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NDE Bible Comparison by Suzanna Yulia
Buddhism & NDE by Hawa Bangura
What Happens at death by Sean McCleary.
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Eidetic Afterlife, by J. Strangeweather
NDEs Anesthesia by Barbara Mango
NDEs in the Blind by Barbara Mango
Introduction to NDE by Barbara Mango
OBEs in the NDE by Barbara Mango
Scientific Explanation for Eternal Life
Old vs. New Paridigm Perceptions of God by Wendell Krossa
Non-Local Consciousness and NDEs by Barbara Mango
Cardiac Arrest and NDE by Barbara Mango
Natural Afterlife by Bryon Ehlmann
NDE & Judgment by Brian Foster
NDE & Spiritism by Brian Foster
Wife NDE Made Me a Spiritist by Brian Foster
Heaven & Spiritism by Brian Foster
Why Future Memories Imprecise by Brian Foster
Other Death Experience by Brian Foster
Non Western NDEs
Overview of NDERF
Frozen Time Theory by Jack Hiller
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Bigelow Evidence of Survival of Consciousness - Jeffrey Long MD
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van Lommel Response
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Review NDE-C Scale by Jody Long
In Light of Love: The NDE and the Bible by Scott D. Davidson
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Ketamine- 6/15/10 Doctor interview
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A Passage to Eternity, A. Suleman
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Bokkon, NDE and Biophotons
The Burning Within
Children of the New Millennium
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Descent into Death - H. Storm
Division of Consciousness
Dying To Live Critique
Embraced by Light - Betty Eadie
The Four Agreements
God at the Speed of Light
God Fingerprints: Impressions of the NDE, Jody Long
Heart and Soul, Jim Chapman
Higher Good, Ron Kruger
Holographic Universe- M. Talbot
Idiot NDE Guide
If Morning Never Comes
Ken Ring Intro
Kevin William
Knowing is Better than Wondering
Lancet van Lommel Review
Lawyer Case Afterlife
Lessons from the Light
Letters From A Living Dead Man
Life After Death: A Study of the Afterlife in World Religions
Life at Death - Ken Ring
Master Thesis
Mastery of Love
Mindsight - Ken Ring
Miracle of Death
My Last Breath
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Pam Kircher
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Parting Visions Mel Morse
Quest for Superconsciousness by Debra Diamond
Revealing Heaven John Price
Sane & Sacred Death
Speed of Light
Talking with Angel
Texas Book Of The Dead,Browning
Thief in the Night
The Truth in the Light
UFOs: GOD from Inner Space by Nahu
Under the Tree - Greg Stone
van Lommel Article
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Voice of Knowledge
Where God Lives Mel Morse
Jeff Corner
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Evidence of God Supplemental Material
Rev. John Price
Grief, the 5 components
Soulmates Overview
Soul Mate Introduction
