be frightened he was here to take me back. He had shoulder length brown hair and dark brown eyes. He was wearing leather sandals on his feet with straps that went between his toes and tied around his ankles. He had on a long white gown with long sleeves with a long light blue tunic over it. There was a gold color rope tied around his waist. His voice was very soft and kind almost musical and I felt a feeling of pure love and complete safety and trust. As we were walking up the stairs, I noticed that the left side of the wall was still basement wall but the right side of the wall disappeared and in its place was a beautiful garden full of long grass and wild flowers. I could hear birds singing and there were butterflies flying. I could see little children playing and chasing little lambs and I could hear their laughter.
Exceptional NDE due to strangulation at age 6.

2922. Jill D NDE 12/31/2011. NDE 6151. When I stepped into the liquid, all that was 'Jill' disappeared. 'I' no longer existed and yet 'I' was still there. I was the essence of life, I guess. I don't know what else to call it. I was conscious of my surroundings. I had joined with all the other consciousness in the pool and had become one with it. I 'knew' all other life in the pool; I was 'one' with everything. I was home. My personal identity disappeared but my essence continued to exist. This wasn't frightening at all, however. Instead, it felt like I was truly myself, like when I get out of a shower, after having cleaned myself off.
NDE due to motorcycle accident.

2916. Camryn L NDE 12/30/2011. NDE 6136. I knew that Einstein and Mohammed and Handy and Mozart and all the great artists and scientists had tapped into this knowledge, either in their sleep or as a conduit from God or the Great Spirit or the Universal Energy. I was bathed in bliss and harmony. I felt more love than I could even imagine, and everything emanated positive energy and affection. Every single positive word in the dictionary could not capture the feeling of eternal bliss that I felt.
Exceptional NDE due to blood loss with remarkably transcendent experiences.

2855. Barbara W NDE 11/30/2012. NDE 16060. Breathing in the water was relieving and not at all what I had expected it to feel like. I took in another small breath of water through my nostrils and let it go down my throat. Still no pain. I hungrily swallowed a mouthful of water. There was no choking sensation as I had anticipated. Instead, it felt relieving as the water went down my throat. I kept breathing in water until my lungs no longer felt like they would burst. A peacefulness filled me. I watched as a bright white light came out of my chest and rippled up through the water. When I looked down, I could see my physical body below me. My physical body looked peaceful, calm, mannequin-like, with my blond hair fanned out. My arms were relaxed and poised slightly away from my body while my legs were in a standing position with my feet touching the mud. I looked like a life sized doll. Now that I was in spirit form, I felt at peace and I wasn't the least bit scared.
Several NDEs including a childhood drowning NDE and an NDE with Jesus.

2834. Donna NDE 9/25/2011. NDE 6008. I said to myself, 'Huh, I thought that one was supposed to last longer', and headed up in a light cloud. It felt so perfect. I felt like I was going home and I felt comfortable and joyous with no doubts at all. It was like every cell of my body was happy and light and felt right and I have never felt so accepted.
NDE from criminal attack. Remarkable apparent life-saving Divine intervention, and apparent hellish NDE immediately following in her attacker (the attacker’s second hellish NDE)

2816. Tracy D NDE 9/10/2011. NDE 5352. He looked so perfect, and so at peace. I can't really describe how awesome, calm, and perfect he looked. When he passed, he was 73 years old and all grey beard and moustache. As he appeared before me, he was much younger: in his prime with thick, wavy, bright deep red hair, as he had when he was younger, only much more vivid and intense. Any imperfection or flaw he had was sculptured, chiseled away, to a smooth perfection. HE LOOKED PERFECT, BEAUTIFUL AND CONSUMED WITH PEACE AND JOY AND OVERFLOWING WITH UNDERSTANDING AND LOVE (I could go on and on).
Remarkable NDE. Met deceased father- contributor had to make a difficult decision to end life support for his father. His father directly addresses this. A must read for anyone who has struggled with end of life decisions for a loved one.

2776. Cate NDE 7/30/2011. NDE 5288. The moment my heart stopped the void became deeper and deeper, until it felt like it expanded forever. I sensed that the darkness was about to part and reveal a marvelous light. Then I felt the presence of my deceased grandfather. I don't remember everything that was said, but basically it was revealed that I could move on if I wanted to, but once I reached the light I would not be able to return to my body. He did not want my life to end though, because I still had some important lessons to be learned in this lifetime. He said that after I learned what I needed to about love that it would be my time to go.
NDE due to apparent medication reaction. Remarkable for awareness her life had been saved multiple times in her earthly life. Remarkable also for awareness of two men who died in a car accident- she became aware of and confirmed details of the accident.

2772. Paul P NDE 7/23/2011. NDE 5284. I left my body and went up a tunnel toward a beautiful golden light. I was in the presence of a spiritual being, Jesus. He told me that it was not time for me to stay there and that I would go back, that my mom needed me. He told me other things that I cannot remember. I remember being in the hospital room and realizing that I was not in my body. I remember seeing a baby. I no longer felt sick or scared. It was very peaceful, and I knew I would be okay.
NDE due to congenital heart problem at age 7 weeks. One of the earliest age NDE ever recorded.

2766. Sue D NDE 7/10/2011. Shared NDE 5275. From France. Then somebody spoke to me in a loud voice. It was my dad. He said I had to go back because my mission wasn't over yet. I fell back into my body in the bed, with a great sadness. My soul was totally sad, and I could not explain what had just happened to me. I remember getting up out of bed and wondering if I was going to die. The next morning I found out that my dad was in the intensive care unit and had had a massive heart attack. He pulled through and lived for four more years after that. He, by some uncanny transfer, enabled me to live a NDE without going through the death stuff, for particular reasons.
Remarkable account of an apparent NDE at the time her father had a severe heart attack. She was not aware her father was having a heart attack, and he was a continent away from her.

2764. Joanie S NDE 7/10/2011. NDE 5271. I found myself in what I now think of as a previous life. I smelled smoke from a fire I was near, and saw others around me. I looked into another woman's eyes, and I knew her immediately as the woman I called my grandmother in this life. I knew then that our lives had 'danced' around each other since time began.
Exceptional NDEs. First NDE due to seizure during delivery. Remarkable description of past life in prehistoric time. Second NDE is shared NDE. Due to blood loss during surgery. The child she was losing at this time said that they would be back soon - and

2758. Andrew J NDE 7/4/2011. Shared NDE 5251. The Lord then spoke and said, 'Your father spoke to me earlier and did not wish you to die. I granted his wish.' I conversed more with the Lord and my father. This portion isn't something I can remember, but I get the hazy sense that it was just as if we were talking things over, and that they were both consoling me. My memory picks back up at the point where I expressed my anxiety at returning to life. I think I said, 'Well, I'd like to get back down and check on Daniel.' and I gave my father and the Lord a parting hug.
Exceptional NDE due to accident. Shared death experience - his father had died in accident, and was with the Lord in the heavenly realm. His father had asked that the contributor not die, and the Lord granted his wish.

2754. See #2163 2662. Nilda P NDE 4/5/2011. NDE 5123. From Brazil. Original in Portuguese, translated to English by C. Rodrigues. He said, 'I am going to show you some things.' Then, in the distance, I saw a globe that looked like the moon during an eclipse. He said, 'That is the Earth,' and I saw many points of light in the globe. Then he said, 'In every point of light there is someone praying, if all the people on Earth could pray, it would look like that,' and the Earth became illuminated as the sun. 'But so is not,' and the globe darkened again.
Remarkable NDE!

2658. Denise NDE 3/28/2011. NDE 5122. There were colors - brilliant colors everywhere. I was an array of beautiful moving, shimmering, vibrating, and colors. He came closer and said, 'Do you understand now?' I realized I was pure energy, spirit, and part of a flowing consciousness; while still remaining 'Denise'. At that moment, he shared his name, 'John'. As we moved, he also shared with me what was happening.
Exceptional NDE due to illness, and a must read. Remarkable apparent shared NDE with person unknown to her. Remarkable encounter with 'John' with discussion of free will. Later mystical experience led to identification of who John was.

