NDERF Announcements


  • Please Share Your NDE - We really need more for research! Click Here.

  • Translators Needed - All Languages. English to ____. And ____ to English.



8/1/2017 NDERF is pleased to announce the start of a new organization which will include such things as online meetings, groups, newsletters, and conferences. To be on the mailing list for updates please click here



In Search of Immortality

11/26/2021 - The Bigelow contest, officially known as the BICS contest, is the first contest of its kind to explore if there is evidence for consciousness outside of the body. Over 1,000 people from around the world participated in this contest. Just over two hundred essays were allowed to proceed to convince the judges that "Yes" consciousness can, and does, exist separately from the body - even after death. Many questions were explored, such as: What is consciousness?; What evidence is convincing? How do we know? A distinguished panel of judges evaluated the BICS essays and constituted one of the most stringent and scholarly peer-reviews conceivable. Dr. Pim van Lommel, one of the leading researchers in the world on Consciousness, and Dr. Jeff Long, founder of NDERF and media personality, brought home significant prizes. Dr. van Lommel was awarded the number 2 prize and Dr. Long was in the runner-up group. (Click the links above to read these papers) For the NDE community, this is one of the highest public affirmations of the validity of NDE, as well as other types of paranormal experiences that are actually "normal." A hearty congratulations for these life-time achievement awards in moving humanity forwards!

(see BICS essay contest: https://www.bigelowinstitute.org/index.php/bics-afterlife-proof/bics-essay-contest-winners-runners-up/). Translated to Spanish by Eduardo Jorge Fulco.

5/26/21 Dr. Long Interview with Alex Tsakiris of Skeptico Click Here

4/4/21 Near-Death Experiences Prove to Be Transformative for These Women Who Say They Saw the Other Side | Jeffrey Long

12/22/20 We now have another social group at Reddit with NDEr Sandi T https://www.reddit.com/r/NDERF/

12/22/20 We now have Hebrew as another language! https://www.nderf.org/Hebrew/index.htm

12/22/20 We now have Hindi as another language! https://www.nderf.org/Hindi/index.htm

7/1/20 Annual IANDS conference Aug 14 - Aug 16, 2020 Live Online Conference. For more information click here. They also have discounts and scholarships available for Active Military, Veterans, and Veterans with disabilities. For more information on that click here to contact Diane Corcoran.

4/21/20 Actress Irene Sofia Lucio's Shared Death Experience | submitted by David W.

2/3/20 God, Jesus and other Religious Beings Home Page Current NDEs Share NDE | Jack H Hiller
A frequency analysis for a sample of NDE reports. An analysis of the 62 most recently archived NDE reports on NDERF at ( https://www.nderf.org) was performed to develop a sample frequency estimate for experiencing God, Jesus, and other major religious figures.

1/13/2020 Weird Wacky Wonderful Stories Podcast Interview hosted by Shelly and Bella with Jody Long

Itunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/weird-wacky-wonderful-stories-podcast/id1278661959

Player FM: https://player.fm/series/weird-wacky-wonderful-stories-podcast

Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/6V9oacqS2oqlwaGfpAvz1L

TuneIn Radio: https://tunein.com/podcasts/Philosophy-Podcasts/Weird-Wacky-Wonderful-Stories-Podcast-p1127260/

And of course the episode can be played without subscription to any podcast service via their website. www.weirdwackywonderful.co.uk

12/12/19 Beyond the Veil | Desi Kadra

Beyond the Veil is a feature documentary that seeks to reconnect us with our true, spiritual nature of who we are,through exploring consciousness and what happens to the soul after death.  Conscious media creator and documentary filmmaker Desi Kadra from Bridging the Realm, would like to invite you onboard of her fundraiser campaign, created to help fund the completion of the film and share this story with those who need it most.  The film features prominent speakers in the spiritual and scientific fields, with many more to be included such as Rupert Sheldrake and Dean Radin. For the film trailer click here To find out how you can join the Beyond the Veil campaign click here

11/22/19 God and the Afterlife: Latest Findings from the Largest NDE Study Ever Reported | Jeffrey Long

11/30/19 Common Characteristics of Anomalous Perceptual Experiences | Julia Sellers

ABSTRACT This paper presents phenomenology of out- of-body experiences (OBEs) occurring spontaneously or pathologically triggered as well as other types of anomalous perceptual experiences such as near- death- experiences (NDEs), temporal lobe irregularities, and ictal autoscopic phenomena (IAP). The paper further presents a brief overview of some of the OBEs studied in both the healthy and pathological populations, as well as anomalous perceptual experiences, with features common to OBEs, in the healthy population, as well as, pathological population.

11/22/19 God and the Afterlife: Latest Findings from the Largest NDE Study Ever Reported | Jeffrey Long

9/30/19 NDE Resource List by Deanna M Kessler-Drinkar

10/20/19 Why do only people get near death experiences? by Diana Aydin - interview with Dr. Jeffrey Long   Click here for more information.

9/18/19 Keith Heston reconciling Christian faith with NDEs. If you can't see the video on this page: click here

7/15/19 Old vs. New Paridigm Perceptions of God: Site project: Humanizing (making fully humane) our guiding ideals and authorities, notably deity. by Wendell Krossa - The history of retaliation versus non-retaliation theology   Click here for more information.

6/26/19 NDE Summit with the University of Heaven June 23, 2019 Noon to 3 p.m. Central Standard Time.Click here for more information.

Noon to 1 p.m. (Central Time) Dr. Raymond Moody, Dr. Jeffrey Long, Paul Perry, Lisa Smartt (Near-Death Experience Research)

1 p.m. to 2 p.m. (Central Time) Dr. Eben Alexander, Karen Newell, Lesley Lupo, Howard Storm, and John Burke (Near-Death Experiences and the Afterlife)

2 p.m. to 3 p.m. (Central Time) Dr. Tony Cicoria, Nancy Rynes, David Ditchfield, and Jose Hernandez (Near-Death Experiences, Music, Art, and Inspiration)

4/6/19 - The 44th Annual SSF-IIIHS Int’l Conference in Montreal Canada 2019/08/16 – 2019/08/25 Click here to read.

3/29/19 Spiritual Retreat for NDErs - April 4 to April 7 2019 St. Louis Missouri Click here for more information.

2/28/19 - CJ Connor has added a new painting to her NDE art - select her album (3) to see them 2/2/19 Transpersonal and Transformative Potential of Out-of-Body Experiences written by Julia Sellers is now published in the Journal of Exceptional Experiences and Psychology. Click here to read.

1/7/2019 Dr. Jeffrey Long, author of "Near-Death Experiences: Evidence for their Reality" published in the medical journal, "Missouri Medicine" and is now listed in the National Library of Medicine. This is a big deal for establishing the credibility of NDE with scientists and the medical community. You can download and read the free article by clicking here.

1/7/19 New Scientific article on OBEs written by Julia Sellers is now published in the Journal of Cognitive Science. Click here for more information.

12/12/18 NDERF now has a partner who will be posting audio readings of the NDEs.  Click here to listen

11/17/18 7 Differences Between Religion And Spirituality by Dejan Davchevski. Check it out by clicking here.

11/13/18 Time and NDE by Jack Hiller. Check it out by clicking here.

11/10/18 NDE Resource List by Deanna. Check it out by clicking here.

11/2/18 Dr. Oz - Dr. Jeff Long and NDErs.

10/14/2018 New NDE Podcasts from Brad Nielsen -follow Brad at: Brad's Podcasts

9/3/18 News Article by the UK Daily Star, by Tom Fish "I witnessed Heaven and saw God’: Woman’s INCREDIBLE near-death experience REVEALED "

8/24/18 New article Jack Hiller - An absolute limitation to the rational analysis of experience

6/30/18 Dr. Long Interview with Tricia Barker.

8/10/2018-8/19/2018 43rd SSF-IIIHS International Conference -Harmonious integration of Science and Spirituality in Montreal Quebec, Canada. Click here for the link

6/13/18 Annual IANDS conference Aug 30-Sept 2, 2018 in Bellevue, Washington. For more information click here. They also have discounts and scholarships available for Active Military, Veterans, and Veterans with disabilities. For more information on that click here.

3/24/18 Dr. Jeffrey Long talking at the Wisdom of the NDE Conference - Courtesy of Wisdom of the Near Death Experience Symposium.