'We're Done' Can be Predicted Before 'I Do'
Aaron E NDE 4733
Ahmed B Possible NDE E122111
Amanda G #59 E062610
Amy C NDE 4720
Ana NDE 7596
Ana Probable NDE 5402
Angel & Glenn SMR E092210
Anna SMR E030107
Anna-Cristina S Probable NDE 4738
Barry L SMR
Bob C SMR Poem
Brian SMR #23
Brian & Miranda SMR 515ADC
Brynda SMR E061908
Bua SMR E020607
Cait SMR E021118
Carolien S SMR
Casey SMR E102210
Chris SMR #64 E112510
Crystal & Tommy SMR E042309
Crystal G SMR #63 E111910
Contessina SMR
Devyn SMR #35
Dixie E SMR E072307
Donald S SMR 030909
Donna & Mike SMR
Gayle SMR E012610
Geri SMR E030507
Iris' SMR
James' SMR #39
Jean G English SMR
Jenna SMR #57 E010910
Jennifer SMR
Jenny SMR
Jessica SMR
John & Ellen SMR
John & Mary Alice SMR
Judy & Mike SMR #70 E072111
Julie SMR
Julie M SMR #67 E050511
Kammy SMR
Kathy O SMR 815
Koren SMR E081907
Kristen & Matt SMR E062910
Lisa R SMR E012908
Marie SMR
Marie O SMR E081708
Mary & Richard SMR #37
Micheal SMR
Michele T SMR #43
Michelle SMR E050511
Mike & Noelle SMR 4919
Olivia & Rich SMR #66 E031311
Peggy & Jeff SMR E122208
Penny SMR #26
QDO SMR #69 E061111
Rich & Martina SMR
Rich B SMR
Rick B SMR #45 E061107
Rita B SMR #54 E030809
Robin SMR
Roxanne SMR #44 E051407
Sally L SMR E122316
Samantha SMR E072907
Twin Flames Vision by Cougar
Yvonne SMR
Current NDERF Stories
Exceptional Accounts
A NDE 8204
A Child NDE 10039
A Father's Story 10074
Aad G NDE 865
Aaron E NDE 4733
Aaron M NDE 8350
Abdul A NDE 3690
Abby O NDE-like 8650
Abi Probable NDE 9650
Abigail K Probable NDE 7163
Abraham B Probable NDE 3736
Abrisham NDE 7393
Achess NDE 893
Ada R NDE 3336
Adaline C NDE 3920
Adam D NDE 3999
Adam N NDE 5349
Adam W NDE 9604
Adele P Probable NDE 6731
Adelheid L Probable NDE 7762
Adeline N NDE 4481
Adoración NDE 8459
Adrian B Possible NDE 16067
Adrian L NDE 2164
Adrian W NDEs 8316
Adriana G NDE 8804
Agnes M NDE 5245
Agnes O NDE 3726
Aharon N NDE 4828
AHK NDE 9789
Ahly S NDE 9175
Ahmed B Possible NDE 16059
Ainsley S NDE 13138
Aissaoui NDE 1063
Akemi A NDE 2296
Akshatha K NDE 7484
Al G NDE 4305
Al H NDE-like 9322
Alain R NDE 8002
Alan NDE 10049
Alan F Possible NDE 3769
Alan G NDE 6730
Alan M FDE 5181
Alan McD NDE 3760/16041
Alan P NDE 2317
Alan P NDE 8156
Alan S NDE 7581/9022
Alan S NDE 9685
Alana G NDE 7506
Alba NDE 7266
Alba Monn SDE 9253
Albert Probable NDE 7727
Albert N Probable NDE 9992
Albert S Probable NDE 5222
Albert vM Probable NDE 9429
Alberta L NDE 4582
Alberto C NDE 9777
Aleene K NDEs 16111
Alejandra M NDE 4244
Alejandra S NDE 8357
Alejandro M NDE 2545
Alena B NDE 8150
Alessandra P NDE 7773
Alessandro P Probable NDE 8437
Alessio F FDE 7845
Alette SDE 8244
Alex A NDE 6036
Alex A NDE 4463
Alex FDE 6114
Alex H NDE 7717
Alex L NDE 9176
Alex T NDE 9790
Alexa H NDE 10050
Alexander H NDE 9881
Alexander S Probable NDE 8402
Alexandra L SDE 16108
Alexandra R NDE 9774
Alexandra S NDE 7282
Alexandra S NDE 4680
Alexandre B FDE 5375
Alexis R NDE 21114
Alfonso SD NDE 3618
Alfred A NDE 8950
Alfred H NDE 4362