2626. Cynthia H NDE 3/2/2011. NDE 5071. 'I know you love me and all life, but if you really love all of us continuously without end, then how can You send people to hell throughout eternity?' He said, 'Cindy I do love all life without end. Some people chose to go to hell, I have already forgiven them; but they must forgive themselves.'
NDE at age twelve due to a pinealoma (a tumor of the pineal gland, located in the central part of the brain). Exceptional NDE, including interaction with God, who allowed her to ask seven questions which were answered.

2588. Renee M NDE 1/13/2011. NDE 22437. I was watching my life unfold right in front of me like a bad dream only it does not feel bad at all. I could see my surroundings but do not feel any physical pain or emotional stress. My emotions were heightened as I accelerated into pure light energy where there is no space or time. I felt more alive than I have ever felt in my life. There are no words to describe this ascended transformation. It is not humanly conceivable for man to remotely understand.
NDE due to motorbike accident.

2555. Jean K NDE 1/1/2011. NDE 4964. As I looked out at this most beautiful sight of stars, planets, and the great radiant and loving Light, I saw tiny trails of blue, pink and green lights traveling across the expanse of darkness toward the Great Light. I wondered what they were, and instantly I had the information that they were prayers from people seeking the Light. They were very beautiful, and once they reached the Light, they were absorbed into it. Then larger trails of white light traveled from the Great Light outward. I knew that these were answers to prayers. I just wanted to watch the traveling of the lights, be warmed by the Light and enjoy the beautiful view. The Light turned a magnificent blue and rolled toward me like an ocean wave. It was not really close to me, but nevertheless, I could see the image of Jesus within the blue wave. Love poured out upon me, like warm water. Jesus looked just like he did on the poster in my Sunday School class.
Exceptional NDE due to respiratory arrest from bronchitis.

2386. Amy C NDE 10/9/2010. NDE 4720. I did not have an experience of seeing God as an 'old man in a big white robe, sitting on a throne,' although, that was the most prominent image I might have held in my mind, formerly. At NDE, God was the Mind, or maybe I'd say, 'The Order' in all things. God felt to be the Supreme Highest Vibration and Frequency, that felt like more of an ESSENCE than an old man, to me. I still feel God is ineffable. God was all around and in everything. God no longer felt male to me. I didn't sense a gender, if there was one. The idea of that just seemed silly from the Other Side. God was just all that is beautiful and peaceful and One, and all that is Good.
NDE due to allergic reaction. Among the most profound NDEs ever shared with NDERF. This one is recommended to be read by everyone!

2366. Justin U NDE 9/26/2010. NDE 4671. From the UK. Many events in my life I experienced, but not from how I remembered it, but from the point of view, I experienced it from how the people, animals, environment experienced it around me. I felt it as my own. The times I had made others happy, and sad, I felt it all as they did. It was very apparent that every single thought word and action affects everything around the entire universe, and indeed us including trees, plants, and animals too. I have been a long term vegetarian since about eighteen years old and I know this was appreciated and is a good choice in life. Spiritually it seemed to show proof of respect for all life, and even seemed to balance some of the negative and wicked things I have done in my life. In the Life review we judge ourselves; no one else does, the light/God did not, but with no ego left and no lies, we can't hide from what we have done and feel remorse and shame, especially in the presence of this love and light.
NDE from auto accident.

2321. Stanley P NDE 9/11/2010. NDE 4598. One by one the souls were pulled into the physical universe but there seemed to be a voluntary nature to the participation. This was an extremely interesting experience since I witnessed everything from the beginning, formation of stars, etc. But as the physical universe evolved and as my soul was pulled into the universe I seemed to focus on just the Earth, but saw and experienced it on a micro level, having simultaneous, complete knowledge of every bit of earth especially of any living thing, including the smallest microbes in the soil or ocean. It's difficult now to remember the feeling of being simultaneously aware of every living thing. Along with the total history of the earth I saw and experienced my little part in it, thus seeing my own life and death.
NDE from going unconscious. Amazing universal experience!

2301. Teri R NDE 8/10/2010. NDE 4571. Then I emerged from the tunnel into an indescribable place of peace and tranquility. There was the most beautiful Being of White Light there. With the level of understanding I had at the time, I saw that he took on an image so that I could relate and feel comfortable but that his true essence was Light and Love. He appeared to me as an older man with long gray hair and a beard. But what stood out above anything else was that he loved me unconditionally. The feeling of being in his presence was something that felt like I was 'home' - in a sense that I had never known. I saw that my true essence was also this energy of love but as he reviewed my life with me, I received the understanding that I was the one who removed myself from the benefits and bliss of love by the anger I felt over some experiences I had had growing up. I saw how important it is to project feelings of love instead of the energy I was projecting through my emotions and feelings about life.
NDE due to auto accident.

2187. Viva T NDE 4/6/2010. NDE 4397. Then there was One star of incredible dimension, brightness, beauty, majesty. As I was drawn toward it (combined with earnest choice), I could see complex shapes and colors. (Words don't describe it – I have tried to draw it.) I could see dimensions where the colors and shapes were overlaid one on another (like translucent immense precious stones fitted together to form a complex multi - doesn't describe - dimensional impression of a Most Loving Being that drew me to Him, invited me in, and pointed the Way to the Light. ALL wisdom and love was conveyed via unheard thought transmission from that Being (Jesus?). That light was a yet far distant point that I immediately (in combination again of will and being drawn) directly myself to with all earnestness with the conscious goal of uniting with that light (or perish?). As I approached, the light grew larger, brighter, compelling until I was suddenly thrust into it (beyond a sense of boundary) with indescribable speed.
NDE described by Nurse with a PhD.

2163. Joann P NDE 2/25/2010 & 7/4/2011. NDE 4366/5263. Following behind us were two Cherubs, very small, short curly hair, naked, neither sex, one was solid pink and the other one was solid purple. It was like they were trying to keep me entertained and they did. I was trying to catch or touch them with much laughter and giggles. They were fluttering around us like humming birds. The scenery changed to a beautiful landscape of green valleys and hills. To the left I could not see, but I could hear the laughter of children playing. I wanted to go there. I heard a voice in the distance saying, 'No! You're too young.'
NDE at approximately six months old from choking and passing out. One of the youngest age NDEs ever shared with NDERF.

2114. Kathleen B Death Bed Vision 2/2/2010. Shared Death Experience 4290. When he arrived next to us, I realized that this was Jesus and he was talking to my grandfather and I was answering him for my grandfather. I felt my grandfather's fear leave him and Jesus outstretched his hands to take my grandfather's hand in his. At the very moment God/Jesus took my grandfather's hand, I felt God touch my hand and I suddenly felt/knew this tremendous sense of peace and forgiveness and universality. I felt how all things were connected.
Exceptional experience of transitioning with her dying grandfather into the afterlife. These types of experiences, along with shared NDEs, are among the strongest evidence that what happens in NDEs is what happens at the time of permanent, irreversible de

2108. Dea M NDE 2/2/2010. NDE 4281. The colors got more intense and more detailed, turning into patterns and textures and weaving of both color and sound. While I knew that this was not of our world, it all seemed natural and without need for explanation. At some point, I understood the essence of creativity and was given the 'joy stick' of my own imagination so to speak, to create my own visions. It was amazing; whatever I thought became vision, and swirled around me in its own reality. I realized my unlimited potential as a human, I realized the unlimited ability to feel love, and I knew that I was being held in that 'love' and I knew that this was the forever-ness of that love. I knew what it was like to LOVE the way that God loves, and when that happened my 'heart' opened and I could feel my soul touching that of the unseen creator, I knew that 'God' does exist and we are a part of it all.
Exceptional NDE due to car accident. Perhaps the most dramatic description of colors ever.

2104. Beth B NDE 2/2/2010. NDE 4277. The entire experience felt like I was in a higher level of awareness than I had ever been. This event is crystal clear in my memory and has always beenà Experience was definitely real When my Grandmother visited and I told her about the man I thought was my grandfather, she listened and then pulled out this picture of him (he was 65 when he died). It was the same man I had visited, but much younger. He didn't say this to me, but I said something to my Grandmother that convinced her that I had seen him -- it was strange, but I remembered to tell her that the key was behind the stove. She had lost her clock key, and that's where she found it.
NDE due to drowning at age 7 ╜. Shared 53 ╜ years later.