3/24/18 Dr. Jeffrey Long talking at the Wisdom of the NDE Conference - Courtesy of Victoria Tai.

3/24/18 Howard Storm talking at the Wisdom of the NDE Conference Courtesy of Victoria Tai.

3/21/2018 New NDE Podcasts from Brad Nielsen -follow Brad at: Brad's Podcasts

8/10/2018-8/19/2018 43rd SSF-IIIHS International Conference -Harmonious integration of Science and Spirituality in Montreal Quebec, Canada. Click here for the link

3/8/18 - CJ Connor has added a new painting to her NDE art - select heee r album (3) to sthem

3/23/2018-3/25/2018 Wisdom of the NDE - LARGE NDE conference in Austin Texas. Click here for the link

2/19/18 - Death and Dying –Healing Grief and Sorrow – 45 Minutes Pamela and Dr. Hugh discuss three books on Near Death Experiences and add their own expertise to what happens at death based on their decades of working with the inner memories of their students and clients. They discuss as well how to deal with and bring joy to the process of dying known as Life and the struggles therein, Click here for the link

2/16/18 - CJ Connor has added a new painting to her NDE art - select her album (3) to see them

1/19/18 WGN Radio - Jenniffer Weigel interviews Dr. Jeffrey Long Click here for the link

12/6/17 New Research Paper Subjective time distortion during near-death experiences: an analysis of reports by Marc Wittmann, Laura Neumaier, Renaud Evrard, Adrian Weibel, Ina Schmied-Knittel Click here to read

11/8/17 New Facebook Outreach - Please join @NDERF - Many readers have requested that I post a list of new experiences or articles that are posted to the website. I am now doing that on Facebook. What is fun about this is that when I post a newly translated experience to the website, I also post the link to the English experience. This is another way that readers can use to read older experiences instead of having to choose from the index or archive pages of 4300 experiences.

11/7/17 New Article: Your Natural Afterlife: the Non-Supernatural Alternative to Nothingness by Bryon K. Ehlmann Click here to read

10/27/17 Relevant Radio with Drew Mariani, Talk Radio for Catholic Life - Dr. Jeff Long interview and with Dr. Mary Neal as the NDEr Click Here to listen

10/17/17 New York Times bestsellers e-book sale, and Evidence of the Afterlife by Jeffrey Long is included!


10/17/17 U.S. News and World Report "Health Buzz: Near-Death Experiences Are Real, Doctor Says" by David Oliver. Interview with NDEr Barbara Bartolome and Dr. Jeffrey Long

9/12/17 Eben Alexander's new book is out! Living in a Mindful Universe: A Neurosurgeon's Journey into the Heart of Consciousness
 Click Here

8/30/17 -




9/29/17 - Dr. Long Q & A with Wellness on Goop.com "What 1000s of Near Death Experiences Can Teach Us About Dying"

8/18/17 - FT. LAUDERDALE, FL., June 19th, 2017– ISHOF: The International Swimming Hall of Fame will host a fascinating and visionary “Conference on Near-Death Experiences While Drowning”, on Friday, August 18th, 2017. For more information - click here

7/19/17 Dr. Long Interview with Doug Thorpe on God-Talk.com

7/8/17 Dr. Long Interview with Connie Willis on Coast to Coast. July 8, 2017 from 10:00 pm to 2:00 a.m. PST

Weekend Host Coast to Coast AM

5/2/17 - Universal consciousness underlies all of reality by Jack H Hiller, PhD, JD


4/6/17 - CJ Connor has added a two new paintings to her NDE art - select her album (3) to see them


3/6/17 - Contributed by Jenny. Guardian: The Lonely and Great God : a Korean soap opera based on NDE concepts or experiences. It is well produced if you want to watch them they can be found in drama fever from Facebook or YouTube. (it talks about reincarnations.)


2/21/17 - Anita Moorjani will be talking at the Seaside Center for Spiritual Living in Encinitas California on March 24, 2017. - click here for more information.


2/11/17 - CJ Connor has added a new painting to her NDE art - select her album (3) to see them

2/4/17 - French NDE Support Group in Montreal, Canada - Survivre à Sa Mort: (Surviving Your Death) Telephone (438) 881-2318


1/22/17 - Artigo Portuguese - 9 evidências de vida pós-morte by