Experience Description

It is the 11th of February 1996. I had postpartum preeclampsia after the birthing of my youngest son the day before. I gave a normal birth to my son, which lasted 1 hour and 15 minutes. The doctors wouldn’t cut in me, give me a C-section, even though there was an imminent danger of cramps, and the risk of bleeding to death due to my lack of platelets was great. My preeclampsia persisted after birth. The child, my son (my 10th child) was fortunately healthy and was fine after the birth. He lives today and is still going strong; he will soon be 17 years old.

I bled from nose, mouth and the eyes, as I lacked white blood cells in my blood; they are affected in preeclampsia. The personnel and the attending physician came once an hour to take blood samples. I received intravenous platelets in the arm, and some other form of medicine that I do not remember. I knew that I was very ill. The attending physician came once an hour to check on me, and samples were taken of my blood once per hour, through day and night. I was luckily with my newborn son and was so happy. I also got to breastfeed him. At some point during the evening of the February 11, I sat in my bed with pillows supporting my back, as I had just breastfed my son and put him back in his crib. I felt very weak and ill. I also felt befuddled and dizzy. Then I knew, when I would lie down, I would die. I just got that knowing in a calm manner, without drama, I just noted it. Feeling very tired and exhausted, I tried all I could do to remain sitting, but then I couldn’t go on, and I lied down in the bed.

Then I died, in silence and calm, by feeling and observing myself slipping out of my body, out of the back of my head. Right after I floated in the air under the ceiling of the hospital room I was in, while my body was still in bed, with my son sleeping by the bed in his crib. I died and floated slowly and calmly out of my body, as though it was the most natural thing in the world. After floating under the ceiling, I left the room, leaving behind my body, the hospital ward, and the hospital where I lied down with my newborn son.

After leaving the hospital, I reached some nice, very comforting and soft darkness. It felt so nice, soft and loving. Then I saw a light very far away. It came closer and closer while the soft and loving darkness pushed me towards it. Then I was surrounded by this unearthly loving, very beautifully radiating light. In that overwhelming radiating, loving light, I met a glowingly beautiful, very loving being. It was as if I knew him (it was apparently a he). I knew then that I knew him and felt completely comfortable and happy. His loving presence completely surrounded me and together we went through my life and all that I had experienced in a loving way, not any judging way. It was observed, and all the feelings involved during the life were examined. All was and felt good to see with him. While we were observing something particularly good, my good friend, this light being, made a kind of joyous outbreak of light and loving messages about what good I had done in that moment we had just observed.

We communicated with the use of our thoughts and mind. There were a lot of smiles and happiness related with the review of my life, even though my life was anything but easy. It had been tough, with many tears, betrayal, loneliness, abuse and more, but much joy with my grandparents and good playmates during my childhood, and later with my own children.

All situations were examined, and all the good was emphasized and shown. I could see it with him; endure it all without feeling a single negative emotion through it, which is strange to think about afterwards. While there, in my near death experience, almost nothing made me wonder or question anything throughout the entire experience. Only much after, when I thought back, did I wonder about some of these experiences I had then.

I was told what was especially good, that also included experiences where I had acted with my heart, and not giving it any particular thought, this was really pointed out.

In this way, I got to know what is especially good; to be and act with love and with the heart. To be happy and to be as good and pure in heart as possible with others. Not to lie, but to stand by myself and take care of myself. I learned to be true to my own values and myself, to forgive without accepting negative actions from others, to let go and forgive, and to stay in joy. I also learned to be in the present as much as possible, to nourish myself and to be my own best friend, and to be a good friend to others. We all have our own path to learn and work on accepting this so I try not brooding over problems, but to let go of them even when it’s difficult. I try to address the challenges and problems again when I have the strength to overcome them, to forgive myself and not push myself too much, to feel myself more and not cross my own limits and values, to be good and honor ALL living.

I learned that death, that to die is so amazingly beautiful and full of joy and love. I felt myself to be very awake and aware the whole time. I was immensely curious and observing, and my awareness was unearthly, much larger than when I am here in life. I could see 360 degrees around myself. I could focus on what I wanted to and keep it close-up without any problems, even without thinking about it. I could look up, down, forward and behind me all at once.

I felt more fresh and energized than ever, much more than when I am in life. I had the feeling that I could do anything, not that I thought about it, but I had no problems at all, and never speculated on anything negative. I was energized, joyful and curious. I was there in the present moment, totally in the present. I felt no pain or gave it any thought.