Alfredo NDE 5064
Ali A NDE-Like 8066
Ali K NDE 4229
Alice NDE 5454
Alice S NDE 21640
Alice U NDE 8871
Alicia A NDE 7917
Alicia B NDE 4765
Alicia C FDE 22083
Alicia G NDE 1062
Alicia M NDE 8469
Alicia S NDE 9590
Alida V NDE 3886
Alison B Probable NDE 9144
Alison D NDE 3640
Alison M NDE 4471
Alison W Possible NDE 8626
Allen O NDE 9584
Allen P NDE 719
Allen T NDE 3759
Allie S Possible NDE 8080
Ally D NDE 3019
Ally M NDE-Like 954
Allyssa B Probable NDE 9548
Alma B NDE 8604
Alma W Probable NDE 7499
Almost to Heaven on My Harley NDE 10005
Alok B NDE-Like 2791
Alta NDE 7318
Alvaro A NDE 5039
Amanda G NDE 9395
Amanda J NDE 21748
Amanda M Possible NDE 7438
Amanda NDE 7203
Amanda Possible NDE 6830
Amanda B NDE 23301
Amanda S NDE 4910
Amanda S NDE 789
Amber D NDE 3519
Amber I NDE 7791
Amber W NDE 9632
Amber Y FDE 4256
Amie FDE 8164
Amelia NDE 3611
Amera S NDE 9709
Amie B NDE 4625
Amro NDE 2814
Amy Probable NDE 23195
Amy B NDE 9939
Amy C NDE 4720
Amy C NDE 3151
Amy C NDE 8259
Amy D ADC 16016
Amy G NDE 9249
Amy J NDE 234
Amy M NDE 9647
Amy P NDE 2432
Amy P SDE 23313
Ana A Probable NDE 7230
Ana Carolina T NDE 8902
Ana Cecilia G NDE 7572
Ana G NDE 2167
Ana Maria NDE 4937
Ana NDE 7596
Ana Probable NDE 5402
Ana R NDE 6118
Ana R NDE 1084
Ana Rita A NDE 2253
Anabela Maria C NDE 7957
Anaica NDE 2553
Analia R Probable NDE 7639
Analisa D NDE 533
Anastasia F NDE 9936
Anatole Probable NDE 3982
Ancient Iranian NDEs 16021
André R NDE 13183
Andre V NDE 9243
Andrea C NDE 2920
Andrea C NDE 8756
Andrea J NDE 7252
Andrea K Probable NDE 13156
Andrea D Probable NDE 8802
Andrea G FDE 9490
Andrea K Possible NDE 4015
Andrea V Probable NDE 6934
Andreas Probable NDE 7912
Andreas SH NDE 2498
Andrei NDE 3229
Andres V NDE 8924
Andrew B NDE 8620
Andrew C NDE 3975
Andrew C NDE 570
Andrew C Probable NDE 8980
Andrew G NDE 7597
Andrew G NDE 7453
Andrew J NDE 5251
Andrew M NDE 9431
Andrew P NDE 2335
Andrew P NDE 16071
Andrew P Probable NDE 3397
Andrew R FDE 23012
Andrew R NDE 3469
Andrew S NDE 2829
Andrew Y NDE 8501
Andy B NDE 2864
Andy C NDE 9871
Andy D NDE 3524
Andy J NDE 8131
Andy N NDE 2292
Andy S NDE 2104
Anelia G NDE 9108
Angel NDE 4794
Angel G SDE 9576
Angel M NDE 6499
Angel S NDE 2854
Angela Probable FDE 6000
Angela B STE 9268
Angela BP Possible NDE 9114
Angela E NDE 5360
Angela G NDE 8232
Angela J NDE 3589
Angela K NDE 166
Angela M Possible NDE 7663
Angela S NDE 2084
Angela SDE 22764
Angelia D Probable NDE 22728
Angelo G Probable NDE 5460
Angelo NDE 7192
Anika S NDE 3398
Anita B NDE 9491
Anita B NDE 9813
Anita C NDE 4543
Anita E NDE-Like 2772
Anita K Possible NDE 3848
Anita M NDE 2766
Anita M NDE 11068
Anitta J NDE 3716
Anke E NDE 8276
Ann NDE 12011
Ann S NDE 2617
Ann T Possible NDE 4004
Ann Y Probable NDE 4122
Anna NDE 4921
Anna NDE 2193
Anna Probable NDE 5229
Anna A NDE 7433
Anna BZ NDE 7889
Anna De R NDE 3295
Anna E STE 9158
Anna G NDE-Like 8706
Anna L NDE 5373
Anna M NDE 739
Anna P Possible NDE 9127
Anna W NDE 5426
Anna-Cristina S Probable NDE 4738
Annalise E NDE 9115
Anna-Mari Possible NDE 3842
Annamarie F NDE 751
Anne NDE 7805
Anne B Probable NDE 9058
Anne C NDE 2616
Anne C NDE 2860
Anne J NDE 2076
Anne L NDE 885
Anne L NDE 8588
Anne L NDE 9215/9293
Anne M NDE 4861
Anne M NDE 726
Anne N NDE 6288
Anne N NDE 6305
Anne O Probable NDE 4495
Anne R FDE 7085
Anne R NDE 4553
Anne S NDE 696
Anne T Possible NDE 4983
Anne W NDE 9119
Anne V NDE 3079
Anne-Cécile NDE 5296
Annelise W Probable NDEs 7445
Annette NDE 6375
Annette Q NDE 6672
Annette S NDE 2464
Annette W Probable NDE 4699
Anni S NDE 16098
Annie B NDE 4037
Annie G NDE 5423
Annie M NDE 20875
Annie NDE 404
Annie Mc NDE 8830
Annie P NDE 678
Annie P Probable NDE 6453
Annie Probable NDE 5087
Annie V NDE 7032
Anonymous NDE 16125
Anonymous NDE 16112
Anonza Probable NDE 8529
Anouk P Probable NDE 9226
Anthony A NDE 6602
Anthony C NDE 2202
Anthony C NDE 8476
Anthony C Probable NDE 8302
Anthony D NDE 3399
Anthony K NDE 2944
Anthony L Probable NDE 6851
Anthony M NDE 2151
Anthony M NDE 8596
Anthony M NDEs 6819
Anthony N NDE 6749
Anthony N NDE 677
Anthony P Possible NDE 9511
Anthony R NDE 2947
Anthony R Probable NDE 9094
Anthony S NDE 7680
Anthony S Possible NDE 6257
Anthony V NDE 9963
Anthony W FDE 21602
Antonieta SCC Possible NDE 3662
Antonio C NDE 3638
Antonio J NDE 5276
Antonio P Probable NDE 8775
April G Probable NDE 8979
April W STE 9586
Araceli S NDE 2906
Arazdordi T NDE 9655
Archie M NDE 3455
Arda F Probable NDE 3249
Aridai STE 9591
Arielera NDE 572
Arifur R NDE 3364
Ariuntuya M NDE 23449
Arlene A Probable NDE 8801
Arlene H NDE 222
Arlene H NDE 386
Arlette KY NDE 2858
Armandina G NDE 3714
Arnaud S NDE 4690
Arnie R NDE 714
Arnulfo G NDE 8900
Arshan NDE 16074
Art J NDE 5290
Art L Probable NDE 4351
Arthur NDE 1073
Arthur B NDE 567
Arthur M Possible NDE 9616
Arthur S NDE 573
Arthur W NDE 22781
Arthur W NDE 2576
Arvind B NDE 6372
Audra L NDE 8541
A S NDE 13103
Ashley G FDE 21909
Ashley H NDE 9342
Ashley M NDE 8887
Ashley P NDE 691
Ashley Probable NDE 6369
Ashley R NDE 9205
Ashli NDEs 8696
Ashutosh S NDE 6823
Asim F NDE 758
Astrid K NDE 4131
Astrid Probable NDE 3358
Atana NDE 3814
Atlanta NDE 6925
Attila D FDE 4106
Attila P Possible NDE 3625
Aubaud V NDE 898
Aubaud V NDE 1118
Aubrey L NDE 9782
Audie M NDE 3750
August Probable NDE 188
August U NDE 9828
Augustin NDE 2872
Auriel P Probable NDE 3764
Aurora N NDE 3077
Aurora NDE 6535
Aussie Q NDE 2157
Austin C Probable NDE 7134
Austin T NDE 4930
Austin T Probable NDE 3678
Austin W NDE 9856
Ava M Probable NDE 838
Ava W NDE 9927
Avery D NDE 6882
Az NDE 10009
Az NDE 2034
B Death Bed Vision 3632
Babett W STE 8760
Badtzmaru NDE 16045
Bahar Y NDE 9475
Bahman R NDE 7456
Bailey J Probable NDE 7112
Baldwin R NDE 3517
Banu U NDE 7985
BaRaMi NDE 10095
Barb M FDE 9353
Barb Z Probable NDE 8423
Bárbara AH NDE 9602
Barbara B NDE 3389
Barbara C NDE 25
Barbara D NDE 8419
Barbara E NDE 5361
Barbara G NDE 2946
Barbara G Probable NDE 7330
Barbara H NDE 912/31335
Barbara J NDE 2847
Barbara L Probable NDE 8518
Barbara L Possible NDE 6250
Barbara M NDE 1000
Barbara NDE 3059
Barbara NDE 10013
Barbara P NDE 31904
Barbara P Probable NDE 8101
Barbara R NDE 742
Barbara R NDE 3096
Barbara S NDE 5023
Barbara S NDE 7375
Barbara S NDE 2102
Barbara T NDEs 16082
Barbara W NDE 7152
Barbara W NDE 4183
Barbara W NDE 16060
Barbara W NDE 3939
Barbara W NDE 8167
Barbara W FDE 23474
Bardin NDE 1049
Barney A NDE 21321
Barney J NDE 9286
Barney M NDE 2812
Barry C NDE 1037
Barry C NDE 6557
Barry FDE 6016
Barry S Probable NDE 9649
Barry W NDE 721
Bart A NDE 4045
Bart A NDE 8770
Bart F NDE 7668
Bart R Probable NDE 7952
Bartosz K NDE 9898
Battushig D Possible NDE 9027
Beata M Probable NDE 7123
Béatrice P NDE 7290
Beatrice W NDE 9251
Beatriz S Possible NDE 2406
Beau B NDE 7370
Becca L NDE 4218
Becca S Probable NDE 23057
Beckie H Mother NDE 2242
Beckie W NDE 5325
Becky M NDE 7977
Begitte C NDE 8506
Begona VA NDE 4565
Beh E Probable NDE 7687
Belazreg H NDE 6304
Belen NDE 3647
Belinda K NDE 8071
Bella E Possible NDE 7621
Bella F Possible NDE 7660
Bella K NDE 6148
Bella L Probable NDE 9292
Belle J Probable NDE 6591
Ben B NDE 9298
Ben F FDE 4786
Ben J NDE 4737/21730/22088
Ben K NDE 8897
Ben M NDE 4769
Bene P NDE 8254
Bénédicte F Probable NDE 8421
Benilda K NDE 854
Benino NDE 3749
Benita H Possible NDE 6916
Benjamin F NDEs 7847
Benjamin H NDE 4127
Benjamin W NDE 2152
Benjamin W NDE 694
Benny G NDE 20543
Benny M NDE 2866
Benny M Probably NDE 6105
Bernard A NDE 8274
Bernard J NDE 8765
Bernardea NDE 6723
Bernardette L Probable NDE 6539
Bernardita B NDE 3020
Bernice N NDE 274
Bernie N NDE 951
Berta P NDE 3966
Bess NDE 630
Bess J NDE 4878
Bess M NDE 9228
Bessie Probable NDE 6998
Beth B NDE 4277
Beth L FDE 4963
Beth L NDE 2308
Beth NDE 1023
Beth P NDE 8032
Beth S NDE 7319
Beth S Possible NDE 8317
Beth T NDE 9077
Beth V NDE 2094
Bethany I NDE 9266
Bethany R NDE 6805
Bette NDE 10008
Betty F NDE 4938
Betty G NDE 9788
Betty H NDE 7530
Betty J NDE 4632
Betty N Probable NDE 7096
Betty R NDE 9343
Betty SOBE 22079
Bevery L NDE 9865
Beverly B Possible NDE 2945
Beverly F Possible NDE 8667
Beverly H NDE 20154
Beverly L NDE 22944
Beverly S Probable NDE 6775
Bilge M NDE 2593
Bill B NDE 3596
Bill C NDE-Like 4263
Bill D NDE 6316
Bill D STE 9615
Bill J NDE 9165
Bill N NDE 21539
Bill S NDEs 6294
Bill S Possible NDE 8542
Bill V NDE 506
Bill VandenBush 16081
Bill W NDE 619
Billie S NDE 6268
Billur P NDE 5372
Billy D NDE 579
Billy D NDE 10104
Billy E NDE 8478
Billy S NDEs 5069
Billy S NDEs 5067
Birdie A NDE 9908
Birgit S FDE 8111
BJ K NDE 8154
BJ Son NDE 3789
Blaine S NDE 7503
Blaire W NDE 9970
Blake M Probable NDE 9043
Blanca A NDE 6867
Blanca N Probable NDE 6418
Blester PW NDE 4091
Bo FDE 4221
Bob A NDE 552
Bob B NDE 628
Bob B NDE-Like 6999
Bob C NDE 75
Bob G Possible NDE 7110
Bob H NDE 20703
Bob H NDE 8617
Bob L NDE 3827
Bob M NDE 2466
Bob M NDE 7382
Bob R NDE 6945
Bob W Probable NDE 4924
Bobbi D NDE 4022
Bobbi P NDE 716
Bobbie K NDE 4285/8166
Bobbie M NDE 4181
Bobbie T Experience 6887
