Meaningful Concepts - NDE Accounts ' Reviewer Commentary
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S.K. W's NDE 4/19/02

At that time I was a rock musician and could not read or write music. A few months later, fully recovered, I sat down on night at my piano and "fell asleep". When I awoke ten hours later, I had a completed symphony before me. Since then, I have become an accomplished classical composer and conductor and I find myself playing the role as "spirit guide" to many people. I feel that I am a Walk-In".

Bill W's NDE.

We are all interconnected and these interconnected patterns are part of a greater function.

Mandy J's NDE.

It appears that this woman has been predicted another NDE in her future before her final death. The most peaceful feeling came over me and I realized it was our Dear Lord. I told him I wanted to stay he said I could not I asked why not. His reply was You need to go back and finish what I need you to do. I started crying because I did not want to leave this beautiful peaceful place that I had found. He said don't cry you will see me again one more time before you see me for the final time.

Bob A's NDE.

I could see the future in dreams, I know things by praying and then listening to the answers. I also do many shamanistic things that nobody taught me, but that I have been told are only passed down in families. I have had many experiences through prayer and hands-on healing. I recently helped solve a murder case involving a young child. And I have been privy to a past-life vision and healing of the remaining emotional animosity from dying in the civil war and carried into this lifetime. I met the fellow responsible for slaughtering my battalion. In the end, forgiveness was the answer.'s_nde.htm

JoAnn M's NDE.

IMHO this is beautiful I had spiritual guides who gave me what I call "a tour of the universe", and that was a sense of the vastness of the universe, of being there at its creation, of being a part of the universe from its beginnings, and I was part of all that has occurred, and all that will occur. It was like I had no sense of self, that I was everything and everything was me, including God.'s_nde.htm

Mani O's NDE

I flew into it. it was so amazing overwhelming it was like it so hard to explain it was though I was one with the world I knew everything I felt everything I was here and there it was as though as I one with the whole universe, it's just so beautiful words can't explain it. I flew into it. it was so amazing overwhelming it was like it so hard to explain it was though I was one with the world I knew everything I felt everything I was here and there it was as though as I one with the whole universe, it's just so beautiful words can't explain it.'s_nde.htm

Mary Ann F's NDE.

i was sitting down and watching television. i was shown lots of disasters. i was so frightened. i saw fire and under the ground explosions in new york city. i did see peace after all of what i was shown. i was shown so much i did not like. what i saw it was all over religion and at that time i couldn't believe that people would fight over god. then i was taken into this forest and shown a cure for cancer. i was so excited, i couldn't wait to get back to tell everybody. i felt so smart because i was not very smart in school. i believe it had to do with flowers and leaves. god told me i would not be able to talk about it because that memory would be taken away from me until later on in my life.'s_nde.htm

Tony D's NDE

i recognized that i knew him before i came in here, into this body. i felt real happy being with him. the more that i looked at him, the more that i saw how long i knew him. i actually remembered knowing him even before this universe was created. i could actually see this. i looked and looked and i couldn't see any time that i didn't know him. and i could see long before any of this stuff came into creation. he called my by a different name that i recognized. it wasn't like a sound but rather a feeling that i recognized as me. i felt as though he was my oldest friend. the communication was in whole concepts. when i reflect back i can see what he said as though it was in a 360 degree viewpoint, nothing was missing.

Don A's NDE.

He was told,"All things of the Earth will pass away.". That is an intreguing statement and I wonder what it means.

Bonnie V's NDE.

All I know, is I went from being terribly bone deep chatteringly cold and bleeding in an ambulance, to the brightest and warmest place imaginable. These are not facile descriptors... the light was like an explosion of golden yellow, accompanied by the most exquisite warmth. It is not enough to say it enveloped WAS me, a mellow sun, a languorous day, a paradise of contentment. All was one. It was the most sublime pleasure I have ever felt. I basked in this place, even as I thought... "I am dying".... It is always very touching to me when people come back with an awareness of the Oneness of everything.'s.htm

David H's NDE.

He conjured up an evil place for himself. I went to a very stormy place. This was, perhaps, the destination that I reached when having died in anger at a time when I could not remember having much peace in my heart. I remember mentioning that at this place there was an after-echo in my "thought voice." My voice would echo straight out towards the horizon before me and always return back into me from the horizon behind me. This, I thought was very annoying. This place I reached was not a comfortable environment at all. Storms like no other storm seen on earth would unfold before me in the sky and on the ground of this new and shaken planet. There were various sizes of volcanic vents around me that would blow steam and heat at any given moment. Sometimes, ghost apparitions would appear in the steam blast and start to wander around; lost as if searching for something they cannot find.'s_nde.htm

Sylvia W's NDE.

The "spirits" with me were also part of the light, but they were just there to greet me and they were going back to the collective light. After reading hundreds of NDEs, I'm beginning to wonder if "God" may be a collective rather than One entity.'s_nde.htm

Kathaleen's NDE

I just thought this is a lovely way to look at our purpose on earth. suffice it to say there is a heaven. this is a place of learning for where we are to spend eternity, we are to bring as many people back as possible and the kindness or evil we do to each other causes peoples lives to be forever changed. we affect possible generations to come. even a harsh word could cause a person on the edge to turn away from god, so live it right folks and just give love and understanding if you can't do any thing else! i'm no god or angel just someone who knows for a fact there is another place and what you do here you take with you, good and bad. it's all about who you helped get through, over, around and eventually back home.'s_nde.htm

Karen D's NDE.

I remember feeling like my brain just opened up & all the answers to life were right there flowing threw my head so quickly, like all the troubles of the world (not just mine) were all going to be ok. I remember feeling amused that everything, & I mean everything, the good the bad & the ugly in the world was all in control. It was all planned & almost wasn't even real . I felt like where I was, was real & that the life part had all been a dream, a test or an experience, and for some reason I came back. Once more the NDEr talks of the reality of that existance.'s_nde.htm

John L's NDE: English

Biological life is NOT the only consciousness. Interesting statement, I wonder what he means.'s_nde.htm

Theresa K's NDE

I do however, remember being in my mothers womb and the process of getting there and the "being" I "communicated" with before deciding to come here. Everything I remember hearing while in my mothers womb I always thought about as a baby and toddler, made myself never forget, and has been verified by my mother. I remember a whole lot of my infancy and experiences as a baby and infant.'s_nde.htm

Deborah Le's NDE

This is an extremely important message for the world to have. there were things I was embarrassed about, and felt like I had to forgive myself for these acts.'s_nde.htm

Jim C's NDE

I learned that we are put here to experience loving other people. Everything else is irrelevant. Not meant in a nasty way, but it felt like we are pools of like and are given the gift of a human body to love another being.'s_nde.htm

Megan M's NDE

Excellent learning from her experience. I now know that I am not my body. Having had 36 surgeries and 8 procedures and going to have an atrial ablation next week this container is only that and the essence of who I am is eternal. I try to live in the moment and with gratitude.'s_nde.htm

Bobbi P's NDE

I thought I could hear flower grow and giggle.

Dr. George Rodonaia's NDE

The next thing that happened was that I saw all these molecules flying around, atoms, protons, neutrons, just flying everywhere. On the one hand, it was totally chaotic, yet what brought me such great joy was that this chaos also had its own symmetry. This symmetry was beautiful and unified and whole, and it flooded me with tremendous joy. I saw the universal form of life and nature laid out before my eyes.

Twenty Years Later

I know that God will make Himself known to us, depending on our needs and our beliefs. The joy, peace, happiness, contentment and love that we experience in our lives, is only a shadow of the afterlife. The concept of salvation is our attempt to grasp what is already ours. Our understanding of salvation, much as we debate it, doesn't begin to reflect God's reality. I no longer try to seek the truth, because I know in time we all will understand how the truths fit together.

Australia NDE (Rene' Hope Turner's NDE)

a clear message I have no idea how to pass on, which is " It is time to live according to your Beliefs, whatever they may be, to put you House in order, For the End Times are upon us!"