2099. William M NDE 2/1/2010. Shared NDE 4269. I went to sleep while driving. Then I was aware that we were out of our bodies & quickly flying up toward space, holding hands. We flew straight up for a minute or so when we started to see a park or countryside-like landscape. It seemed to be in twilight, dark, but we could see trees, bushes, etc. Suddenly, four creatures intercepted us. They seemed about ten feet in height & were invisible, but we could see a vague humanoid outline (my best description would be like the invisibility effect in the movie "predator" which I saw some years later. Two flanked each of us and began to gently separate us. They overwhelmed us with a feeling of the highest love & compassion that was well beyond anything we could experience on earth.
Rare 'shared NDE' account. Auto accident with his girlfriend. The two of them shared part of the experience. He was sent back, she was not.

2094. Marta Y NDE 1/26/2010. NDE 4251. From Mexico. Original in Spanish translated to English by Simon. After this I saw myself floating in the void, and little by little tiny spheres of many colors became manifest, not moving at first, then suddenly starting to vibrate while smoothly approaching me and incorporating themselves with my essence, which made me feel something I can't manage to describe, it was as if I was being tickled. I asked what this was, and a voice said, 'This is the knowledge you have accumulated in previous lives, it was kept from you, but now it will be of use to you.'
Very detailed NDE where she met her second son who had not been born yet!

2037. Marta G NDE 12/6/2009. NDE 4160. A beautiful woman dressed in bright white light pulled me out and, looking into my eyes, asked me what I wanted. I was completely satisfied and could think of nothing until it occurred to me to take a trip around the lake. I did and saw detail I would ever have seen in 'real' life. I could go anywhere, even to the tops of trees, by simply intending to do so... I was legally blind and for the first time saw leaves on trees, bird's feathers, bird's eyes, details on telephone poles and in people's backyards that were far more acute than 20/20 vision.
Exceptional NDE at age five due to drowning. Legally blind, and saw much earthly detail visually for the first time in her life.

1993. Veronica W NDE 12/6/2009. NDE 4158. There was one major being of love and many other beings of love with actual personhood or souls. I could not see much but light and vague outlines in a way. There was nothing but love, goodness, truth, and all things to do with love. There was no room for fear or evil or anything but this love. It was more wonderful than any of my best hopes or experiences on this planet. It was beyond perfect and loving as we in our human state know it. There are no words to describe it. I was so happy to be there.
Exceptional NDE due to anaphylactic allergic reaction. A must read.

1957. Leonard NDE 8/15/2009. NDE 4046. From Canada. Original in French, translated to English by Jean Peter. God then showed me all my life from birth till NDE. I felt and experienced again all these events and I also felt emotions I had raised in others. I was my only judge! This experience was very painful. I dare not imagine what Adolf Hitler underwent when feeling the pain of millions of individuals. God showed me when I had generously done things without thinking about it beforehand, and when I had done unloving things. I even saw myself stealing sweets in a shop, thinking to myself, 'Whew, nobody saw me!' Indeed, somebody saw me. Yes, God saw me! But he does not judge me. In fact this is what hit me the most: God does not judge, he just loves us with unconditional love, this love is indescribable, it is not like what we feel on earth, this is rather a force-of-love.
Exceptional NDE from a heart attack.

1936. Bobbi D NDE 7/9/2009. NDE 4022. The greatest emphasis of this experience is LOVE. I am so totally engulfed with a love that does not exist in our physical world. No matter how deep a love you feel for your children, it does not compare with this love. This love is the purest, truest, deepest, totally unconditional love that you could EVER imagine. Now, I realize you may be saying 'That's what I feel for my children.' I'd say that too. But, it goes way beyond what these words can describe. And I think this is because it is communicated to you in the form of feelings. It knocks your socks off. When I received this love, it is not comprehended with my mind. It is FELT by the soul.
NDE at age seventeen due to apparent infectious illness and coded during surgery.

1781. Randy S NDE 12/15/2008. NDE 3802. I was pronounced dead to my family when the doctor tried again I started crying... I remember the very bright purple and white lights. I felt that I was leaving home. I wanted to go but then again, I didn't... I went from the light into my body... I was coming from a place where time did not exist.
Wow! Apparent NDE at the time of his own birth, due to complications during his own birth.

1744. Kristy C NDE 11/16/2008. NDE 3745. I remember being pulled backwards and when I turned I was in an earthy tunnel and a door was before me that opened into a spectacular light. The light was brilliant, but it did not hurt! As I passed into it, it glowed with warmth, love, knowledge, and understanding. Not just my own knowledge, but knowledge of everything. I had complete understanding, collective but separate. Everything made sense. Everything was more vivid, the colors were brighter and deeper, everything was tranquil and at peace the moment I crossed into the light. I was now standing in a lush rolling meadow, covered with blooms and trees. I felt a presence strong and even more wonderful; I knew my family was with me. The presence had a deep resonating voice that touched the core of your soul. I don't remember what the voice told me, but the peace and calm seemed to magnify. I remember sitting in the meadow, I was cradling something in my arms, asking to cross a small free flowing stream, and not being allowed, I asked to stay. I did not want to go back.
NDE due to complications during gallbladder surgery. Interesting in that she had awakened during surgery, then cardiac arrest, then NDE.

1734. Cathleen C NDE 11/1/2008. NDE 3735. I knew that He had the answers to all questions so I began to ask Him things I had wondered about the most. Why is there evil? His reply, 'Because there is good.' I asked how anyone, being what they are, be permitted to exist in this home of God. He made me understand that He knew everything about me, that I was who I was because He Himself had designed me to be exactly, precisely who I was and that whatever I was I was still His creation, His child and He loved me so very much.
Remarkable NDE due to criminal attack involving strychnine poisoning. Initial part of NDE in hellish realm. Exceptional spiritual wisdom.

1717. Marney S Daughter NDE 10/12/2008. Secondhand NDE 3721. A few months after being released from the hospital, she told our 12 year-old daughter, 'I'm all better now.' Our older daughter responded with, 'You are? How do you know that?' Our 2 year-old said, 'God told me.' A few weeks later, we were sitting around the campfire as a family roasting marshmallows when our daughter told us, 'God came to see me when I was at the hospital. He carried me up to the sky when the doctors were putting something on me. He told me I was all better now and took me back to the hospital.'
NDE at age 2 shared by parents when she is age 5. NDE due to cardiac arrest.

1708. Stella NDE 10/1/2008. NDE 3697. From Italy. Original in Italian, translated to English by Amy. The tunnel was semi-transparent and I saw points of light like distant stars becoming rays of irregular lights, like the headlights on a car that is speeding down a curved road. My speed kept growing until the light could no longer reach me and I saw that the tunnel was one giant curve, but a curve that was barely discernible, yet I could feel it. Then I was home. The light surrounded me and I was in eternity, every question I asked had an instant clear response, even if I didn't understand every answer. The gentle song of many voices surrounded me but I couldn't understand the song. I walked barefoot in an undulating field on soft grass and not far away an oak tree stood out. It was more imposing than anything I had ever seen, a brilliant green like life. (I could write a whole book about that tree alone but I will stop here.)
Four years old. Exceptional NDE. OBE - saw nurse lose ring and told her where to find it. Remarkably transcendent. Profound insights on life's purpose and free will.

1675. Glauco S NDE 8/17/2008. NDE 3674. I had flashbacks about playing soccer with my friend, being hugged by my mom, the sun, the rain, things that made me happy. I also knew my angel did this for a reason because any sane person would not want to go back. I also realized for the first time how beautiful and fragile Earth really is. I could sense the earth breathing like it was alive. I could see a light around everything that was alive, trees, flowers, grass, animals, volcanoes and humans. I sensed that humans were in control over other living things, I have the word (aura) stamped in my mind ever since.
NDE due to near drowning (under water about twenty-two minutes) in Brazil at age eight. Three brothers saw the same angel. Remarkably transcendent experience.

