God at the Speed of Light: The Melding of Science and Spirituality |
Dr. Baumann is a medical consultant in Birmingham, Alabama. In addition to
his years in private practice, Baumann has been a medical administrator (managed
care) and a biology instructor. He holds medical certifications in internal
medicine, geriatrics, and medical management.
My website is:
Editorial Review:
Quantum physicists study the nature of light. The Bible speaks of light when
talking about God. Near-death experiences describe going to a light that is
welcoming, intelligent, and loving. Strangest of all, however, is the similarity
of all these descriptions of the nature, presence, and behavior of light to
descriptions of God. Could it be that light and God are one and the same?
Physician Lee Baumann makes a case for exactly that. From many sources, Dr.
Baumann has synthesized a compelling
picture of what may be the true nature of our universe at all levels - physical,
mental, and spiritual.