One Soldier's NDE

Weeks later I was shipped home and began to study to become a teacher. Since my Vietnam experience, I had felt a compelling protective need toward women and children. I even help out by volunteering to build shelters for abused and displaced women and their children.

Teen-Age NDE

it felt that I belonged to a part of the greatness of all there is in the universe. This place were I was defies mere words. It seems as if it always existed and is part of all things now and forever.

Prisoner NDE

I am impressed with the fact that this experiencer died after being shot when he was trying to rob a bank. Yet he was dealt with such care and compassion. He also was a four-year-old during the experience. Was this time in his development chosen because something happened at that age to hold back his development. It doesn't seem to matter as he was able to change his life for the better. I was standing barefoot in a beautiful mountain meadow, as a four-year-old. Holding my chubby little hand was the most beautiful man I had ever seen. A Greek God times a hundred! He had a glow that radiated love like the sun does light, and I knew I was safe with him. It was the most peaceful loving feeling I have ever known. We started walking along a path through the meadow, hand in hand. I knew that he was taking me somewhere specific, but that the walk was important, too. I was seeing such amazing things. Colors, shapes, smell, everything was so sharp and beautiful. It was like seeing for the first time. My guide enjoyed this walk as much as I did, pointing to new things and laughing at my enjoyment. The only sound he made was laughter, and it was as wonderful as everything else was. It was the rush of a mountain stream, a baby's first cry. Tinkling chimes and thunder. I will never be able to describe the sound. At the end of the path we came to a point overlooking a valley. The valley was covered by fog / clouds so that you not only could not see into it, but could not get an accurate feeling for the size of the valley. Out of the valley came these feelings / emotions that were so sad, I started to cry. The feelings were sorrow filled with longing. Much like wishing something hadn't happened the way it did, knowing it was too late to change it, but wishing anyway. My guide was crying to. A wasted life is too sad for words. Occasionally, just before I fall asleep, I see my guide standing by me. Personally, I believe that I've glimpsed both Heaven and Hell, that I've not only met my Guardian Angel, but held his hand, and heard the Voice of God.

Mary's NDE

It seemed like I became part of The Light and then the Light became part of me. We were one. I suddenly understood, without question, how interconnected we all are with each other, God and all life forms in the Universe.

Diane's NDE

I multi-located all at once. I was with my husband, with my mother who was driving to get Larry, with Larry, with my dad at NBC-TV where he worked, with each of my two sisters at work and one at school and my brother at school. I was also with my doctor as he drove to the hospital and told him the entrance he came in. I was able to tell each their thoughts, what exactly each was doing during the time frame I was dead. I was with each and any other person interacting with them, also with these people as they moved about to do what had to be done. I even went with a pediatrics nurse to the basement of the hospital to get whole plasma. That is how much I was able to multi-locate. BUT, I was also looking down on the San Fernando Valley as if in an airplane enjoying the view. And at the same time, I was looking down at the earth, and we had NOT gone to space yet.

Suicide's NDE

It is hard for me to separate the significant learning to me. I loved the fact that this man, who committed suicide, was not only accepted in love and compassion, he was given the perfect knowledge and glimpses of the future to help him work out his issues and come through them perfectly. I wrote a suicide note and shook out five tranquilizers. I mixed the drinks together with the liquor and I toasted my wife's vacant chair. I was shocked to see a being of incredible beauty, radiating great love, great compassion and warmth. It was a being of beautiful, bright white light, which had silver threads emanating from the center. I was hesitant to say anything, and then I realized that my thoughts were being read by this incredible being of light. "No!" he repeated again. "This is not what death is like. Come, I will show you." I remembered floating with him over to a pit of some sort that contained a very depressing scene of a landscape devoid beauty, devoid of life, where people shuffled around with their heads down and their shoulders bent forward in a depressed, resigned manner. They kept their heads down and looked at their feet and wondered around aimlessly bumping into each other occasionally but they kept on going. It was a horrifying thought that I was going to be cast down with these confused lost souls... I was shown a panoramic view of my life. I was shown a picture of the effect that alcohol had caused on my young children's life and the effect that it would cause in their future. It was like a slap in the face. A huge reality check. He said in a stern voice but that was still like a father speaking to a son, "Your life is not to do with as you please. Did you create yourself, give yourself life? No. Neither can you choose death."