1671. Ekaterina A NDE 8/14/2008. NDE 3667. From Bulgaria. Suddenly, as though I was this man, I was watching the world through his eyes. He had a small woman and eight kids, and the last kid was newborn. He was a poor peasant, who hardly supported his family, but among all peasants he was considered to be in the middle class. His native language was German, but he also spoke French well. He was living outside of the city and cultivated the earth. I understood all of this when I started watching through his eyes. He went round the hill and in front of him a vast plane revealed itself, in the middle of which was an ugly, gray, depressive city, from our point of view, small. The historical time was the Middle Ages. He reached the city and entered. The picture that I saw from his eyes was so startling, that it can't be seen even in the most bravely staged and realistic Hollywood movie about the Middle Ages.
Exceptional NDE. Associated with operation for pheochromocytoma (rare tumor) at age sixteen.

1654. Bridget F NDE 7/21/2008. NDE 3648. At this point, a being made of light came to my side. I was not raised religious nor was I baptized. I could be wrong but it felt like what people call Christ. It was not the Christ we see in paintings or pictures. It was not the Christ we hear about from evangelicals. It was not America's Christ nor any other representation of Christ I have come across. This was a being so pure, so benevolent, and so non-judgmental I could barely comprehend the level of compassion this being possessed in the small yet brilliant light that it was. Not until it touched me and said 'I'll take that, it's for me,' and took the beam from me and touched me, was I even able to fathom this amazing love.
Exceptional NDE due to auto accident.

1653. Linda G NDE 7/20/2008. NDE 3649. From Australia. I came to understand that we all choose to come to Earth to fulfill a plan of some sort or even learn about a particular interest. We choose our bodies, parents, and life plan. May I also add that some people come here for the most simple of reasons; to learn how to play tennis for example; or simply for the cake and food - as silly as this sounds our life plans aren't so high and lofty as one might think. I DIDN'T MEET ANY 'SAVE THE WORLDERS' OR ANYONE WISHING TO BE A PRESIDENT. MOST HAD SIMPLE WISHES. I was also told we could exist on different planes for other lives but our life here on Earth is a life not purely to experience physical pleasure or pain but to have a physical experience because in all other planes we don't need a body as a vessel.
Exceptional NDE due to accidental drug overdose.

1645. Cara NDE 7/6/2008. NDE 3637. I perceived myself and other beings as masses of energy...all connected and yet separate. There were no body forms or communication, as I know it in human form. There was simply a sense of all knowing. Each and every spirit being was supportive of each other, and I "knew" them, although they didn't have the same forms as when I knew them on the earth school. There were no limitations such as space or time in the spirit world. I was aware of the big picture regarding the past, present and future. I was aware that the earth school experience was one part of my evolution.
Exceptional NDE due to head injury.

1634. Henry W Probable NDE 6/22/2008. Probable NDE 3624. The next concept or rule I learned is that God can never be proved by scientific means. To do so would corrupt the environment. It would destroy faith. When we have faith we seek, we learn. If God were to appear before us like a huge being at the United Nations, the entire world would believe, but also live in fear. To successfully experience the human existence, one must be physically out of touch with God. We have to learn and seek on our own. We need to search out the meaning of our own existence and experience here on earth. Faith is the engine of discovery. Without faith, we are just like ants.
Suicide attempt. Profound spiritual wisdom encountered.

1615. DW NDE 4/27/2008 & 11/19/2011. NDE 3587/6106. That Being already KNEW me before I arrived there. It chose to love me and wanted me to love it, KNOWING all of it. I wasn't asked to love blindly. I was showed the self that wanted me to love it. It wanted to be chosen by me as one that I would love. It had loved me before I was human, it loved me before I was born, it loved me being back with it, but most of all, it loved that I loved it, too. It was joy filled that I loved it. I was in a state of bliss from the love we shared. So was my new friend, the Divine Loving Being. Our perfect understanding in complete Love was, and could only be, Divine. I was HOME. That is what it felt like, the ultimate homecoming. I was where I was meant to be. I fit perfectly there. I was so glad to be there, loving with that being. 'It was where I was meant to be' is as close as I can put it. To be together with that other, loving self was the perfect place for me to exist.
NDE due to suicide attempt. Note From Dr. Jeff: This is among the most profound NDEs ever shared. I encourage EVERYONE to read this.

1614. Bonnie J NDE 4/27/2008 & 7/15/2014. NDE 3588/7303. The next thing I sensed was a surreal feeling of floating high, high in the sky. I had all of my senses though I felt I no longer had a body. All around me was bright, bright light and I sensed so much love I felt as if I'd never ever felt before - quiet, peace, serene contentment, no pain, now worry, just a tremendous sense of BEING - of me BEING. I hear (sensed) love, joy, peace, contentment. I floated without seeing anyone (relatives that had passed away). But, if this makes sense, I FELT God's presence. Then I sensed (heard - I hesitate to describe the event with our human terms because I never HEARD anything yet I know I was asked) a question. The question was: 'Are you ready Joyce?'. I struggled with the answer and then I was shown my graveside. The grass around my burial plot was vivid, vivid green, the sky was blue, there was a gentle breeze - I even heard a bird sing. People were leaving the coffin for their cars. The only 3 people left by my coffin were my husband, my daughter then aged 3 and my son then aged 17 months. AT THAT MOMENT I KNEW I could not leave my children - I telepathed my answer, "NO".
NDE due to boating accident.

1609. Hafur NDE 4/19/2008. NDE 3558. From Mexico Original in Spanish, translated to English by Rio. At first rapidly and afterwards more slowly. It was amazing how my life was shown with events I had completely forgotten about and others that were so insignificant that it felt like I was seeing each frame of the personal movie of my life on earth. I realized that I understood everything with a great clarity and super-lucidity I had never experienced before. I discovered that I had personally chosen to take on a physical body and have the life experiences I was having. I realized I had wasted time in suffering and what I should have been doing was using my freedom to choose true love, and not pain, in all that came into my life.
Exceptional NDE! She met her twin flame too!

1515. Mrs. L NDE 1/13/2008. NDE 7. I was two years old and fell into a creek. I remember seeing a bright light (cone shaped) and a woman standing at the top of the tunnel of light, she was dressed in white. I looked down and could see my body floating face down in the water. I had on brown pants, white shoes, and an over-shirt. I thought about this many times but never mentioned it until I read about a NDE in a magazine. I had always known about my near drowning, but none of the details. I questioned my mother about it, and she confirmed that she had thought that I was dead when she got me out of the water. I have never been afraid of dying, because of the extreme peace and calm that I associate with the experience. I realize that I was so very young, but the event is as real as if it happened yesterday. The woman seemed to draw me back to her, and then she just faded into a cloud-like atmosphere.
Amazing NDE at age two!

1506. Rick R NDE 1/13/2008. NDE 24. Then without warning it happened! 'What have you done with your life?' The voice penetrated my very being! I had no answer! Then to my right I saw what seemed to be like a movie; and I was in it! I saw my mother giving me birth, my childhood and friends! I saw everything from my youth up! I saw everything I had ever done before my eyes! As my life played out before my very eyes, I tried to think of good things I had done. I was raised in church and had been very active in church functions, yet as I pondered on this, I saw a man in his car that had ran out of gas. I had stopped and given him a lift to a local store about a year ago. I had bought him some gas as he had no money and helped him get on his way! I thought to myself, why am I seeing this? The voice was loud and clear. You took no thought to help this soul and asked nothing in return! These actions are the essence of good! I saw all the people I had hurt as well and was shown how my actions had set in motion the actions of others! I was stunned! I had never thought of my life having an effect on the actions that friends, family, and others I had met would take! I saw the results of all I had done! I was not pleased at all!
What have you done with your life? This is one amazing account!

