Kuvaus kokemuksesta:
Jouduin vakavaan auto-onnettomuuteen. Sain päävamman joka johti
hengitykseni pysähtymiseen, koomaan ja kuolemanrajakokemukseen.
Muistin kokemuksen ja taivaan elävästi kooman jälkeen.
Muistan kuinka kirkas sumu läpäisi kaiken. Valo oli kaikkialla ja se
loisti minunkin lävitse! Katsoin kättäni ja valo kuulsi sen läpi!
Vaikka käteni oli läpinäkyvä, se ei yllättänyt minua. Kävellessäni
tässä taivaallisessa olomuodossa, näin hänet. Hänen kirkkautensa oli
sanoinkuvaamaton. Hän ei kertonut nimeään. Tiesin sen. Hän oli Jeesus.
Kävelin Hänen seurassaan mutta emme kävelleet niinkuin kävelemme
fyysisessä maailmassa. Voisin parhaiten kuvailla sitä leijumiseksi.
Kaikkialla oli valkoista ja kirkasta. Kasvit näyttivät kirkkaan
vihreiltä. Näin vettä ja kuinka kirkas hehku ympäröi kaikkea. Vesi oli
helmeilevän puhdasta. Kävellessämme tässä puutarhassa halusin juoda
tuon virran vettä. Kun yritin ottaa vettä käsiini, vesi juoksi käsieni
läpi, eikä se ollut märkää. Kun kumarruin juodakseni virrasta, Jeesus
pysähtyi ja katsoi minua. Tunsin sen ja samalla janoni katosi. En
pysty kuvailemaan ihmetystä siitä kuinka vesi juoksi käsieni läpi.
Halusin kokea kaiken tästä puutarhasta. Kun keskustelin tämän
taivaallisen olennon kanssa, emme käyttäneet suuta puhumiseen, me
kommunikoimme suoraan valon kautta. Hän säteili minulle rakkautta,
huolenpitoa ja välittämistä. Tunne rauhasta oli sanoinkuvaamaton. Sain
mahdollisuuden valita palaisinko takaisin maan päälle vai jäisinkö
taivaaseen Hänen luokseen. Kerroin Hänelle halustani palata maahan
siinä tapauksessa että voisin auttaa itseäni ja muita. Tiesimme
kumpikin että paluu olisi vaikeaa. Hän tiesi etten haluaisi elämää
maassa jossa ruumiini olisi niin pahasti vaurioitunut etten pystyisi
edes kommunikoimaan. Hänen silmistään säteilevä ilo täytti sydämeni
ilolla ja muisto siitä saa nyt tätäkin kirjoittaessa mieleni
En tiedä kuinka se oli mahdollista mutta pystyin näkemään mieheni
sairaalassa. Hän piti kädestäni ja puhui ruumiilleni. Aivan kuin
olisin ollut huoneessa jollakin näköalapaikalla josta näkemiseen ei
tarvittu silmiäni. Tunsin voimakasta tarvetta palata mieheni luokse ja
elää elämääni hänen kanssaan jos pystyisin kommunikoimaan ja auttamaan
häntä. Herra ymmärsi ja kuuli sydämeni toiveen.
Seuraavaksi muistan olleeni takaisin kehossani ja kuinka fyysisistä
tarpeistani huolehdittiin. Pystyin lukemaan sairaanhoitajien ajatukset
siitä kuinka he koskettivat minua. Heidän kosketuksensa kertoivat
minulle jäänkö henkiin vai en. Jos he ajattelivat hoitavansa kehoa
jossa ei enää ole henkeä, tiesin sen. Yritin huutaa, "Hei, olen
elossa! Tulen selviytymään!" Luotin niihin hoitajiin jotka tiesivät
minun olevani kehossani ja uskoivat minun selviytyvän. He saivat minut
hieman rentoutumaan. Luin heidän ajatuksensa selvästi.
Taivaallisessa olevaisuudessa kommunikoitiin telepatian avulla. Koen
maan päällä turhauttavaksi sen etteivät ihmiset voi lukea suoraan
ajatuksiani tai etten minä kykene lukemaan heidän ajatuksiaan.
Kommunikointi suun ja puheen kautta on fyysistä ja vaikeaa.
Romantiikassa tunnetaan käsite sielunkumppanuudesta jossa kaksi sielua
kommunikoivat keskenään. Se saattaa kuulostaa uskomattomalle tai
mystiselle jos tällaista sielusta sieluun tapahtuvaa yhteyttä ei ole
itse kokenut. Kommunikointi henkisellä tasolla on hyvin syvällinen
kokemus. Se on siunaus.
I'm in a deep fog,
in a beautiful garden,
walking and talking to the Lord.
I told Jesus
I wanted to stay on this earth,
to finish my earthly probation.
I told him I believed I was strong
enough to face the adversities
and temptations that awaited me,
with his help. Jesus promised me
that I'd never be alone,
his spirit would always be with me,
strengthening me,
giving me courage..
Jesus told me he'd send help
from his servants who listen to him.
Jesus told me
that he had compassion for me,
that he loved me,
that he knew I'd come back to him,
and that he'd give me the help to do so.
