ECM Probable de Lee
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Descripción de la experiencia:

My first thought was that I was looking up at the bluest sky and fluffiest white clouds I had ever seen. I was quite content to just lay there and look at their beauty. Then I noticed a small bug like object moving across the 'sky' and disappearing behind the clouds and then reappearing again. I thought 'what a strange airplane' I noticed it had a beautiful white foaming tail behind it. Then my brain registered what it really was -- a ship. Instantly I had a turning, spinning-type of body rush that brought the scene into the proper 'focus'. I was looking down not up. The bluest sky was really the bluest water and the clouds were really clouds but from the top, not the bottom. I looked more closely. I could see more ships over a huge distance, they were all bug sized. I looked forward instead of down. I was on eye level with the white caps of mountains (I will not say the most beautiful each time I describe a scene but it was and still is) I longed to go closer and to my amazement I moved towards them.

I tried the 'want' a little harder. I moved faster!! It came to me in a rush I could move with a 'thought' I started darting around like a firefly. Rivers, mountains, lakes, oceans flashed into view and out -- it was incredible! And then I looked up. The stars were pinpoints of light that I longed to travel to. I just knew that what I was looking for was up there somewhere. I started to pick a spot to 'travel' to, but a beautiful tinkling sound stopped me. Thinking back now I realize it was the only sound I ever heard 'there': their laughter and one short sentence (that comes later). The lack of all describable feelings, cold, hot, wet, dry, loud, quiet, etc., I didn't notice until much later. Anyway, I looked around for the sound. Again it came and I noticed the smaller clouds would light up BRIGHT!! When this tinkling sound happened. Then I realized it was laughter. I was hearing, short, beautiful, with joy, glad to see you, bursts!!

I could barely start to see their forms coming out as I begged them to come to me -- PLEASE come out I begged!! They were pure love and made me glad all over!! I wanted to be with them. I got the distinct impression that I would know them if only they would come closer, they were moving towards me!! I could not move towards them no matter how hard I tried but we were going to 'touch' in a second. Then in unison their soft, beautiful voices said, 'Time to go back now.' 'NO!!' I cried out 'I want to stay here!!' Again, I heard, 'Time to go back now.' I felt a loving, gentle, non-physical 'push' backwards. I was 'floating, falling' backwards, downwards -- the sky was disappearing.

I was looking into the eyes of a nurse as she was pulling the tube from my throat in the recovery room. I was mad!! I wanted to go back!!, and did I ever hurt. I was vomiting up the tube and yelling, 'Get the F out of here!' Now I wait to return.

Información previa:

Sexo: Hombre

Fecha en que ocurrió la ECM: 12-13-1995

¿En el momento de su experiencia, existía alguna circunstancia que amenazara su vida? Si Accidente Enfermedad Relacionado con una cirugía doctors not sure why but muscles on heart valve pulled loose Heart was stopped for over five hours during surgery, and then restarted with electric paddles.

Elementos de la ECM:

¿Cómo considera el contenido de su experiencia? Mixed

¿Hay alguna droga o fármaco que podría haber afectado a la experiencia? Incierto Uncertain I was in a doctor induced coma during the entire experience, my body awoke just as I was 'returned' from my 'journey'.

¿Fue su experiencia de algún modo parecida a un sueño? Seemed quite real, and still does.

La experiencia incluía: Experiencia fuera del cuerpo

¿Se sintió separado de su cuerpo? Si No mass of any kind, I seemed to just 'be'.

¿En qué momento de la experiencia estuvo en su máximo nivel de consciencia y alerta? See main narrative.

¿El tiempo pareció acelerarse o ralentizarse? Todo parecía estar sucediendo a la vez; o el tiempo se detuvo o perdió todo significado Travel to the most remote regions was possible with a thought.

Compare por favor su audición durante la experiencia con su audición cotidiana que tenía inmediatamente antes del momento de la experiencia. Not unusual but beautiful!! Tinkling laughter, soft beautiful voices.

¿Pasó hacia o a través de un túnel? Incierto I passed a 'plateau' of the upper limits?? Of the sky/earth??

La experiencia incluía: Presencia de personas fallecidas

¿Encontró o llegó a ser Consciente de algún ser difunto (o todavía vivo)? Si Hidden behind clouds. I seemed to know them and felt I would have if only they came closer. They radiated love, joy, happiness, and acceptance.

La experiencia incluía: Luz sobrenatural

¿Vio una luz sobrenatural? Si BRIGHT!! Light when other People? Were coming to me.

La experiencia incluía: Un paisaje o ciudad sobrenatural

¿Le pareció entrar a algún otro mundo sobrenatural? No

La experiencia incluía: Fuerte tono emocional

¿Qué emociones sintió durante la experiencia? Joy, love, knowledge, sadness when leaving

una¿Le pareció de repente entenderlo todo? Todo sobre el Universo Not at the time but later.

¿Vinieron a usted escenas del futuro? No

La experiencia incluía: Una frontera o punto de no retorno

¿Alcanzó un límite o una estructura física limitante? Si See main narrative. Didn't cross the 'plateau' but wanted to.

¿Llegó a una frontera o punto de no retorno? Llegué a una barrera que no se me permitió cruzar; o fui devuelto contra mi voluntad Didn't want to. Told 'them' I didn't want to, but was sent back anyway. For what?? I still wonder today.

Dios, espiritualidad y religión:

¿Qué importancia le daba a su vida religiosa / espiritual antes de su experiencia? Incierto catholic

¿Cuál es su religión ahora? Moderate catholic

¿Ha tenido un cambio en sus valores y creencias debido a su experiencia? Si Less aggressive, less Catholic, more universal type religion. Don't believe much in Hell anymore. Not afraid of death at all -- believe the best is yet to come! Stopped buying things, stopped hunting although I don't condemn it, it's just not for me anymore -- don't even kill bugs:):):) I fish but only catch and release. But I am not a vegetarian.

Con respecto a nuestras vidas terrenales aparte de la religión:

Cambios en su vida desde su experiencia cercana a la muerte (ECM) han sido: Increase

¿Qué cambios de vida ocurrieron en su vida después de la experiencia? See above. Also, I stopped taking my anti-body rejection medicine six months after surgery. I have an artificial ring in my heart. I am not afraid to die. It has been almost five years and I am in very good health. Still waiting for my mission.

¿Han cambiado sus relaciones específicamente debido a su experiencia? Strained marriage, can't communicate my thoughts or actions. Sleep less; work harder and faster towards my goals. Attend church much less, but am more religious. Give much more of what I have away.

Después de la ECM:

¿Experimentó un cambio psíquico debido a su experiencia? Increased sensitivity, healing or psychic abilities

¿Experimentó un cambio de sentimientos debido a su experiencia? Feelings about family, friends or society

¿Experimentó un cambio en el miedo a la muerte debido a su experiencia? Feelings about death

¿Experimentó un cambio en el objetivo de su vida debido a su experiencia? Sense of life purpose

¿Fue la experiencia difícil de expresar con palabras? Si The beauty of it; the absence of noise, but sounds; the absence of cold or hot, but comfort; the absence of body, yet substance? etc., etc.

¿Ha tenido tras la experiencia dones psíquicos, no ordinarios u otros dones especiales que no tuviera antes de la experiencia? Incierto Answers to difficult questions or forgotten items seem to come to me from nowhere, they just pop into my head at odd times.

¿Hay una o más partes de la experiencia que son especialmente significativas o importantes para usted? The best was the traveling. The worst was having to return.

¿Ha compartido usted alguna vez esta experiencia con otros? Si A couple understood, most look at you like your crazy. I stopped sharing it a couple of years ago.

¿En cualquier momento de su vida, ha habido alguna vez algo que le haya reproducido parte de la experiencia? No My heart stopped beating three days after the surgery but no visions -- only three or four seconds flat line -- and three months after surgery it had to be stopped and re-shocked with paddles because it was beating so fast, but no visions.

¿Hay algo más que le gustaría añadir acerca de su experiencia? Last week a seventy year old man came to me with this story. He said he was visiting a missionary almost five years ago late during November or early December when a local showed up at the door and said I am out of money, I'm losing my home, my family has no food, I need $450. He was invited in for supper. A little while later another knock at the door and a man standing there said, hi my name is (my name), and I own (my business), and I'm from (my town), and GOD sent me to give you this (an envelope with money). This man was in amazement because he is from a nearby town and recognized both my business and town. This person at the door was invited in for supper and left afterwards. The money in the envelope was $450. This man said he was stopping by to thank me. I figured this was some type of scam. So I started treating this man badly, asking him if he wasn't ashamed of himself. He was puzzled I could tell. I explained to him I have never been to that country and never gave any missionary money. He said it had to have happened because he was there, saw it, had supper with this man, who else from my business could it have been? Then the time frame he was talking about came rushing back to me. The visions of mountains, lakes, rivers, jungles, etc. I showed the man my scar, told him to thank GOD and leave me alone -- I was not willing to talk about it (sure not convinced this was not a scam). He started crying and left. I looked him up in the phone book. He is who he says he is. I will be following through on this soon I think. It scares me badly. I have been searching for my mission ever since that surgery. Has it come to me?