At the same time, I went through the life review, with all the emotions and experiences, together with this vibrant and very loving being who I just knew so well, without knowing from where, other than it must have been when I was in the afterlife, when I have been physically dead. I was whole and totally safe.

Everything was sharper and I could focus on it when I wanted to. Colors were clearer and vibrant. My field of view was all around. It was so beautiful and all the colors were unearthly beautiful. I was so happy and calm during all of my near death experience. I have hearing loss in my life, I did not have that in death, and I could hear much better than ever in my life. I had no trouble with my hearing; the sounds were beautiful and melodic. The conversations I had with others did not take place with sound, but rather with telepathy. I was completely filled with emotions, such as great joy, deep, deep love, comfort, gratitude, freedom, ‘EVERYTHING is as it should be’ feeling. All is well feeling.

I got to know from the radiating being, my loving friend, that I was only on a visit here at the other side of death, and that I should return to life again. I didn’t take this message in, and didn’t pay attention to it, because I was occupied but everything else going on; all that I got to know, everything that happened, and all the love and joy that I felt.

I was told that I would be divorced with my husband later on, because we couldn’t go on together, my former husband and me. That we both had something else to do and that I should look at it as a joyful thing for me that it would give me joy and much freedom to be divorced, but that it wasn’t to happen just yet. I was told that I should forgive my then husband and his actions and attitude, and that I should, with joy and gratitude; go on with my life after even though he would hurt me deeply. It was required for me to let go of him.

I was also told that I would have many delightful experiences thereafter, and begin to write and publish books about subjects I didn’t know about yet. Then I was told that I would work with something completely different from then on (different from what I had worked with up to then). I would get completely different goals about the future compared to now. I was told that I should take care of my health and myself and to be good to my body. If I was, I would be able to reach those goals I had set myself before I came into this life, and that it would give me so much happiness to reach those goals. There were also great challenges ahead, which I had set myself to overcome in this life, and that I should work on not letting it weigh me down, but rather take it in stride and with joy, and forgive myself if I didn’t progress as quickly as I wanted to. It would give me great wisdom, understanding and peace of mind to work with these problems.

I should remember to ask for help, because I would receive it, and it was very important for me to learn that it would take its time, it was said with laughter.

When I got sad, from then on I should remember and learn to focus on the joy, to remember all the good that had happened in my life, that it would heal my emotional wounds. I would meet a lot of nice people, good friends and souls, so I should be looking forward to that.

I would also find love again between man and woman much later, and it would be the dessert of the life I have, for both of us. Then much laughter followed in a compassionate way. Right then I was shown how he looks, he who would be my great love in the future, so that I could recognize him that day off in the future when I would meet him. The reason that I was told this was to give me enough calm so that I would work on myself and on that life that I want to have, which I know that, with the love, will happen one day.

After the review of my past and future, I visited a very beautiful and lively landscape, where I had the experience of taking a walk with my energetic and radiating friend. All the colors were so beautiful and vibrant, as if everything was alive and buzzing.

Here I reached a beautiful spot, where some souls came towards me, I recognized some of them, those I had known in my current life, those who had passed. My four grandparents, who I loved so much in my life, were also there. They smiled and were quite happy. They gave me many hugs and much love, and they told me that they had fun and were well, and they worked on whatever they desired the most. I also met several friends who had passed away, and they had come to greet me. They all said that I had to go back, and it wasn’t my time yet. Everyone was so healthy and smiling, and those who had been old, looked at least 20 years younger.

I felt very strong, and was then absolutely sure that there is meaning to everything big that happens to us in our lives, including everything I experienced in my near death experience, there is a meaning with the lives we have.

I then met a group of souls, who I didn’t know from this life, but when I saw them, I just knew that I knew them deep in my soul, it was them that I knew the best and I cared most about. They were those who I feel the most connected to in the entire universe! I was totally filled with happiness by the reunion, so much that it felt like I cried of joy and surprise. Meanwhile I wondered a lot about why, in my 42 years of life, I had at no point remembered them, those most of all. It was overwhelming and indescribably wonderful to meet them.

Now that I look back upon that, I can see that it wasn’t all or just a bit of what happens in the afterlife that I saw there. What I saw and experienced, was especially arranged for me and for my visit.