Sarah's NDE

I gave myself up to the bliss and learned many things that sound corny when described but are truths for me that resonate through me now and forever. I learned that I am eternal and though I may experience many forms of death, I will always know who I am. I have nothing to fear, only more to experience and I am the one that ultimately chooses what I experience. It sounds hokey but believe me it feels really, really good to know these things inside yourself.'s_nde.htm

Sherry G's NDE.

We are here to experience the human experience. sin and Satan we live is that of our own creation. That we are the true essence of God. That we are God creating God. "Ye are Gods." God lives within us and through us. God experiences it all right along with us. This is called free will, that the greatest gift we were ever given was to create our own reality. To experience the biggest, grandest version of ourselves.'s_nde.htm

Diane G's NDE

I saw the multi-dimensionality of the universe. My consciousness expanded so far beyond the physical plane that I was no longer aware of it, nor of my self. I was so much a part of it all, there was no distinction.

Brad K's NDE.

He was visited by an apparition and told what would happen if he chose to do a certain job for the apparition. He still agree and ended up saving another man's life and being murdered.

Karen S's NDE

Death is part of the lessons we are to learn on earth, and my death was an important lesson for those involved in my life. ...just before my descent, I was told when my children were older it would be time to come home for good. This was his lesson to tackle. He knew coming into this life the main lessons he was to learn. It was meant to be.

Jean's NDE

I could see the movement of the people and ideas that had shaped and been shaped by history. At each period in history, I experienced the total "feel" of that period, including its music, architecture, styles of clothing, political thinking and literature. It was like a vast march of people from different times with different world-views, all working together. Like removing the top of a gigantic piece of machinery and observing all the wheels, cogs and pulleys working together. On the surface we see none of this, but take off the top and we can see it. My vision took off the top. I "knew" that we are all connected with each other - like mountain climbers with ropes around their middles. When one of us falls, we pull the others down. When we climb up, we help others up. We're all in this together. I "knew" that what we observe as empty space between us is not empty. We are like marbles in a sheet of glass. You don't see the glass, you see the marbles. But the glass holds the marbles together. We are held together by an invisible substance that is around us and between us. It is invisible to us, but it is real. I saw that life on this planet was not random, there is a giant plan. The plan, however, is on a scale that is incompressible to us. Before me, there was a group of "essences" of people. If you refined a field of flowers to a single drop of perfume, that would be the essence of the flowers. These essences of people were like drops of water in a bucket of water - they were individual, but collective.

D's NDE. 5/11/99

The Doctor came in and told me that I had fallen on an old injury. He wanted to talk about that old injury. He told me that he had found evidence of the most remarkable surgery he had ever seen. He told me that it looked like I had been mutilated inside and then put back together somehow. He said that the surgical scars defied anything he had ever witnessed before. I asked him if it looked like damage that might have been done after rolling around in a car at 125 M.P.H. -- He told me that is exactly what he seemed to be looking at. I told him that I had always known that it happened but people tried to convince me that it didn't. The Doctor wanted me to find the Doctor who had done the surgery to repair the damage he saw evidence of. I told him it would do no good. I had already called every hospital in my old home-town looking for information and no one had any. It was like it never happened. I told the Doctor that he was the first person in my life who ever believed me. He told me to allow him to show my files to the world and everyone in the world would believe me.

Rachel's NDE

They had removed a tumor the size of a grapefruit, it was cancerous & they had removed a lot of my intestines, etc. & given me a colostomy. They gave me 3 months to live, I was told later by my family. Well, I am tired of writing now, but I also left my body 3 to 4 times after that & was met by angelic beings who informed me I did not have cancer & allowed me to peer inside my own body @ my cells...

Lisa M's NDE.

All that was made, said, done, or even thought without love was undone. It didn't matter. It simply did no longer exist.

India Physician's NDE.

