12/12/18 NDERF now has a partner who will be posting audio readings of the
NDEs. Click here to
Click on one of the pictures above and you will be taken to Vimeo to listen to the audio. You can sign up to listen to a channel and there is a yellow RSS bar on the bottom of the right hand side "NDERF (Audio NDEs) that will notify you when new audio files are added to the channel
The channel is: There are 19 videos so far and many more to come!
Jim Chapman's NDE, Excerpts from his book "Heart and Soul" (12MB) .mp3 Jim's audience reaches into the hundreds of thousands every week across southwestern Ontario and he has earned a reputation as a well-informed, inspirational, thought-provoking public figure. Click here for the book review - All proceeds go to charities.
Alexa's NDE
(9.41 MB 25 min .wmv)
Lisa M's (5.5 MB) .wma
Diane G's (194 KB) .wma
Juliet N's (4.9 MB) .wma
Genny H's (1 MB)
Anita M's NDE with Audio Answers (mp3) and A song with Anita:
Dave Woods (Soulmate) "My
Spirit Will Always find yours" (1 MB) .wav
Callicoon Music
with music to the Soulmate poem.
He has a great
Ana's Readings - YouTube: