Volunteer Corner
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NDERF needs your help! Volunteers are needed to help in some quite interesting projects NDERF has ongoing to help all of us learn about NDE & support the experiencers.

We appreciate your interest in considering volunteer service with NDERF! We have a number of interesting projects ongoing, and could certainly use some help. We hope our efforts together will help us all understand the message of NDE. Your volunteer service submission will not be shared with any other party unless you grant explicit permission. You will receive no commercial solicitations from this site as a result of your completing the following form.

NEWS: Stacey and John are in the process of organizing volunteers and coordinating projects. This will happen the beginning of 2025.


Here is a list of proposed projects:


In order to support the projects going forward we need experienced volunteers for the back office as the projects come to fruition. Initially we would be grateful for anyone who has experience with designing marketing materials and training resource etc

Experiencer Support:

This is a big project that will no doubt take some time. Initially we need to identify what kind of support Experiencer’s would benefit from. Going forward we hope to offer support in several different ways. Whether that be Seminars to meet other experiencers in a safe environment, tailored one to one support, and coping strategies for several different aftereffects including enhanced and new abilities. We would also like to introduce guest speakers, educational resources, and online forums together with Social Media support with the development of a dedicated Experiencer’s Hub.


Again, another big undertaking; however, one of our main aims is to develop an Educational Outreach Program. This program would see NDERF as a world leader on Near Death Experience, Education Outreach; in particular, Hospice and Hospital settings, Assisted Living Facilities, Medical providers, and Educational Institutions. Our first project is NDE101, which aims to give a thorough background on what constitutes an NDE. Within this area we also look to provide Grief and Loss support for those who need it.

Social Media:

We aim to have a Social Media presence across all platforms as soon as possible. We need volunteers to take this project forward to spread the philosophy of NDERF and reach as many individuals as we can.

Volunteering support:

Much like the Educational Outreach Program it is important for us to establish a Hub for our Volunteers. One where you are valued, and your opinions are valid and taken seriously in a safe space. We need people to develop this program and who better to accomplish this than the volunteers themselves? Again, initial thoughts are centered around online Seminars, meet, and greets, guest speakers, training etc, but who knows where we could end up??!! Our focus is on Engagement, Enrichment and Enjoyability.