I was at the same time so enveloped with the experience that I didn’t think about whom I was or where I came from or, for that matter, worried myself about it. Neither did I think about wanting to get back. I only wanted to be right there, where I was. The experience took all my attention completely.

Suddenly a young man stood in front of me and I knew that he was my newborn son. He stared at me intensely, and then a voice shouted, his voice, throughout the place, ‘Mom, you promised me to be my mother in this life! Otherwise I wouldn’t be here!’ Then immediately I was propelled back to my body with immense speed. It only took a split-second to come back and it hurt incredibly to get back in my body.

When I was leaving the hospital, the attending physician told me that I was that patient, who had been the most ‘gone’, and then came back again. He said that they couldn’t do so much in that situation, other than give me plenty of platelets, watch me and then pray to God.

Background Information:

Gender: Female

Date NDE Occurred: 11.12.1996

NDE Elements:

At the time of your experience, was there an associated life-threatening event? Yes Childbirth Svangerskabs forgiftning efter fødsel af yngste søn 10.02.96 Clinical death (cessation of breathing or heart function or brain function) 'Svangerskabs forgiftning efter en fødsel dagen før af min yngste søn. Jeg blødte ud af n'se, mund og i øjnene, da jeg manglede blodplader. Personale og overl'ge kom engang i timen og tog blodprøver. Jeg fik intravenøst blodplader i armen og anden form fo. I died and floated calmly out of my body as if it were the most natural thing in the world. I floated up under the ceiling and then left the room, my body, and the hospital where my newborn son and I lied.

How do you consider the content of your experience? Wonderful

The experience included: Out of body experience

Did you feel separated from your body? Yes I clearly left my body and existed outside it

How did your highest level of consciousness and alertness during the experience compare to your normal everyday consciousness and alertness? More consciousness and alertness than normal I felt very alert and fresh all the time. I was very curious and observing, and my awareness was unearthly. It was much larger than when I am here in life. I could see 360 degrees around me; I could focus on what I wanted to look at closer without problems and without thought. I could look up, down, back and forth all at once.

At what time during the experience were you at your highest level of consciousness and alertness? I felt very alert and fresh all the time. I was very curious and observing, and my awareness was unearthly. It was much larger than when I am here in life. I could see 360 degrees around me; I could focus on what I wanted to look at closer without problems and without thought. I could look up, down, back and forth all at once.

Were your thoughts speeded up? Incredibly fast

Did time seem to speed up or slow down? Everything seemed to be happening at once; or time stopped or lost all meaning Not that I have noticed it or thought about it, but the time had gone faster or I had been out of time with all that I experienced, because I wasn’t in our Earth time for very long.

Were your senses more vivid than usual? Incredibly more vivid

Please compare your vision during the experience to your everyday vision that you had immediately prior to the time of the experience. I saw everything sharper, and could focus when I wanted to. The colors were much clearer and vibrant; my field of view was 360 degrees. It was so beautiful, all colors were unearthly beautiful. I was so glad, happy and calm during the whole near-death experience.

Please compare your hearing during the experience to your everyday hearing that you had immediately prior to the time of the experience. Yes I have hearing loss in my life, I didn’t have that in death, I heard much better than ever in life. I had no trouble with hearing; sounds were nice and melodic. The conversations I had didn’t use sound but rather telepathy.

Did you seem to be aware of things going on elsewhere? Yes, and the facts have been checked out

Did you pass into or through a tunnel? Yes After I had left the hospital, I entered a pretty, comforting and soft darkness. It was soothing. There I saw a light very far away which came closer and closer, while the very soft darkness pushed me towards the light, and then I was immersed in this unearthly loving radiating light.

The experience included: Presence of deceased persons

Did you see any beings in your experience? I actually saw them

Did you encounter or become aware of any deceased (or alive) beings? Yes In that overwhelming radiating loving light, I met a glowingly beautiful, very loving being. It was as if I knew him (it was apparently a he). I knew then that I knew him and felt completely comfortable and happy. His loving presence completely surrounded me and together we went through my life and all that I had experienced in a loving way, not any judging way. It was observed, and all the feelings involved during the life were examined. All was and felt good to see with him. While we were observing something particularly good, my good friend, this light being, made a kind of joyous outbreak of light and loving messages about what good I had done in that moment we had just observed.