I pleaded for an answer to the riddle of Life as that thought had fully engrossed me! There was a beautiful vision of stars roaring past me. At the centre of all that tumult was a glowing light. Each star appeared to be a minute centre of consciousness. It was merging into & emerging from the central consciousness as desired by that cosmic WILL which shone like a very huge sun!

August's NDE.

Upon seeing this shimmering Light that is indescribably beautiful, I had a revelation. This Light is not, in the strictest sense, "God" in the traditional meaning of the bibles of various religions, including Christianity. This Light, which is an energy gestalt, is an aggregation of many multitudes of immortal souls from all walks of life, e.g., plants, mammals, fish, and is collectively a life-force. This Light is a life-force from which all life is originated, and is neither a single entity, for each immortal soul is part of "God," nor multiple entities, for each immortal soul is but a part of the collective entity, i.e., this Light is in a broad sense a single "God" who sits on a throne in heaven that rewards or punishes souls.

Barbara's NDE.


Ellen's NDE.

Suddenly, I was plunged downward, almost like being sucked into some vortex. Everything was black. There was absolutely no light. After a while, I saw a distant light. I was curious about the light. I felt myself being moved steadily forward to ward the light. When I was about 30-50 feet away, I noticed the light appeared to be flames coming from inside a doorway. There was a dark, ominous figure to the right of the outer door frame. He appeared evil. His right hand kept beckoning me inward in kind of a rolling hand motion. I became very afraid. Sounds like soul wrenching screams (not screams of pain, but screams of the soul), emitted from the fire behind him. I tried to pull back but discovered I could not. On either side of me, there appeared "soul-guides." Their guidance provided the energy that kept me moving forward. I continued to try to pull back but discovered, as I had no physical form, I had nothing to pull back with. I felt like a huge magnet was steadily pulling me into the room/the fire. I started screaming, "Let me die." I knew I was talking about the impossible; I was asking to let my soul die. Repeatedly, I screamed, "Let me die," as it was preferable to entering the doorway.

57. S's NDE.

...all that mattered- for me to get on to do what I am meant to do. And that I could only serve this purpose if I lost my fears- of rejection, not being liked for the stands I took, other people having control of things (only we do), etc. And then I could act out of pure love- no complications or compromises. Once I "understood all this" I found myself back in my body...

Linda B's NDE.

In 1990 I was rushed to the hospital with severe internal bleeding do to an ectopic pregnancy. At the time I was very atheist. I was raised a Buddhist by my mother, but at 13years old I became an atheist. After, there was a voice, just a voice. It was familiar, but I knew I didn't know who He was. He spoke simply and so directly to me. He explained to me the place that I was at was no longer for people like me. He said, that before He was born that everyone died and came to this place. There was no hope. But since His death. He had did something. I don't recall what He said He had done, but that since then, people die and now they wait, in another place. I really did not understand, because I was really afraid. I did not want to be there. The voice said you love him? And I clearly remember thinking, why are you asking me this, you already know everything. It seems very interesting that this young woman would have a Christian-like experience when she was raised as a Buddhist and chose to be an athiest at a young age. She did not even recognize who he was.

Val's NDE.

The decision to pursue nursing as a career was my sincere desire to help people in times of crisis. It was during my nursing career I discovered that I had "healing hands" and medical intuitive abilities (see inside the physical body). These "gifts" I practiced quietly and did not share with colleagues, since I knew they would not understand. However, I did get the reputation of being "different" and my nickname in one department I worked in was "radar" since I seemed to "know" when someone would "crash" before the the event actually happened. I have struggled with these "gifts" and never felt totally confident and secure in sharing them outside a few select friends, who are also healers, and immediate family members.

Gary D's NDE

Pleasant transition to hereafter Comfortable with Divinity Figure though aware of majeaty and power. Awareness of divine purpose for life. Aware of freedom of choice.

Gina's NDE.

I had dreamed of the car accident for three days in a row. Each night I had dreams that gave me more details of the accident until finally on the third night of dreaming, it was a dream of my funeral, but I was up in a tree trying to let the people attending the funeral know that I was not dead. The only difference between my dream of the accident and the accident itself was, in my dream my friend Bill was in the car. The day of the accident, Bill got out of the car to let me in and decided not to go with us.

