Experience Description

I remember this event like it was yesterday, even after more than 40 years.

In August of 1981, the family was gone for the weekend. I only had a neighbourhood friend staying over that evening. However, he was out to a party until 2 to 3 a.m. I stayed behind in my own home. I planned to commit suicide about 1 to 2 days prior to that evening. I bought a bottle of pills for that evening and took the complete bottle, along with two other bottles of pills. After taking them, I quickly wrote a letter to my Mom and family. I placed it in my personal Bible, hoping that in time, they would find it. I then laid down on my bed. In time, I felt as if my body was slipping away as it was shutting down or perhaps dying.

After about 2 to 3 hours, I was suddenly outside my body. I was hovering over my brother's huge TV set that was located at the opposite corner of the room. I was close to the ceiling. In human time, I would say that I had this experience for about two minutes.

At first, I was confused. This new perspective, was not normal. I was floating up, near the ceiling in the corner of the room. I viewed my lifeless body on the bed with my eyes partially open. The street light was shining on it, because my bed was beside the uncovered window. I remember feeling sorry for that shell of a body, and instantly knew that all physical and emotional pain resided in that body. I then looked down to see if I now had a new body. There was nothing that I could see. It was at this moment, I felt very energetic. I also felt total unconditional love, peace, and joy. It was beyond any human feelings I ever had. It was as if, I was receiving a big spiritual-hug that felt amazing. Yet, no other being was there. As I pondered on this situation, I thoroughly enjoyed my new state of being. I heard a 'whoosh' sound. Then, I was suddenly back in my body and looking up to the ceiling.

I felt sad to be back in my body as I instantly felt the emotional pain. I could only move my small finger, and this went on for hours. It took until 6 to 7 a.m. in the morning for me to be able to start moving. I was in shock that my suicide attempt didn't work, but I also was surprised at what I just experienced. After all, I was taught in my religion, that when the body dies, so does the soul (life-force). There was no prior belief in an after-life. The only remaining trace was that we lived on in God's memory for resurrection.

Later that day, I told my friend about what I attempted earlier and he was angry with me. However, he never mentioned it again. He had basically dismissed it. Because of my religious background and their view on suicide as a a sin, I had no one to talk to about this event. I suppressed it for many years until I was 35 years old, when my experience came to the surface. I started to question religion, it's practices and beliefs. I left it and started on a new path of life experiences, freedom of choice, etc.

At 45 years old, I started on a new spiritual path and begin researching the 'After-life, OBE, NDE, etc.' I had complete freedom to do my own research. This was remarkable since my prior religion would never allow this. In my opinion, since having this event (OBE, NDE), I seemed to be more intuitive. I can see spirit beings at times. Since 2002, I've seen 5 to 6 spirit beings in 3 to 4 different locations. Presently, I am more at peace with it and not fearful. I just see/feel them as earth-bound spirits that happen to be within my presence. It might be that I'm on a higher vibrational level at that moment and open to spirit activity. I find it very interesting. I now have a new hope, and that is, the hope that our conscious being continues after death, in another form and in another realm and/or dimension.

Background Information:

Date NDE Occurred: 8/1981