1465. Gulden NDE 1/10/2008. NDE 2837. From Turkey. Translated to English by Aylin and Ibrahim. I felt raising up above my bed, taking direction to a white, very bright light. Meantime, I saw my uncle, who died one month ago, while passing me he said, 'Not yet.' I was surprised how I understood him without spoken words, but I felt very peaceful. Later a lady came to me, if I saw her now, I would recognize her. She took me to a wonderful place with mountains and said that this was the place of my life. The place we went was beautiful, but I said to her that this place is not my life's place. Then we came to a seashore with a little village and she said again that this place was my life, but I didn't know this place and I said to her that this is not the place of my life. After we travelled to some more very beautiful places she said that I was not ready to stay in these places and asked me what I remembered about my life.
This is a hot one; A Muslim NDE from Turkey.

1461. Wendi NDE 1/2/2008. NDE 124. After leaving my body I was pulled into a void or darkness. In the distance, I saw a white ball of light come close and closer to me. I couldn't really make out what it was until I got closer. I could tell it was a human form human. Finally, I realized who it was. It was a deceased friend of mine who had committed suicide the previous year. I was very close to this person in life, we went to High School together and he was a support to me in life as well as in death. He told me that I needed to return there was a strong sense of needing to return. When I asked why he told me my life had a meaning and a purpose. It wasn't my time yet. I did return.
NDE from heart attack.

1460. Linda K Probable NDE 1/4/2008. Probable NDE 125. Oh Lord! After something like that, you have to investigate everything that your life is about. Going from believing in nothing to not being sure what happened to you, to learning to believe in something and the eternal investigation of what that something is. Thank God I had that bowel obstruction!
Inspirational probable NDE from post-operative complication. Not clear imminent life-threaten event. She was a heavy alcoholic and completely changed her life around.

1458. James S NDE 1/4/2008. NDE 127. It is a feeling of Perfect love and trust. A feeling so strong that it could be felt so far away that traveling at supersonic speeds it would take half an hour to get there. The closer it came the stronger the feeling became until this immense feeling totally engulfed me in ecstasy so intense as to be unimaginable (for lack of better words) and lifted me by my elbows above the darkness and away we went; me being supported by two beings that felt better than a mother's breast to a newborn. I looked up at my benefactors and found that they were dressed in black gowns and had a screen over their faces, which, if you looked closely, had a mirror like substance that reflected your own image back at you. They were giving me reassurances through feelings and music that was like talking, only better than language. There is nothing to learn you can understand totally.
NDE from Heart Attack.

1457. Rica S NDE 1/4/2008. NDE 130. Oh, yes. What you answer for when you die is not what the preachers preach. It is, 'What have you done to help your fellow man?'
Attempted Suicide.

1456. Toni M NDE 1/4/2008. NDE 131. Caution, Disturbing Content - Mature Readers Only! All I remember was a beautiful white bright light, and the overwhelming feeling of love and acceptance. I felt like this was the best feeling I could ever have asked for. I have never felt that kind of love before or since. I knew there was someone/something there with me. This person/thing turned out to be a huge hand raised up as if to warn me to stop. The hand was illuminated and whiter than the surrounding whiteness. I heard a voice coming from the direction of the hand and it said, 'Go back, it's not your time.'
Teenage suicide attempt. This one made me cry it is so sad, and it really made me angry too.

1369. Diane C NDE 12/14/2007. NDE 321. I first came to an absolutely serene and beautiful countryside. This is where I saw animals (including unicorns) and they were so beautiful and contented, so full of LOVE. The grass, trees, and flowers were all so exquisite that my mind said so and in return, a vibration of Love flowed back to me from them. The water was so spectacular that I expressed this in my mind and the waters were living and sparkled back to me with love. There was melody or music all around, not unexpected, and perhaps because I love music so much. And God has permitted me several times in this life to hear this awesome music, fully more melodic and more beautiful than anyone could write while here on earth. Just suddenly playing and filling my soul with joy.
Exceptional NDE from Cardiac Arrest.

1235. Kathi B NDE 10/14/2007. NDE 3339. So the thoughts came into my head: what kind of form or shape would make you most comfortable? 'What do you mean?' I thought back. Some require me to take the shape of a wise old man, others a woman and still others an animal, all of different races, ages, sizes or species. What about you? I thought without hesitation 'Human.' With that, the light began to simultaneously separate into amazing rays of color and intensify into a more solid form. Once the light reached the stage where it looked like a human form, a rather generic looking cookie cutter shape, like a gingerbread man, I thought, 'That is enough, I am comfortable with this form.' The shape could move and was three dimensional. It was composed entirely of light and rays of luminescent color emanated from every part of it. I saw the color again, many years later when I first saw iridescent material. The feelings of safety, love and peace were even greater in its presence. We were still communicating through thoughts.
NDE due to near drowning.

1230. Valerie K Other 9/13/2007. OBE/ADC 21664. As I neared the front of the line another soldier grabbed my arm and restrained me just before I reached him. Just then, we heard the click. My friend had stepped on a land mine. The force of the explosion threw me backward against a tree. I screamed as blood splattered my body. The next instant found me again in the doorway of my apt., I heard the sound of feet running as my friend, and the two boys waiting for me came to see what had happened. They found me standing in the doorway with my hands braced against the door jam on each side. I had blood and dirt splattered on my clothes and face and my right shoulder was painfully swollen and turning black. It had been dislocated when I hit the tree.
Among the most remarkable experiences we have received. OBE/ADC at time of friend’s death by land mine in Vietnam. Incredibly, she was covered with blood and dirt immediately after this experience, though she was living in America at the time.

1153. Jennifer V NDE 9/16/2007. NDE 3318. Yet I was shown my body below, in the plane in which I knew there is a line between here and there. I could see my limp and lifeless body thrown over the driver of the car. I was asked how about now, do you see now that you must go back. And I said; No, you know I am not happy down there, and you know this is my prayer, my one dream answered. I have been begging to come back here (home) ever since I left to go down there. I can't stand it, and I am not going back.
NDE at age eleven due to car accident. During experience, received explicit information to save another person who was in car accident.

1131. Patsy D NDE 8/18/2007. NDE 307. I turned around and was immersed in light. I was surrounded by unconditional love, and total acceptance. I knew I was complete at last. Never had I felt such safety and serenity before. Suddenly, I had all knowledge. All that I had ever heard or known was swept away. I knew that Christ had not died on the cross and that there is no sin or evil. I knew that I had existed since the moment of creation, that I shall always exist, and that all consciousness is in the act of becoming. I knew that I had lived many times in physical reality and I watched those expressions and observed each of them. I experienced what we mean when we say that we have free will and that we choose everything. There are no absolutes. I watched every thought I had ever chosen to its natural end, and each person it had touched.
Amazing NDE from our archives!

1038. Ruud L NDE 3/6/2007. NDE 2819. Original in Dutch, translated into English by Wouter. The first week after the accident they injected me literally full of morphine, to keep me in a sort of coma. Afterwards a doctor and my parents told me that I had not been conscious for one moment during that week. The funny part is that I can remember everything that happened at the intensive care. I know my parents came to visit, that my father had to throw up when he saw me, that my mother did not know what to do and could not stop crying. Also, a nurse came to sit by me whenever she could manage the time. I knew she was taking courses in surgery assistance. I saw her and her colleagues working the whole week, with me and other intensive care patients. One given moment, I knew precisely what patient was given which medication and what time.
This is an amazing NDE! It proves that the NDE is not brain chemistry because the morphine did not change his lucidity. The other part is that what he saw in the out-of-body state was entirely accurate and verified. That means that the NDE was not a ha

1036. Darlene K NDE 3/4/2007. Shared NDE 2948. I floated up to the ceiling. Lucy entered the room with the bright rays of sun through the window. She had no body, like me. We greeted each other happily and played, spinning and twirling in the air. It was fun. When we stopped, she took me up through a dark tunnel with an intense light at the top. When we arrived, there was no top or bottom. There was nothing there but love. It was pure love. Intense love. Everything was okay. Everyone there was okay. They were all happy, loving beings. They were expecting Lucy. They talked with her and laughed with her. I watched them and felt the love all around me. They reviewed Lucy's past. Suddenly, I felt a being communicate, 'You're not supposed to be here.'
NDE due to smothering. Interesting encounter in experience with her cousin Lucy. Later found that Lucy died around the time of the NDE, making this a relatively rare example of a shared NDE.