We communicated with the use of our thoughts and mind. There were a lot of smiles and happiness related with the review of my life, even though my life was anything but easy. It had been tough, with many tears, betrayal, loneliness, abuse and more, but also much joy with my grandparents and good playmates during my childhood, and later with my own children. All situations were examined, and all the good was emphasized and shown. I could see it with him; endure it all without feeling a single negative emotion through it, which is strange to think about afterwards. While there, in my near death experience, almost nothing made me wonder or question anything throughout the entire experience. Only much after, when I thought back, did I wonder about some of these experiences I had then.

The experience included: Darkness

The experience included: Light

Did you see, or feel surrounded by, a brilliant light? A light clearly of mystical or other-worldly origin

Did you see an unearthly light? Yes After I had left the hospital, I entered a pretty, comforting and soft darkness. It was soothing. There I saw a light very far away which came closer and closer, while the very soft darkness pushed me towards the light, and then I was immersed in this unearthly loving radiating light.

The experience included: A landscape or city

Did you seem to enter some other, unearthly world? A clearly mystical or unearthly realm Jeg besøgte efter gennemgang af min fortid og fremtid et meget smukt energifyldt landskab hvor jeg gik tur med ham min energifyldte , strålende ven. Alle farver var så smukke og klare og vibrerende som om alt var levende og energifyldt. Her kom jeg frem til et meget smukt sted hvor der kom nogle sj'le frem imod mig og jeg genkendte der en del af dem jeg har kendt i nuv'rende liv, som var døde på det tidspunkt. Mine bedstefor'ldre alle fire, som jeg har holdt meget af i mit nuv'rende liv, og de smilede var enormt glade, og gav mig mange knus og meget k'rlighed, og fortalte at de havde det sjovt og godt og arbejdede med lige det de havde aller mest lyst til. Jeg mødte også flere afdøde venner som også var kommet for at hilse på mig. De sagde alle at jeg skulle tilbage igen, at det ikke var min tid endnu. Alle så de meget sunde og raske og smilende ud og dem der havde v'ret gamle, da de døde så mindst 20 år yngre ud. Jeg mødte derefter en gruppe af sj'le, som jeg ikke kendte fra det her liv, men da jeg så dem - vidste jeg bare, at dem kendte jeg dybt ind i min sj'l - det var dem, jeg kender aller bedst og holder aller mest af. Det er dem, jeg føler aller mest tilknytning til overhovedet i hele universet!!!. Jeg blev fuldst'ndigt fyldt op af gl'de og gensynet, så meget at det føltes som om jeg gr'd af gl'de og overraskelse. Samtidigt med at jeg undrede mig vildt over, at jeg ikke i de 42 år jeg havde levet, på noget tidspunkt havde husket dem - dem af alle...Det var overv'ldende ubeskriveligt dejligt at møde dem.

The experience included: Strong emotional tone

What emotions did you feel during the experience? Great happiness. Deep, deep love. Well being. Gratitude. Freedom. A feeling of all is as it should be. All is well.

Did you have a feeling of peace or pleasantness? Incredible peace or pleasantness

Did you have a feeling of joy? incredible joy

Did you feel a sense of harmony or unity with the universe? I felt united or one with the world

The experience included: Special Knowledge

Did you suddenly seem to understand everything? Everything about the universe

The experience included: Life review

Did scenes from your past come back to you? My past flashed before me, out of my control In that overwhelming radiating loving light, I met a glowingly beautiful, very loving being. It was as if I knew him (it was apparently a he), I knew then that I knew him, and felt completely comfortable and happy. His loving presence completely surrounded me, and together we went try my life and all that I had experienced in a loving way, not any judging way. It was observed, and all the feelings involved during the life were examined. All was and felt good to see with him. While we were observing something particularly good, came my good friend, this light being, with a kind of joy outbreak of light and loving messages about what good I had done in that moment we observed.

We communicated with the use of our thoughts and mind.

There were a lot of smiles and happiness related with the review of my life, even though my life was anything else than easy. It had been tough, with many tears, betrayal, loneliness, abuse and more, but also much joy with my grandparents and good playmates during my childhood, and later with my own children.

All situations were examined, and all the good was emphasized and shown. I could see it with him; endure it all without feeling a single negative emotion through it, which is strange to think about after. There in my near-death experience, it didn’t make me wonder, almost nothing made me wonder and question during the throughout the near death experience. Only much after, when I thought back, did I wonder about some of these experiences I had then.

The experience included: Vision of the future

Did scenes from the future come to you? Scenes from the world's future And it fits completely with what happened later in my life.