David O's NDE.

I was shown spirit who were lost, and spirit who were trying to help them to the light. I was shown auras of humans, and our planet itself and was explained their purpose.

Evelyn's NDE.

Sometimes I could see that a person is very sick, by their strange glow. Could freeze and strange weakness in the whole body when a family member or a close friend is about to die. Control of Anger or Hate. My hatred on people causes them to get sick and some dies. Or become unfortunate. This poor woman seems to have the impression that she is responsible for others' misfortune.

Anne's NDE.

Although the following is not new infomation, I like the way she said it for others to understand. I learned that we must love above all things in this life. And our actions are accountable by our minute to minute actions and responses to one another and that our lives are so very interdependent upon one another and one life is very important in the cycle of life. I learned that Suicide is the unpardonable sin against humanity for life is so very reverent and should not be taken for granted. Suffering is needed for higher attainment, and that above all things we are here on earth to love and be loved. I learned that a simple smile, a kind word or acknowledgement can change the course of the life of a person. I was given a gift of insight, visions, and spiritual awareness of what the universe is made of.

Larry's NDE.

Everything I see here now is not real any more. Nothing I see is really real. What I saw over there was real. This (life) is like an imitation, because I saw the 'real McCoy.' I do take things more seriously and listen more, but I don't take it for real. It's not as real as what I saw. But I still listen and watch the waitresses pour my coffee but it's not real. Every time I pick up a magazine or watch TV, I know it's material things, but it's not real. I have read this NDE report before. For the rest on the interview, he talks about this world not being real. This got me thinking of what is real and came up with some interesting spiritual thought.

Bill V's NDE.

As the strands of electricity touched me, I felt instantly as if I knew everything, experienced the whole of creation. No heaven like what the Christian philosophy or any other religion states, no hell, just the purity of the universe as a whole. The energy there was NOT only "human" in nature, all of the life here on earth was there that had been past and present, which to me, explained the concepts of human reproduction and the feelings that some people get about reincarnation.

Gail T's NDE

This lady's NDE is unique and did not go very deep, yet she came away with an urge to learn all she could about the phenomenon and has now a deep understanding of spirituality. "I have a totally different conception of God than most people do. I accept religion (dogma) as being an accident of birth. Instead, my view is universal and all encompassing."

Analisa D's NDE

I really appreciate the courage this lady has had to use to get over her abusive history and move on in such a positive way. My heart goes out to her.(Below) I am 26 years old. I had my NDE when I was 22, in April of 1998. It was due to my suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. When I was little I was severely abused by my father and grandfather, I was also a victim of child pornography and prostitution. I had been involved in alcohol and drugs and had an eating disorder for many years. (She had a positive NDE and a negative one. In the end she says... Once i started working on and resolving my past history of abuse, the feeling in my heart that I had when I died the first time has come back (although it is not present all the time---but when it is there everything is heightened--I can perceive things that ordinarily would not be perceived. It is as though God's love is coursing through me and I have the ability to give so much love to people--it is wonderful! I know one thing I need to work on is accepting people for where they are, since I have an uncanny ability now to get directly to the heart of any unresolved emotional issues and try to get them to work on them whether they are ready to or not. But if I feel that if I can help just one person to realize how wonderful and loved they truly are, then my life will be worth it. I am intensely grateful to God for letting me glimpse the afterlife and to know that we are all here on a mission, each and everyone of us. My daily life has also changed. I try to enjoy the little things in life--I listen to animals and plants and rocks, as well as try to do nice things for people and myself every day. I live more in the present! My religious practice vary, currently I have been attending American Indian ceremonies, but I do not hold myself to any one path since I can see the truth in all faiths now! I was too strict in my Catholicism before. Also, before I was always wavering in what I wanted to do with my life, but I understand my path in this life and mission is to become a teacher and to help little children understand not only their talents, but also how loved, valued, and special they are. (since I was so abused when I was younger I really feel it happened to set me on this path)