Beings & Clothing in NDEs
Beings & Clothing in NDEs email from Lewis Regenstein
Dear Dr. Long:
Your website is truly fascinating, and is a great service to the public and experiencers & researchers on NDE's .
I have been interested in NDE's since My Mother, who passed away last year at 104, had an operation decades earlier, and she told me that during the procedure, her body floated above her bed and observed what was happening.
But one aspect of the NDE seems never to be discussed.
Why are our deceased loved ones in "Heaven" invariably reported to be wearing clothes, since their physical "bodies" have been left behind on earth.
As you replied to my query,
"they are essentially always clothed. They usually have casual clothes on. Occasionally they may be wearing clothes consistent with the era in which they died, such as great grandparents that are deceased wearing clothes that were fashionable decades earlier. They generally have a full body including face. They are generally immediately recognized by the NDEr. Less commonly, the deceased may appear in a partial or complete spiritual form
In general, any physical imperfections of the deceased are no longer present in the afterlife. For example, amputees regain their limbs, and those who passed away from a disfiguring illness or at an advanced age often appear healthy and vibrant—sometimes even decades younger than when they died."
Perhaps the bodies that are seen are sort of Celestial holograms of spiritual entities.
I cannot help but wonder, do the loved ones seen during NDE's have on shoes, socks, underwear, ties, cufflinks, watches jewelry ? raincoats when the clouds they are floating on get dark ? were the shirts ever wrinkled, or unbuttoned ?
Do their pants have pockets on them, and , if so, what would be put in the pockets ?
Today, one would also have to ask about ipads, iphones, etc
Do the wealthy have on designer, expensive outfits, & the poor more modest attire ?
Would someone who had cosmetic surgery have the old or the new face ? What about scars, & balding ? (This one you have already answered.)
Perhaps they are clothed not to shock us. I would hate for my kids & grandkids to see me naked, It might make it awkward to have a quality conversation.
I have never heard an NDE returnee be asked about or discuss any of this, & wonder if they freely volunteer the info or have to be asked to furnish this info.
These questions are important because they might affect the credibility of the witnesses, and the nature of what they are seeing, or think they are seeing. It may be beyond our imagination to see deceased loved ones with no clothes, or no bodies, so we must ask why the deceased have useless bodies and clothes.
One could also ask why they have mouths and throats, since there is no evidence they consume food. Or is there ?
Dr. Long, your answer to my question,
"These beings often appear in a way that is most comforting and loving to the experiencer, including clothing and physical features.", makes good sense, to make the experiencer comfortable and the contact / experience understandable."
If you posed the above questions to NDE survivors, what would they say ? Would they have a spontaneous reply or have to think about it. The latter reply would detract from credibility/authenticity of the remembered experience, IMO.
In any event, this seems to be A New Frontier for you to explore !
Thank you for taking the time to consider this message.
Lewis Regenstein
author and writer