Did you come to a border or point of no return? I came to a barrier that I was not permitted to cross; or was sent back against my will

God, Spiritual and Religion:

What was your religion prior to your experience? Liberal 'Jeg troede på at livet ikke sluttede med døden -men havde ikke t'nkt over hvad der skete efter døden. Jeg var ikke specielt religiøs. Havde egentlig ikke taget rigtig stilling til religiøse spørgsmål. Kommer fra en barndomshjem hvor min far var Ateist og min mor lidt Kristen. Så det blev der ikke snakket om i det hjem. Jeg var på det tidspunkt som 42 årig meget politisk aktiv og arbejdede på den måde for en bedre verden . Jeg troede på at der fandtes noget efter døden men havde ikke taget stilling til hvad. Jeg vidste at jeg havde nogle usynlige hj'lpere, som hjalp mig når mit liv var rigtig slemt, men t'nkte ikke meget over det.Jeg kunne m'rke afdøde og vidste hvad de t'nkte, når de var i n'rheden af mig. Men det var et emne jeg ikke besk'ftigede mig med eller interesserede mig for.'

Have your religious practices changed since your experience? Yes I was, before my near-death experience, very politically active on the left-wing of Danish politics, and didn’t think much of religious matters. I knew that life didn’t end with death, but didn’t think more about it. I was busy with politics, work and being mother to nine children. I had enough with things to take care of, and to make a good life for my children.

I now know that there is a life after death. I now know that there is no hell other than the one we create ourselves. I know the most important thing is love between people and all beings. I know that we are here to learn and reflect in each other. I know that I receive as much help from the other side, as I am ready to receive, from those who I am most connected to in love. I now know that those who are passed away sometimes visit me and follow what happens in my life. I now know that I have set myself for something good, that I will reach in this life. I now know that all my children have chosen me as a mother, in love. I now know that I am loved. I now know that I am here in this life to, among other things, learn to love myself. I now know that there is a meaning with it all, why we are here.

What is your religion now? Liberal 'Jeg ved nu at der er et liv efter døden. Jeg ved nu at vi har mange liv her på jorden. Jeg husker nu ca. 100 tidligere liv af mine egne. Jeg ved at der er en mening med at vi er her i livet. Jeg ved at vi mødes igen og igen med dem vi holder af og dem vi ikke kan lide af mennesker som vi skal have 'ndret holdning til eller som stadig kan l're os noget her i forskellige liv. Jeg ved nu at jeg får en masse hj'lp fra dygtige meget k'rlige guider fra den anden side af døden nu. Jeg fik en st'rk kontakt til dem under min n'rdødsoplevelse, som har v'ret der lige siden.'

Did you have a change in your values and beliefs because of your experience? Yes I was, before my near-death experience, very politically active on the left-wing of Danish politics, and didn’t think much of religious matters. I knew that life didn’t end with death, but didn’t think more about it. I was busy with politics, work and being mother to nine children. I had enough with things to take care of, and to make a good life for my children.

I now know that there is a life after death. I now know that there is no hell other than the one we create ourselves. I know the most important thing is love between people and all beings. I know that we are here to learn and reflect in each other. I know that I receive as much help from the other side, as I am ready to receive, from those who I am most connected to in love.

I now know that those who are passed away sometimes visit me and follow what happens in my life.

I now know that I have set myself for something good, that I will reach in this life.

I now know that all my children have chosen me as a mother, in love.

I now know that I am loved.

I now know that I am here in this life to, among other things, learn to love myself.

I now know that there is a meaning with it all, why we are here.

The experience included: Presence of unearthly beings

Did you seem to encounter a mystical being or presence, or hear an unidentifiable voice? I encountered a definite being, or a voice clearly of mystical or unearthly origin

Did you see deceased or religious spirits? I actually saw them

Concerning our Earthly lives other than Religion:

During your experience, did you gain special knowledge or information about your purpose? Yes I felt very strong and was then absolutely sure that there is meaning to everything big that happens to us in our lives, including everything I experienced in my near death experience, there is a meaning with the lives we have.

Have your relationships changed specifically because of your experience? Yes I prioritize others’ company in another way. Things are not important; the most important is interaction and experiences with other people. The most important is love at all levels, and to help others and myself where I can. It gives me great joy. I have been divorced from my husband, since he does not have the same values as I do now. I have become a very spiritual interested human now.