Bobby D NDE 9795
Bobby H NDE 2494
Bobby H NDE 4270
Bobby HR NDE 16075
Bobby NDE 2678
Bobby R NDE 8010
Bobby T NDE 22352
Bohdan Probable NDE 8187
Bolette L NDE 5437
Bon A NDE 6497
Bonita E NDE 7962
Bonnie B NDE 2982
Bonnie B NDE 755
Bonnie B NDE 3144
Bonnie C NDE 3540
Bonnie C NDE 6713
Bonnie C NDE 7180
Bonnie G NDE 3564
Bonnie H Probable NDE 6314
Bonnie J NDE 3588/7303
Bonnie J Probable NDE 8836
Bonnie J Possible NDEs 7766
Bonnie L NDE 7517
Bonnie L NDE 2407
Bonnie M NDE 4072
Bonnie M NDE 8037
Bonnie S NDE 3351
Bonnie S NDE 584
Bonnie V NDE 581
Bonnie VB NDE 4299
Bonnie W NDE 6432
Bonnie Z NDE 32085
Bouillot NDE 939
Brad NDE 9912
Brad K NDE 10022
Brad M Probable NDE 6101
Bradley M FDE 9959
Brandelyn W NDE 2238
Brandon C NDE 7095
Brandon R Probable NDE 8928
Brandy F NDE 2366
Brandy L Possible NDE 5020
Brandy M NDE 6311
Brandy M NDE 5272
Brandy M Probable Fear Death Experience 4016
Brandy P Probable NDE 13020
Brazilian NDE 11064
Brenda C NDE 8050
Bren L NDE 9562
Brenda E NDE 165
Brenda F Probable NDE 424
Brenda G NDE 2371
Brenda H NDE 22385
Brenda H NDE 22671
Brenda H NDE 22491
Brenda I NDEs 5259
Brenda I NDEs 6202
Brenda L Probable NDE 7824
Brenda R NDE 7245
Brenda S NDE 7118
Brenda W NDE 3862
Brendan F NDE 6673
Brent H NDE 16068
Brent H NDE 9981
Brent L NDE 3884
Brent M NDE 6117
Brent Probable NDE 7732
Bret B NDE 6336
Brian NDE 3656
Brian NDE 2198
Brian B NDE 2834
Brian B Probable NDE 92
Brian C FDE 7133
Brian C NDE 3826
Brian C Possible NDE 7496
Brian G NDE 6286
Brian G NDE 3751
Brian H NDE 2663/8493
Brian H STE 8554
Brian J NDE 4952
Brian K NDE 41
Brian K Possible NDE 8300
Brian L NDE 748
Brian M Probable NDE 7849
Brian N NDE 902
Brian N STE 9629
Brian P NDE 7726
Brian S NDE 722
Brian T NDE 2538
Brian T Probable NDE 6609
Brian W Possible NDE 2172
Briana L NDE 9811
Brianna C NDE 4224
Brice W NDE 4906
Bridget B NDE 8533
Bridget F NDE 3648
Brigitte B NDE 7883
Brigitte Possible NDE 7988
Brinton M Probable NDE 8418
Bristol O NDE 13171
Brittany C NDE 13125
Brom W NDE 8957
Bronwen C NDE 7446
Brooke G Probable NDEs 9201
Brooke K Probable NDE 13190
Brooke S Possible NDE 8511
Brooks B NDE 20194
Bruce NDE 5252
Bruce C NDE 2518
Bruce H NDE 537
Bruce S NDE 9312
Bruce Y NDE 2300
Bruna D NDE 2653
Bruno D Possible NDE 8601
Bryan C NDE 8876
Bryan G NDE 9820
Bryan S NDE 2528
Bryan Z NDE 2725
Bryant B NDE 9023
Bub D NDE 8046
Buffy N NDE 300
Bunnie M NDE 21637
Bunny J NDE 364
Burke NDE 390
Burnie A NDE 205
Burt A Probable NDE 7995
Burt G NDE 5289
Butch Probable NDE 7993
Buzz Z Probable NDE 9818
BV NDE 16007
Byun SS NDE 9409
C NDE 8268
C C Possible NDE 7299
C FDE 102
C.D. NDE 2328
Mr. C NDE 13191
Caan S NDE 2031
Cabell M NDE 3642
Caitlin O NDE 13206
Cal G Possible NDE 121
Cali NDE 7155
Calla G Probable NDE 7501
Callum L NDE 13074
Calvert K Probable NDE 8910
Cam Possible NDE vs Drug Experience 3765
Cameron H NDE 2985
Cameron M Possible NDE 7704
Cami R NDE 6132
Camilla F Probable NDE 5103
Camryn L NDE 6136
Candace J NDE 9897
Candace Q NDE 9800
