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Bill W's NDE.

Religions are a bunch of self serving crap! Yes, I became convinced that "Organized Religions are a Huge Fraud" perpetrating a hoax on humanity. I have so much anger towards organized religions. I was raised a devout Catholic, but after my NDE, I am very disillusioned. I lost one of my best friends, a pastor who was like my little brother because I couldn't stand the BS he was telling people.

Bob A's NDE. I also said my prayers, 'Dear lord Jesus if you let me raise my kids I will work for you the rest of my life, in your son's name Jesus Christ amen.' The most pronounced as being the connection with Jesus and the power of prayer. I remember sitting on my bed saying my prayers "Dear lord Jesus, who wants a one-armed carpenter that can't read and write that good." Then an angel came to me and told me that I will be a boss. Angels never lie, and I have worked on 30 projects so far. And each time I say my prayers they are always answered.'s_nde.htm

Mary Ann F's NDE.

i don't have to go to church, i know for sure that god exists. i believe there is a hereafter. we exist to love god and love our neighbors.'s_nde.htm

Corina's NDE.

A bright, intense light that felt so warm and good , so loving and full of wisdom. My personal feeling is that we are all "sparks" that come from the "Big Light". When our physical bodies die, our soul, spirit, essence, feelings and thoughts, go back to the source....the "LIGHT".'s_nde.htm

Kathaleen's NDE

suffice it to say there is a heaven. this is a place of learning for where we are to spend eternity, we are to bring as many people back as possible and the kindness or evil we do to each other causes peoples lives to be forever changed. we affect possible generations to come. even a harsh word could cause a person on the edge to turn away from god, so live it right folks and just give love and understanding if you can't do any thing else! i'm no god or angel just someone who knows for a fact there is another place and what you do here you take with you, good and bad. it's all about who you helped get through, over, around and eventually back home. its all about the love we get and give and i don't practice only catholic religion any more. its not about a set bunch of rules

Twenty Years Later

My religious views changed the most. I had beenraised in a Christian home and made a commitment to follow Jesus when I was 10 years old. My parents were missionaries in East Africa. At times I had felt distant from God, or rebelled against the morals I was raised with, but I still considered myself a Christian. I believed that the Bible was the Word of God, and that a commitment to follow Jesus Christ would save me from an eternity in hell. I had at times questioned the issues that separate religions, various theological questions, or concepts about salvation. During my death I gained an understanding that not only took me way beyond my previous beliefs, but in many ways, invalidated those beliefs. Since gaining such understanding, I have at times ignored what I learned and clung to beliefs held since childhood, and other times I've shed beliefs that I know to be human rather than divine in origin. I t has not been easy for me to process what I learned. One outcome is that I'm much more open to beliefs that differ from my own because I know how very limiting the human mind is. I know that God will make Himself known to us, depending on our needs and our beliefs. God himself, in the form of Jesus, struggled to bring understanding to His closest devoted followers. The night before His death, His frustration is obvious as He realized that they just didn't understand, and His time was near the end. Jesus was limited by His humanness. The Holy Spirit is limited by our humanness. The Bible, even though it was inspired by God, was written by humans and is read by humans. It is bound by having to use words. It is profound, but limited. It helps us understand that which is way beyond our understanding. The undeserved, unconditional, unearnable love of God is beyond comprehension. The joy, peace, happiness, contentment and love that we experience in our lives, is only a shadow of the afterlife. The concept of salvation is our attempt to grasp what is already ours. Our understanding of salvation, much as we debate it, doesn't begin to reflect God's reality. I no longer try to seek the truth, because I know in time we all will understand how the truths fit together. The Church (Religion) is what we have done to try to understand what is beyond understanding - to put limits on the limitless - to control what is uncontrollable. Religion is the outcome of our inability to grasp Spirituality. Yet - it feeds us, it help us grow closer to God, it is our lifeline, it helps us understand. It can also bring us pain, separation and confusion. I don't argue religious beliefs. I don't try to prove the validity of my experience. I try to not let church rules and regulations interfere with the understanding I have. I just try to relate to God as best as I can.

A Child's NDE

It has changed the lives of the entire family. We go to church now and I do a lot of things differently than I had before.

Teen-Age NDE

I became very serious and became interested in learning all about psychology, religions, philosophies, and generally searched for whatever truths I could find in literature, lectures, and meetings.