1011. Linda S Probable NDE 2/3/2007. Probable NDE 2903. I did not see the Spirit as I had seen Jesus of Nazareth depicted in paintings, but the innate knowing of my heart remembered and acknowledged Christ. The radiant Spirit was Christ, the manifestation and expression of pure love. Because of my Christian education, I knew no other name to call what I felt as I looked at him. Others might have called him Buddha, or Yahweh, or Great Spirit in the Sky, but the naming did not matter; only the recognition of absolute love and truth was important. Safe in the gentle yet powerful embrace of his love, I rested, secure that everything was okay, exactly as it was supposed to be.
This is a must read. Astonishingly beautiful and exceptional experience.

977. Barbara J NDE 12/10/2006. NDE 2847. 'Why is it not my time?!?! I'm ready to die! My life sucks!! My best friend died three years ago!! Why is it not my time?!?!' Then he turned around as if someone was talking to him and turned back around to me again and said, 'Someone wants to talk to you.' Then he pointed to the gate with the city behind it. Someone was standing there. At first, I couldn't see who it was but when I got close I couldn't talk, cause it was Jake. You see, Jake, my best friend, died in a car accident five years ago. We were both seven years old then. When I saw him there I ran to the gate as fast as I could! When I got there, we both reached out, grabbed each other's hands, and cried. He looked my age, but I knew it was him.
Incredible NDE that happened at age ten and is shared when she is twelve. Youngest person to share NDE directly in NDERF history. Note she is resuscitated by paramedics that then immediately left the area and vanished mysteriously. Barbara and her friends

924. Anita M NDE 8/21/2006 & 2/4/2013. NDE 2766/11068. From Hong Kong. I was drifting in and out of consciousness during this time, and I could feel my spirit actually leaving my body. I saw and heard the conversations between my husband and the doctors taking place outside my room, about forty feet away down a hallway. I was later able to verify this conversation to my shocked husband. Then I actually 'crossed over' to another dimension, where I was engulfed in a total feeling of love. I also experienced extreme clarity of why I had the cancer, why I had come into this life in the first place, what role everyone in my family played in my life in the grand scheme of things, and generally how life works. The clarity and understanding I obtained in this state is almost indescribable. Words seem to limit the experience - I was at a place where I understood how much more there is than what we are able to conceive in our three-dimensional world. I realized what a gift life was, and that I was surrounded by loving spiritual beings, who were always around me even when I did not know it.
Exceptional NDE due to nearly fatal Hodkin's Lymphoma (malignancy of the lymphatic system). From Hong Kong, and a relatively rare non-Western NDE, and the most detailed non-Western NDE we have received to date. Exceptional insights and apparent miraculous

815. Wayne H NDE 04/02/2006 & 08/18/2007. NDE 2543. The wall beyond my gurney became transparent and I was shown what appeared to be a flowing river. It was silver and shimmering as it flowed. The drops in the river were each a different color yet all flowed together as one body of water. Nothing gave me the impression this was actually water or a river but this is the best descriptive example that can be given of something I witnessed for which there are no words. The main body of the flow was silvery shimmering lights with different colored drops on the flow. I understood (I use this term because I did not actually hear) the colored drops were the experiences of all who had lived. The experiences existed as separate items yet belonged to the whole. The whole was the collective knowledge of all. I understood there was no individual, just one, yet each experience was an individual making up the whole.
A MUST read! NDE from being struck by car as a pedestrian. Thought-provoking Jesus Encounter, fantastic description of the other side.

809. Brian T NDE 3/26/2006. NDE 2538. One example when I approached the boundary. No explanation was necessary for me to understand, at the age of ten, that once I crossed the boundary, I could never come back - period. I was more than thrilled to cross. I intended to cross but my ancestors over another boundary side caught my attention. They were talking in telepathy, which caught my attention. I was born profoundly DEAF and had all hearing family members, which all of them knew sign language! I could read or communicate with about twenty ancestors of others and mine through telepathic methods. It overwhelmed me.
Remarkable NDE!!! Profoundly deaf from birth. NDE associated with drowning at age ten. Communicated telepathically with multiple deceased relatives.

742. Gary D NDE 1/1/2006. NDE 2428. At that exact second a land appears behind The Guide, a beautiful land like no other I have ever seen in my life. I have traveled to many places here on earth but have yet to find a place where the plants and trees glowed like they did in this place. It was like a beautiful tropical jungle I could see birds flying with three distinctly separated tails not like the birds I had seen here on earth. I could see plants and trees that made no sense to me. It was so beautiful so peaceful and very bright, everything was bright and alive. By now, I was beginning to understand what is going on here. I know now it isn't anything earthly that I am looking at or for that, matter experiencing.
Astonishing NDE 33 years ago due to scuba diving equipment failure. Remarkable for several elements including the observation of a watch he had on during the OBE phase while passing over significant earthly distances.

737. Lou F NDE 1/1/1999 & 12/25/2005. NDE 70/2422. People were upon this Earth and appeared happier and more content although seemingly living like the Native populations of old. Cities, built by the Ancient Ones that were buried beneath the Oceans were now being populated by the surviving people in this new world. I saw Tribes joining tribes and small Nations forming, but it was what I didn't see that made my heart burst, there were no more wars, true peace and happiness had finally befallen on mankind. Gabriel now tells me that this is His message that I must take back, to let others know that there is little to fear, for the Earth will go on forever, as did all the Planets I had visited... 'MAN WILL PREY ON MAN ~ UNTIL MAN PRAYS FOR MAN!'
Remarkable NDE as a result of car crash 42 years ago. This is an integration experience where you can see changes over the last 6 years.

724. Ron K NDE 1/1/2006. NDE 2428. Instead of restricting the mysteries of love to psychological or philosophical studies, science will someday discover the all-powerful force of love and measure it as they now do electricity, gravity and geo-thermal forces. When science discovers the forces of love and learns how to release it from the bars of the ego, they will have the answer to every question and ill that has plagued mankind. The love we feel on Earth is limited. We delve it out piecemeal to a few, with conditions. But on the Heavenly Plains, love is boundless. Male and female identities are equal because the human sex drive does not exist to complicate emotions. On the Plains, we love our neighbor as ourselves, because our neighbor is ourselves. Every spirit everywhere, Heaven and Earth, is equally deserving of our love. I was made to understand all of this in one flash of communication, in one emotion, from this entity... The sole purpose of life is spiritual growth, and that, put simply, is the process of learning the wisdom and power of universal, unconditional love. All of the dogma of various religions just get in the way by infusing a judgmental and egotistical brand of separatism that satisfies man's archaic and barbaric disposition. In the end, the only things that matter is the people we help and the people we hurt. This revelation is not fully understood until we return to the Plains and examine it under the light of absolute truth.
Among the most profound NDE we have ever encountered. Author indicates: Have just had a book published about the experience called A Higher Good, available from PublishAmerica.

687. C.D. NDE 9/17/2005. NDE 2328. I went out of my body. Saw the doctors around working on me during surgery. I went through a tunnel really fast. I was in a wonderful light. I saw a bridge. Across the bridge were people I knew who had died, like my father who had died less than a year before this. He was so happy to see me and said, 'Hi Mija.' There was light around them. Other family members were all smiling at me. He was so proud for them to see me. I was happy to be there. Then after a while, a voice said I had to go back. It wasn't my time. I had things to do. My dad's face dropped. He looked sad. I said I didn't want to go back. I was crying. Then like an instant. I went back through the tunnel and I was back in my body.
NDE during surgery for 'blood clot on brain'.

682. Skeeter Possible NDE 9/17/2005. Possible NDE 2331. From Australia. The first people I told were my mum and grandmother, I would have been about twelve. It was after hearing about other near death cases that a bell rung and I thought, 'Hey! That sounds familiar. I had an encounter with a big bright light.' And mum then said, 'Well you did suffer fetal distress.' I thought, 'Yes, yes! It was the first thing that ever happened to me.' My experience was well on it's way to being validated when I started reading detailed accounts from other people speaking of the light, and the love it radiated.
Possible remembrance of NDE due to fetal distress immediately prior to his being born.

