Experience Description

I am Alexandra and was allowed to accompany my daughter with cancer until the end.

On the last night before her death, my friend and I were with my daughter as she was dying. We both woke up when we heard the "rattle" before the lungs stop working. We both felt this indescribable feeling of what NDErs talk about. I felt that feeling of love, peace, trust - an indescribable feeling. And then I looked at my friend. Because he too looked at me like that, I asked him, 'Do you feel that too?' And he nodded. I continued, 'Do you feel the same as I do? This unimaginable love, this peace, this peace?' He replied, 'I feel the same as you. INCREDIBLE!' I got the answer. We two felt this divine love.

When we are very sad that Karin is no longer there, we comfort each other and remember that feeling that night.

Today, when I look to heaven, I think of my daughter knowing that she is well and that she is loved. She is not alone. Death is only her body; she is always with us. I pray more often than before, whether in the evening in bed, or driving in the car. If I see a cloud or a particularly beautiful ray of sunshine, they are signs for me and I become humble and pray. I may only pray briefly, but I pray.

In full love


My daughter Karin died on September 2, 2019 at 19:25, in Bürs, Vorarlberg, Austria

I love my daughter forever ...