Mary's NDE

I had given up the ways of the Catholic Church as soon as I left parochial school at 17, feeling that I had been released from an unyielding prison and was far from religious, but I knew in my heart that this was God. Mary returned to the Catholic church, but was careful to attend a church that was more open minded than her previous church.

Diane's NDE

Michael, who'd been taken by emergency C-section, was just that moment leaving his tiny form through the top of his head to be born again. Unless you are born again, you will not enter into the kingdom of Heaven. And that is what death is: birth! A baby dies to its mother's womb the moment it is born into this world. Yet we rejoice in that death and birth cycle. When we die to earth's womb, we are born again eternally. Yet we mourn for those who participate in such a joyful moment. Angels are real, we should know. Lucifer and his band were not destroyed for a very good reason. We should know! We do have a guardian angel and a tormenter. The key to knowledge is that our Creator does all in threes. We need to think about that! I could expound this. We have had our memories blocked from our previous life. We do not come back around another time, nor is it expected of us. All the world is a stage and that choice of wording is not out of the air. We choose when, who and where we are to be born. And each is given within the ability to overcome or endure whatever life dishes out. Mind over matter is fact, and why miracles do happen. It is believing in what you instinctively know. And nothing is truly impossible. We could have better lives than we chose to live out.. We often recognize each other and don't know why. But, I do! And so do babies and small children recognize me. And the biggest joke on us all is that there is no race, color or creed to our existence after life here. We are all made in the image and likeness of our Creator. We are all beings of solid light with forms, with unique, individual identities. And as infinite as fingerprints, we are equally infinite.

Suicide's NDE

Prayers at that time somehow seemed shallow and senseless to me. I found no assurance or hope in prayer. I had become a devote atheist. Still the peace and comfort I first knew while standing at the edge of the pit of Hell have never left me or allowed me to lose my renewed faith and trust. Some friends can't understand why I don't feel bitter; best answers lies in twenty-third psalm. "Yeah, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for Thou art with me, Thy rod and Thy staff, they comfort me." The negative Near Death Experience is not negative when good comes out of it. I am now a pastoral counselor's_nde.htm

Diane G's NDE

I had read the Bible before my NDE and can't say I understood it or appreciated it, but during my experience, I had a revelation about it. I read it again after my experience and I understood it completely... no longer through a glass darkly. And not anything like I learned in Bible study. Actually the Bible helped me put my experience into words... it's all there, you just have to read from a different level of consciousness to see it.'s_nde.htm

Larry L's NDE.

I continue to maintain the same religious beliefs that I have had all of my life.

Brad K's NDE.

I did not walk away from the experience thinking of Jesus as my savior, or that I wanted to go to church, or that church, and religion had anything to do with my experience. I do not unlike or un love Jesus, I just frankly was not told and no implication was made that Jesus wanted me to bow to him, or anything in that line. I do not go to church, save funerals, and weddings. I do not think that Jesus would want me to think of him as anything other than a loving spirit. I would like to follow him, not in a religion, but in a state of mind. I am not a Christian; I want no credit for that. But I see the wisdom of Buddha, and Jesus, and Gandhi, and others in their application of love to their life situations.

Rachel's NDE

I also left my body 3 to 4 times after that & was met by angelic beings who informed me I did not have cancer & allowed me to peer inside my own body @ my cells, & there is more. I came home, obviously & still was not totally grounded or totally in my body. It seemed I was very loose from the physical shell. I learned a lot & can still in meditation ascend. I love it.

Sammy's NDE.

My belief structure changed dramatically. I found concrete proof that much of what was drilled into my head from the pulpit simply wasn't true. The priests, ministers, pastors and other men and women of the cloth don't have the slightest idea of what life and death is really all about.

Lisa M's NDE.

Did you have any changes of attitudes or beliefs following the experience? Yes Describe: I really don't know what I would've grown up to be without the experience since I was a child without readily formed attitudes and beliefs. But I'm pretty certain it's the experience that's made me a spiritually inclined person without any prerequisites for dogmas or religious rituals. It has also made me very open for concepts like reincarnation, and I feel more drawn to eastern spiritual teachings and practices than western, and more to experiential spirituality than beliefs or intellectual teachings.

August's NDE.

I have a stronger conviction of religion. Some view religion as nothing more than a body of ancient codes of laws and social norms created by man to regulate society; however, my opinion is that the most religions of the world do have a few kernels of truth, as most religions share a common thread.

Derry's NDE.

nothing I didn't already know, its came to with a stronger force, I now KNOW that Jesus is real not just have an uncertain faith of him

Ellen's NDE.

