Gay/Lesbian/Transgender |
Near-Death Experience (NDE)
Gay/Lesbian/Transgender Questionnaire Introduction
Please consider participating in the first Internet based study organized within the gay community. There are many important lessons to be learned from understanding Near Death Experience (NDE).
All information shared as part of this study is confidential to the degree requested by you. This study will involve completing an Internet questionnaire form regarding your experience (will take about 45 minutes). This questionnaire is open to anyone who has been Gay/Lesbian/Bisexual/Transgender at any time in their life. We welcome contributions from all individuals regardless of sexual orientation. For those who are not Gay/Lesbian/Bisexual/Transgender, please contribute your experience in the "Share NDE" section with linked via the button on the left.
the purpose of this study, NDE is defined as:
lucid experience associated with perceived consciousness apart from the body
occurring at the time of actual or threatened death'.
your advance permission (from the Internet form) we would be happy to E-mail
back your submission, with all questions on the Internet form and your
responses. You may then share your
experience submission in written form with anyone you wish.
We regret there can be no other compensation for participation in this
study. Results of this study will
be periodically published (anonymously) to this web site (a non-profit web
site). Thank you in advance
for your willingness to participate in this important study!
project is a collaboration of two major NDE researchers:
Liz Dale is a Clinical Psychologist, NDE researcher and author of a book
regarding gay NDE. Please contact
Liz for further information about this study at
Jeff is a Physician, and webmaster of this web site. Dr. Jeff serves on the Board of Directors of IANDS
(International Association for Near-Death Studies).
Please contact Dr. Jeff for further information about this study via
E-mail at .
Thank you again for your willingness to share your NDE experience! If you know any other NDE experiencers, please encourage them to share their experience as well.
1. Please fill out the form below as
completely and accurately as you can. We will
honor the confidentiality of your submission at the level you specify in the
following form.
2. It may be necessary to enter the
same information in several boxes. You may re-type the information (preferred,
copy & paste as appropriate) or reference a previous question number
containing the response to the current question (example): "see #7".
3. Please do not forget to press the "Submit" button at the
end or the information will be lost!
4. If
you have time constraints, you may share in several partial submissions over
time. Complete only previously unsubmitted portions of the form each time. If
you are sharing in this manner, please complete the last box (contact
information) each time you submit. This will allow us to consolidate all
portions you have shared.
5. After you press the submit button, a review
of your responses to the questions will be shown. A button will allow you to
return to this page. The form will be blank, but all information will have been
sent. If you noted any errors, please fill out only the parts of the form to be
corrected, and submit again. If you have any questions or concerns please E-mail
6. I wish the account of my experience to be placed in the NDERF
archives. I understand it may be read by students or researchers who have
been approved by NDERF for use of the archives, and the co-investigators of this
study (Dr. Liz Dale and Dr. Dr. Jeff, see above). My account may be
excerpted or used in full, or data may be drawn from it in conjunction with an
NDERF approved study or project, including but not limited to lectures or
educational programs relating to Near-Death Experience, or part of a published
article, or in a book. My name and any contact information will not be used unless I give express
permission to do so. THANKS!!!
Copyright1999 by Dr. Jeff and Jody Long
Webmaster: Jody A. Long
(From 3/20/00)