Buoyed up by his promises,
and believing him,
I came back to this world.
I came out of my coma,
against all odds,
and I began to fight!
Jesus kept his promises.
I've had his spirit with me,
and all the help I need
from his servants who listen,
You! Thank you
for being the Lord's servant,
for keeping yourself open to his spirit.
I know the promises I made to the Lord,
and his promises to me will happen,
with his help. You are the Lord's strength,
his help, and he is yours.
What a beautiful friendship!
Thank you, Friend !
Background Information:
Gender: Female
NDE Elements:
At the time of your experience, was there an associated life-threatening event? Yes Accident Clinical death I had a traumatic head injury and stopped breathing and had to be resuscitated and put on a demand respirator for +1-2 weeks because I would often stop breathing
Did you feel separated from your body? Yes
At what time during the experience were you at your highest level of consciousness and alertness? I was in a coma, the experience slowly came back to me after I'd come out my coma and I was rehabilitating
Did time seem to speed up or slow down? Everything seemed to be happening at once; or time stopped or lost all meaning I knew I was in a heavenly garden , and who I was talking to, I knew I was floating above my hospital bed looking at my body in the bed and my husband talking to my body
Did you pass into or through a tunnel? No
Did you encounter or become aware of any deceased (or alive) beings? Yes Jesus, I recognized him having met him in my pre-mortal life, I remembered having lived in heaven as a spirit before I was born with him as my elder brother. I knew I was a child of God and I recognized Jesus as my elder brother and we non-verbally remembered our past together in heaven.
Did you see an unearthly light? Yes It was everywhere! The plants and the water glowed from within
Did you seem to enter some other, unearthly world? A clearly mystical or unearthly realm a heavenly garden, with a singing stream running through it
What emotions did you feel during the experience? I feel very loved and protected and wish to share my NDE with people.
Did you suddenly seem to understand everything? Everything about the universe nothing I didn't already know, its came to with a stronger force, I now KNOW that Jesus is real not just have an uncertain faith of him
Did scenes from your past come back to you? My past flashed before me, out of my control I'm saying yes now when before I said No, because back then the memories of my life review was too close to my heart to speak about. Yes, I did have a life review, Jesus and I viewed it together, he in my thoughts and I in his. It was an amazing experience! Remembering, indeed, reliving pivotal life experiences, both good and bad. And reading, feeling Christ's sorrow or joy per my actions then as we viewed pivotal life experiences. When first broaching the subject I found when I'd discuss my life review I'd reveal intimate information about my past life I was not comfortable sharing. Now I'm more assured, confident about sharing personal 'stuff' with strangers, even though my life review would occasionally reflect bad on me and on significant others I was interacting with at the time that I now feel a need to protect from outside scrutiny. During my NDE I was promised I'd have his spirit with me the rest of my life as needed. Initially, I didn't believe in day to day life this would come true. But it has! As a result, nowadays, I'm less reticent to speak about my past life, my spirituality, as I've found his spirit is always there to guide me over previously rough shoals, i.e.; [sharing my life review with tactful circumspection. Now I feel I can be circumspect in my online responses, so I say "Yes," (confidently) "I had a life review," Now, I know assuredly, he's protecting me from the unscrupulous. I know I'm still naive, an innocent, and hopefully always will be. But I feel assured His Spirit will guide me by prompting me whom to talk to and about what.
Did scenes from the future come to you? No
Did you come to a border or point of no return? I came to a barrier that I was not permitted to cross; or was sent back against my will
God, Spiritual and Religion:
Did you have a change in your values and beliefs because of your experience? Yes I feel a stronger need to share with people my religious feelings, before I was ho hum and cautious to proceed in this area.
Concerning our Earthly lives other than Religion:
Have your relationships changed specifically because of your experience? Yes I am known as the resident poet of my congregation, and I've become a better Sunday School teacher of kids and adults, and I'm called upon often to speak or teach. Which is surprising to me because I'm easily misunderstood because I have slurred speech and double vision as a result of my head injury. Of course, in church, I taught 8 year olds before my NDE and I still do. Now I'm a phenomenal teacher, if I do say so myself, even with my slurred speech. This is because I work harder and spend A LOT of time preparing for teaching in church, etc. Which means; "I strive to be the Lord's instrument in all that I do, by being open to promptings from heaven" “I feel since my NDE I have had a special conduit for help from above"
After the NDE:
Was the experience difficult to express in words? Yes When I speak about I used to be overcome with emotion remembering
Do you have any psychic, non-ordinary or other special gifts after your experience that you did not have before the experience? Yes I can often read other thoughts, and know of their intentions. Who to reach to, and who to avoid
Are there one or several parts of your experience that are especially meaningful or significant to you? Looking into Jesus' face and reading his thoughts about me as we together viewed the life I'd lived. the worst part was; reading the negative thoughts of the nurses who cared for me when I was comatose about my chances of survival.
Have you ever shared this experience with others? Yes
At any time in your life, has anything ever reproduced any part of the experience? No
Are there any other questions that we could ask to help you communicate your experience? Allow a person to copy and paste their NDE instead of hand typing it in