Please understand that I do not need confirmation of the incident happening. I am rather awed by the experience. I changed my life tremendously as I became keenly aware of the presence/existence of God, and my accountability with him is very clear!

Valerie's NDE.

I WAS RAISED IN THE SOUTHERN BAPTIST FAITH, AND DID NOT FEEL LIKE THESE THINGS WERE STILL TODAY,,,,BUT NOW I BELIEVE , BECAUSE I KNOW.....GOD IS LOVE AND HIS LOVE IS TOTAL AND SOLID AND UNCHANGING.....JUST BELIEVE... Has the experience affected your relationships? Daily life? Religious practices etc.? Career choices? very much so....I BELIEVE ...I practice and practice, and practice HIS Word in my life...forgiveness, love , compassion, repentance, prayer, worship and praise...

Linda B's NDE.

After, there was a voice, just a voice. It was familiar, but I knew I didn't know who He was. He spoke simply and so directly to me. He explained to me the place that I was at was no longer for people like me. He said, that before He was born that everyone died and came to this place. There was no hope. But since His death. He had did something. I don't recall what He said He had done, but that since then, people die and now they wait, in another place. I really did not understand... ...there is a God and He loves you! I have believed in Him ever since.

Jerry B's NDE.

Alexa's NDE.

he said that he'd had seven women form my church have almost identical experiences; six women from other different churches also. After THAT, I went to a prayer meeting one night, and got in a wonderful prayer group. These women could really pray! When we were done, they paused and looked at me. 'You know, Alexa,' you look different!' I said I'd had an Experience. They looked at me and all of them smiled. It was THEM' they'd found each other; they'd found ME! It was glorious. I was not given any great Calling after my NDE at that time. I just knew I was to raise my children to be happy, healthy kids. In my family, with all its moving around and divorce, THAT would he great! My paternal great grandmother lost her second child, a boy; I always felt that MY son was the offset to that tragedy. He is now a Minister serving God, and both my children love the LORD. I am BLESSED.

Gary D's NDE

It didn't take me very long to figure out who just walked down from the sky. It was Jesus Christ. (Which, these days I call the 'Divinity Figure', trying to keep it non denominational).

Gail T's NDE

I have a totally different conception of God than most people do. I accept religion (dogma) as being an accident of birth. Instead, my view is universal and all encompassing. I believe that all religions are different roads to the same truth. There is only ONE truth --- none of us own it separately, we all own it in Universality. What exists in this world is a lack of understanding and tolerance.

Analisa D's NDE

At the time of my "death" I was a Catholic, but I have since then expanded my views to a more universal one of love not being dictated my dogma or religion, since I firmly believe that when it comes down to it, god is pure energy, pure love, and nothing more, but S/he will manifest in whatever form is most loving and comforting to you. My religious practice vary, currently I have been attending American Indian ceremonies, but I do not hold myself to any one path since I can see the truth in all faiths now! I was too strict in my Catholicism before.'s_nde.htm

William E's NDE

after that I got into religion. reading Oral Roberts books and the bible even though I didn't understand much of it I wanted to learn.'s_nde.htm

Theresa K's NDE

I never was one to like sitting in church all day like my mom and aunts, but I was young. I'm not as adamant as my family members in following written text like the bible word by word as law. I do not feel bound as they do, to do everything it says literally for they are just words to me, what is more important to me is how I feel and my relationship to other people, my intent and enjoying life, not feeling guilty if I miss a Sunday or fail to put my money in the plate- they feel great anxiety about these things. Which are very frivolous to me when I look at the great scheme and order of things. So I don't know if I would say it has changed me because I have always been this way, but it has confirmed how I have felt. I do pray and believe in god and know that Jesus' name is powerful, as are my thoughts and intentions.'s_nde.htm

Jody R's NDE 3/19/03 I

I still pray everyday but now it is with the knowledge that there is something out there that is more beautiful than anything you can ever imagine and it is really real.'s_nde.htm

Deborah Le's NDE

my daughter says i am part jewish part buddhist and part christian. i think she may be right.'s_nde.htm

Tina S's NDE

accept life & know that we go to a wonderful place after this one, appreciate what I have now much more relaxed in judging people & situations. Have a need to reasure dying people that it will be ok. Knowledge that prayer works.'s_nde.htm

Waylan's NDE

I am aware that I was driven to worship God prior to the age of 5. I do not attend any church for various reasons. I do firmly believe in Jesus.