657. Nevie G NDE 7/23/2005. NDE 2283. I left my body. I was no longer intoxicated; I was completely clear and could see everything at once. I realized that I was almost dead and became very upset and began to cry for Jesus to help me. At this moment, I was aware of a light enveloping me. I was the light and it was me. There was another Being with me. The Being let me know that I was going to die and I must leave this body for good. I remember arguing with the Being explaining that I didn't want to because it was so hard going through the childhood years and I didn't want to have to go through this again. The Being indicated that my body was severely damaged and I couldn't go back. I became very adamant at this point that God was all powerful and could fix the body. At some point the decision was made to let me re-enter my body on my faith or will, whatever one may call it.
NDE at age thirteen due to alcohol poisoning. Quite detailed.

654. Jaime G NDE 7/23/2005. NDE 2286. Then I noticed that there was a florescent light that emanated from the top of the room and I started feeling so good like. I can't describe it. Love, or like the first time you kiss. Electricity. Butterflies in your stomach, like the best drug. I don't know how to describe it, it felt so good. I then got a little panicky because I noticed that there was no light source; it was just there. That's when she touched my hand that I noticed that I looked down and could see my hand. It was there but it looked white almost florescent and she told me that it was all right (all this conversation was in Spanish by the way) and said, 'Let's drink the coffee.' I did. But I notice that it was not hot and had no taste. It was lukewarm; but yet there was steam coming from it like it was hot, but it was not. It's like when you are sick and there's no taste. Anyway, I tell her that we (family) think of her every day. She stated that she knew. She knew that we loved her very much and she loved us. Then I noticed that the room was dome like. That in one section the left side of that domed room was like a curtain and I saw my grandfather on my mom's side peek though.
A rare Hispanic gustatory NDE; He had coffee with his grandmother.

582. Chris L NDE 1/16/2005. NDE 20726. Two years ago I was having oral surgery and had a reaction the medication to put me asleep. I was flat lined for over three minutes until the medical people showed up. I remember the whole event. I was with my deceased father in-law in an area that was so peaceful I didn't want to leave. When he died he could not speak English, but when I was with him I could understand him perfectly.
Reaction to medicine during dental surgery. Met deceased father-in-law. Interestingly, his father-in-law could not speak good English during his life, but could be understood easily during experience.

577. Bob H NDE 1/16/2005. NDE 20703. I remember like it was yesterday I was above the pool about five -six feet up. I remember saying aloud to myself I am all right. I felt amazing, a feeling of total joy. There was no pain. I was looking down and could see people around somebody on the sidewalk beside the pool. I did not know who any one was. It was I looking down but what I saw was not Bob. I did not even know Bob, but I was still me as I was before I drowned. I do not know how to explain this any other way.
NDE associated with drowning at age 9. OBE. Was not believed when he shared what happened at the time.

574. Craig T NDE 3/5/2005. NDE 2139. When I was one and a half I became very ill. On the way to the doctors, I went into a seizure which trigged cardiac arrest, both occurred five times in total. I was flat-lined for a short time in transportation from one hospital to another. I had no religious background, I was baptized and that was it. I came back talking about heaven and telling my grandfather he would be warm there, but I didn't even know what heaven was. I was drawing pictures saying it was Jesus or relatives I never met.
Seizure and cardiac arrest at age eighteen months. Has no memory of experience, but parents told him after the experience he talked about heaven and drew pictures of Jesus and relatives he never met.

566. Joyce H NDE 2/16/2005. NDE 2114. Suddenly I was in the presence of a Being of Light. I could not see the face, could communicate, but not in words or pictures even - in some connection of oneness. I experience that connection in meditation frequently, but I cannot explain it very precisely. It is beyond words and other kinds of experiences. The emotions are always enhanced. I feel joy so deep that my whole self-leaps with gratitude; I feel peace; I feel awe and belonging. I did not have a specific life review, but felt everything about my life and me was known, understood and not judged. I was profoundly loved.
Joyce is an amazing lady who now devotes her life to healing and also has a new book called 'From Soul to Cell.' http://www.joycehawkes.com/books.html

560. Mark J NDE 2/15/2005. NDE 2126. As I floated away from my body I was somehow aware of the air molecules, not in a scientific way, but such that there was a connection between the air molecules and what I had become, or rather, what I had always been. In this frame of mind I am always connected to all things. I have also said in conversations about my experience, and continue to assert, that what is really going is so much bigger than anything I had ever experienced in church or in literature through any medium. It transcends the human capacity for expression. In my awareness, I became or returned to being a part of this.
Profound NDE!

547. Barbara S NDE 1/16/2005 & 1/30/2011 & 1/30/2011. NDE 2102/5023/7375 The next thing I remember was coming into a clear white light. I lost all fear of drowning. I knew that my body was perfectly safe. I felt this total love and acceptance from this light. I realized that the white light had a voice in it and was separate from me. I also realized that I was still me but was part of this white light also. I belonged to it and it belonged to me. I was told that you are here to gain knowledge and to learn how to love. When I was told this, I realized that when the entity said 'you' it didn't mean just me, it meant the human race. I understood all the ramifications of love and knowledge when it said this to me. It didn't mean physical love as much as learning to accept all races and knowing that no soul is better than another.
NDE due to drowning at age 10. Shared 49 years later.

471. Joe G NDE 9/12/2004. NDE 1058. Then I felt like I was pushed back into a wall and my arms pinned back to the wall. I felt totally helpless and then I saw what looked like hair ball with shark teeth come at me. I looked to my right side and saw that the voices were little monsters that were turning into the hairballs and back into monsters. They were the ugliest looking things I have seen and yet to see. They looked like snakes crossed with bats crossed with something that had horns. They had bodies that were like that of a snake and it had wings. They arms and hands look like those of a bat. Their faces look like snakes and they had fangs like a bat and a snake. On the top of their heads, they had horns, but not like the horns of a bull or a ram. They had pointed horns but nothing that I could say was earthly.
This is an extremely profound NDE in so many ways! He went to hell, then to heaven. His sister, Miranda G had a NDE a month before he had his NDE. Talk about a family soul group!

455. Linda B NDE 9/12/2004. NDE 1030/10085/10084. After experiencing all of the miracles of this day I would still find my future playing out just as I had seen. And as it progressed I would know fear, sadness, and lack of faith just as they had predicted. I would sin and more. The angels knew this but it took me years to fully understand everything that they had showed me and wanted me to understand. They knew all of the time that I would not turn into the perfect saint. They loved me just the way I was. God loves me always not just when I am obedient and perfect. What a wonderful feeling that is. I just have to remind myself that He is here and learn to stop talking long enough to listen for His voice.
This is one of the most riveting accounts that we have. In describing her NDE, she takes the reader through the emotional gambit. Truly Amazing and a Great Novel! (All thirty-five pages of it!)

432. James T NDE 10/27/2003. NDE 10080. It quickly grew in size as I approached it, and realized that this was the same pure white light I had experienced at four. It is the most absolute, pure light that never hurts to look at, probably because you're not actually looking at it with physical eyes, even though the sensation is that of seeing, it's simply a sight of the mind. It was like a sun or a planet of light until I got close enough to see more detail. It was at that moment, where seeing this detail, that what could only be described as 'all' was revealed, and even that is a poor description of what is conveyed to you. The detail I can only describe as billions and billions of 'bit's' of light both spiraling back to and away from this 'body of light', which is simply a more visual description of what we call God.
Two NDEs lead to one of the most profound knowings that are shared in this account!

404. Lavette H NDE 4/24/2004. NDE 945. I was amazed at how much more real and vibrant the colors and light around me were. This is real and that body there was just a coat I had been wearing. It felt good to be out of it. I felt free from pain, confusion and all the heaviness of the weight of life on one's shoulders. My entire perspective on life was changing as fast as I could think. As I was basking in the wonder of it all at the same time the one who pushed me in jumped in to get me. I watched as she pulled the body to the top of the water. As fast as my self came out of the body, it went back in and I was instantly very angry about it.
Teenage drowning NDE.