After the NDE:

Was the experience difficult to express in words? Yes Some of the music, and the colors that I saw and experienced do not exist here on Earth; they were unearthly. Some of the things I was shown, which are worked with in the afterlife, are difficult to describe because they don’t exist here.

Do you have any psychic, non-ordinary or other special gifts after your experience that you did not have before the experience? Yes I can remember many of my past lives now; about 100. I have become more sensitive and more clairvoyant. I will often know something is going to happen, before it happens, both in my own life and on a global scale. I can see in other people; where they have lived in their past lives, and often also what they have experienced. I can feel other people’s mood and energies, and recognize then. I can now also feel those who have passed away, and non-terrestrial beings.

Are there one or several parts of your experience that are especially meaningful or significant to you? Yes. The review of my life with the very caring and vibrant being was very significant. Especially the meeting with those I knew from this life, who had passed away, and I could see they were well, which gave me much joy. All that I was told about my future and what would happen. It was also significant when I had to go back to life again, because I knew of all the good experiences I had yet to have, and all the love I had yet to give and receive. The knowledge about some important events in the future, it was very significant for me to know. That I let go of my fear of death, and felt this unearthly wonderful love and happiness, that I remembered it again, because I remembered it as if I had been there before. My near death experience has helped me to know a lot. It has totally changed my relationship with death, and to my life and how I relate to my fellow humans.

Have you ever shared this experience with others? Yes 4 years passed before I told anyone. I did not know that near death experiences existed when I had mine in 1996. I had never heard about it before.

I was so happy when I discovered that others had experienced something similar to me. Then I told it to others, but not that many, only my closest friends. I have yet to meet anyone who has had a near-death experience, but I have read about it, and read books about it.

I think it will be good to meet someone else who also had a near death experience some day; I’m looking forward to meeting one someday. I have now in the last 6 months here in 2012, begun to talk about death to others as a therapist, since I have such powerful and joyful things to tell about death, and I have learned that I help others with their fear of death. When we release our fear of death, we get a more joyful live, no matter how many challenges we meet.

Did you have any knowledge of near death experience (NDE) prior to your experience? No

What did you believe about the reality of your experience shortly (days to weeks) after it happened? Experience was definitely real I knew that it was real at once; I just didn’t know who to tell about it, even though I knew it was the truth and something I had really experienced, because I didn’t know about it before. As soon I was back in my body, I knew that it was real and true. I have never doubted it. It is the truth.

What do you believe about the reality of your experience now? Experience was definitely real My near death experience is true. I have felt, seen, experienced it all, and remember it well. It is strong in my memory. That which I was told would happen in my future came true, and I couldn’t have just imagined that. I knew the beings and people I had contact with in my near death experience, also those I don’t remember from this life, but who I immediately recognized as souls I knew deeply in my own soul. Even then, in my near-death experience, I wondered why in so many years, 42 years, I had not remembered them at all in this life. I didn’t remember, before I met them on the other side of death, those who I am the most connected in love with, in the whole universe, those who I love the most and deepest! I knew them in the inner most part of my soul. I know it is reality. I know it is true.

At any time in your life, has anything ever reproduced any part of the experience? No

Is there anything else that you would like to add about your experience? I am now so grateful for the near death experience I had because it has changed me into a much happier and aware human being. I have other values, I am so grateful for the knowledge I have now. It is a great gift to me to know all this about death and all the loving souls on the other side, who want the best for me, my family and all those in life on this Earth. I am honored to have experienced this supernatural, wonderful love and happiness that exists.

I am so grateful to have this gift of remembering many, many past lives of my own, terrible, fun, strange, serious and very loving experiences. I now see everything from a bigger perspective. I know there is a meaning with all that I have experienced and that I have had a big influence on what I experienced in all my past lives, and in my current life. It is a great gift to know and experience all this, and get an understanding of wholeness, which I have gotten through my near death experience and the special abilities I got after my experience, to remember past lives and some of my in between lives.

I now have it much better, with my childhood and my life, and I can see it all in a greater perspective. It allows me to know the overshadowing great love that exists. It allows me to know my best soul friends who wait for me on the other side, and that they help me as much as they can, when I remember to ask for help, which I far from always remember to do.

Are there any other questions that we could ask to help you communicate your experience? I want to think about that. It is so new to me to share my experiences with others, so I just haven’t thought about the technical in the questions.