364. Juliet N NDE 8/20/2002. NDE 10077. MultiMedia The best way I can describe the transition from being ‘alive’ on the physical plane and the passage to the Other Side is like passing from one ‘room’ to another. You do not cease to be or lose consciousness; your consciousness simply shifts from one vantage point to another. The experience changes; your outlook changes; your feelings change. And the feelings I experienced were profound. For me, it most certainly became that peace that surpasses all understanding…My transition was gradual as a result of having a terminal disease—as opposed to a sudden one incurred from accidents, heart attacks, etc. I became aware of a ‘Being of Light’ enveloping me. Everything was stunningly beautiful--so vibrant and luminous…and so full of life—yes, life! --in ways that one would never see or experience on the physical plane. I was totally and completely enveloped in divine Love. It was unconditional love…in the truest sense of the word. I was in constant communion with this Light and always aware of its loving presence with me at all times. Consequently, there was no sense of fear whatsoever…and I was never alone. This was a special opportunity to experience being at one with the ALL—never separate…and never at a loss.
Wow! Reader's and Listeners will really enjoy this one!

253. Roger C NDE 4/2/2003. NDE 744. From Canada I went into a dark place with nothing around me, but I wasn't scared. It was really peaceful there. I then began to see my whole life unfolding before me like a film being projected on a screen, from babyhood to adult life. It was so real! I was looking at myself, but better than a 3D movie as I was also capable of sensing the feelings of the persons I had interacted with through the years. I could feel the good and bad emotions I made them go through. I was also capable of seeing that the better I made them feel and the better the emotions they had because of me would give me some credits (karma) and that the bad ones would take some of it back - just like in a bank account, but here it was like a Karma account to my knowledge. The more points (karma) I got would give me permission to access a better area or a better place somewhere. It was the knowledge I had then.
This is one incredible NDE! He interacted with the light, felt the great love, and got to explore other planets - one on a higher and one on a lower evolutionary scale than ours!

184. Mari C NDE 11/11/2002. NDE 629. From Australia After a hazy journey (seemingly short), I was enveloped in light and exquisite and infinite love. By now, I recall this as an ageless soul. I felt, as best as I can describe, in a state of total bliss. Once again, there is no language to convey feelings. There seemed to be a collective consciousness who welcomed me, but at the same time conveyed the knowledge that I was the one responsible for the decision to stay or go back. I recall these decisions not as a small child but a person with accumulated knowledge to evaluate the choice and make a decision.
This NDE happened when she was 18 months old, with crystal clear memories. This is amazing because the implications are that the recalled memories could not have been stored or processed in the brain of an 18 month old. Therefore, the experience would ten

180. Bill W NDE 10/29/2003. NDE 619. The grass was so green it hurt to look at it, and it felt so good! I could even taste the grass by feeling it, it tasted like watermelon. Walking on the grass was wonderful - it was an incredible feeling. The best way I can describe it was, 'OH MY GOD! WOW!!!' The sense of smell was not with the nose. It was more like it permeated through my cheekbones under my eye, like smelling through the sinuses.
This is one of the most amazing accounts with such detailed descriptions of the indescribable! This is Bill's first time telling his story and it truly is such an honor to hear the account first hand! ADDENDUM Experience - one amazing story that happene

175. Diane G NDE 10/13/2002. NDE 622. Multimedia Suddenly, we burst into the light and a whole new reality was revealed to me, similar to the physical world, but, in this higher vibration, more colorful, more beautiful, more amazing. I saw plants, trees, mountains, lakes, animals, and shimmering crystal-like buildings, some very large and ornate. I saw beings moving about, light beings, going about their daily lives. They don't have physical bodies, but they are distinct fields of energy. They don't walk, they float. They have lives much like ours, but without the struggles and sorrows. They are artists, musicians, dancers, singers, inventors, builders, healers, creators of magical things... things they will manifest in their next lifetime in the physical universe.
Great rafting NDE! A must read because of the vivid NDE descriptions and integration afterwards.

145. David H NDE 2/8/1999. NDE 10059. Two parts FIRST PART: So beautiful was his light, words cannot express, His light was like the rising sun. And like the sun he rose up from behind the mountains into the sky. Love poured into every part of my being and my soul was revitalized. The planet was also changing under His light. I saw parts of the mountains tear open and gush forth in the form of water falls. 7/23/02 SECOND PART: All thoughts are heard here so you can't hide a plan for your self. instead you just have to come out and say it. So I said very stern, "who are you!!" she then tore off a part of the shroud that hid her face and showed me only bone and skull. her jaw opened wide, as if dislocated, and she rose completely out of her robe and swooped down at me for a bite. It was my left shoulder, my spirit body. The pain was so great, it was worse than death. so at that very moment as she swooped around in mid air to take on another bite of my spirit, I dropped down on to my knees and cried out for God.
David gave us pieces of his story as he has time to write it. It was worth the wait as it is truly a remarkable experience! This NDE is a special one that helps to show that gay guys do not go to hell, as some extreme fundamentalist rhetoric would have

124. Bob A NDE 5/14/2002. NDE 552. I remember standing up and looking around and seeing that everything was in the color green. Light green, dark green, all shades of green. The church was green, Mississippi River was green. I thought I broke my head, I put my two hands on my head to hold it, and I laid down on my back. As my body hit the ground, pictures of my life went through my mind. It was like a freight train of knowledge moving at the speed of light. Each car was experiences of my life (both good and bad)
Although Bob's NDE is highly noteworthy, the aftereffects are truly astounding!

119. William Si NDE 4/29/2013 & 10/24/2004. NDE 541/2043. Passing through this area, which seemed as if it could be endless, yet wasn't, I could sense those spirits that were in the shadows, I understood why they wouldn't look into the light, mostly because of the religious indoctrination that had lived by on earth, they felt they were not worthy to look into the light because of actions they had done in the human existence.
Describing his third NDE in light of his first two NDEs and what he has read. This is a wonderful, extremely down-to-earth viewpoint from a Salt Lake City IANDS member. There is a letter addendum with additional questions from NDERF, and another e-mail

117. Emma Louise S NDE 8/11/2004. Secondhand NDE 10090. A rare 1884 NDE (horse and buggy days), as related by first hand account of son and by granddaughter. She recounted a most remarkable experience during this period of time after being declared “dead." She felt as though she were taking a gentle journey down a river. She heard beautiful music. She felt a degree of peace and joy such as she had never experienced before. She believed she was in heaven and recognized that she had died. While this was going on she began to have conflicting thoughts-I must go back, my children need me vs. I can't leave this contentment and beauty. This internal struggle went on for some time. Then she awakened and recovered her health, living a full and satisfying life, and seeing her children all grow up and have successful lives of their own.
This is an wonderful NDE story, with most of the classic NDE imagery and after-effects, yet occurring almost a century before Raymond Moody coined term "near-death experience" and long before NDEs were ever publicized.

62. Cougar NDE 10/18/2014. NDE 10002. I have had one surface experience and two deep ones. I have been to heaven and to hell and personally resolved the apparent dichotomy of experiences.
Three NDEs (pleasant and hellish) and startling aftereffects.

47. Lisa M NDE 3/5/2000. NDE 169. From Sweden. Multimedia Too The being of light showed me that all that was really important in life was the love we felt, the loving acts we preformed, the loving words we spoke, the loving thoughts we held. All that was made, said, done, or even thought without love was undone.
Transcendent NDE at age 5 from near-drowning. Truly remarkable!

30. Karen S NDE 2/28/2002. NDE 10058. We discussed my life, we discussed religion, we discussed secrets of the soul that as humans we must forget, lest we'd never be able to thrive on earth. All the while I was in awe.
Remarkable story of struggle with the guides to come back.

24. David NDE 3/6/1999. NDE 10025. "I only lasted ten seconds in the Seventh Heaven. Whole galaxies could be created with the light there with total ease."
Remarkable tour of the seven levels of heaven

15. Sarah NDE 2/10/1999. NDE 10033. As heard on the Art Bell Radio Show 2/4/99 and replayed 3/20/99 (Saturday). The story that astonished millions of listeners! Special for NDERF readers... Astonishing NEW information on Sarah's NDE at the bottom of her NDE account. Truly REMARKABLE!

3. When Time Stood Still 2/7/1999. NDE 4.

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