Candy A NDE 9212
Candy B NDE 254
Canon C NDE 16110
Captain David Perry NDE 16044
Cara NDE 3637
Cara A NDE 4801
Cara C Probable NDE 13126
Cara M NDE 21310
Cara S NDE 5139
Caren J NDE 8270
Caren M NDE 6677
Caren M NDE 6398
Carl D NDE 6440
Carl G NDE 3824
Carl H Probable NDE 4975
Carl S NDE 6839
Carla J Probable NDE 8754
Carla S NDE 6956
Carla WB NDE-Like 7931
Carlene W NDE 773
Carlo G FDE 6515
Carlos A FDE 4602
Carlos G NDE 9804
Carlos C NDE 8526
Carlos CP NDE 4013
Carlos EA NDE 2761
Carlos K STE 7124
Carlos Manuel V NDE 8136
Carlos S NDE 7322
Carlos V NDE 1060
Carman D NDE 3977
Carmel B NDE 4055
Carmel B NDE 4006
Carmen B NDE 2574
Carmen J NDE 6176
Carmen M NDE 4757
Carmen V Shared NDE 7284
Carmie S STE 9461
Carmine I NDE 5395
Carol G NDE 22889
Carol I NDE 5188
Carol L NDE 4262
Carol M NDE 3557
Carol M NDE 16022
Carol M NDE 4773
Carol M NDE 6496
Carol M Possible NDE 7943
Carol NDE 7543
Carol S NDE 6410
Carol S Probable NDE 9318
Carol S Possible NDE 4601
Carol V NDE 6567
Carol W NDE 2618
Carolane B NDE 7205
Carole C NDE 4266
Carole M NDE 6308
Carole NDE 3880
Carole BC STE 13032
Carolina NDE 2338
Caroline J Probable NDE 7744
Caroline L NDE 9049
Caroline R NDE 2068/804
Caroline S NDE 31279
Carolle S NDE 1019
Carolyn Probable NDE 9921
Carolyn A NDE 9067
Carolyn B NDE 3069
Carolyn H NDE 16013
Carolyn W Possible NDE 6905
Carrie B NDE 9307
Carrie S NDE 5124
Carry G Prayer NDE-Like 3763
Carson D NDE 7511
Casey W Possible NDE 8228
Casper NDE 4210
Cassandra Probable FDE 9279
Cassandra A NDE 9675
Cassandra K NDE 3872
Cassandra P NDE 7331
Cassie M NDE 2645
Cassie M NDE 2572
Catalin A NDE 2146
Catalina NDE 7545
Cate NDE 5288
Catherine NDE 6697
Catherine NDE 8697
Catherine NDE 9916
Catherine FDE 8430
Catherine A NDE 7109
Catherine A NDE 3182
Catherine F STE 13111
Catherine Ann M 9305
Catherine D NDE 3916
Catherine G NDE 2047
Catherine H FDE 6219
Catherine K NDE 16135
Catherine M NDE 980
Catherine M Probable NDE 5362
Catherine Mc NDE 2135
Catherine N NDE 9567
Catherine P NDE 4935
Catherine R NDEs 2441/2780/2781/4977
Catherine S NDE-like 9396
Catherine T NDE 8835
Cathleen C NDE 3735
Cathy A NDE 8054
Cathy B NDE 3732
Cathy H NDE 252
Cathy L Probable NDE 8675
Cathy M NDE 2850
Cathy T Probable NDE 7107
Catura J Probable NDE 8116
CB Possible NDE 7183
CC Possible NDE 6886
Cecilia H NDE 2499
Cecily W Probable NDE 9549
Cedric G NDE 3926
Ceire C Possible NDE 8323
Celeste Y NDE 2621
Celso NDE 8022
Cesar G NDE 13135
CG Possible NDE 2949
Chad C NDE 6679
Chad NDE 3566
Chad B Probable NDE 8678
Chamisa H NDE 4376
Change F NDE 9169
Chanse R NDE 7574
Chantal L NDE 6428
Chantal T NDE 4031
Chari H NDE 3819
Charis M NDE 4040
Charlene J Probable NDE 6909
Charlene K NDE 983
Charlene P NDE 3434
Charlene R NDE 9310
Charles B FDE 6890
Charles D NDE 4411
Charles D Possible NDE 13194
Charles E NDE 10026
Charles G NDE 7493
Charles H NDE 3445/4084
Charles K NDE 8699
Charles K NDE 13106
Charles L NDE 365
Charles M NDE 2233
Charles M Probable NDE 7026
Charles N NDE 5223
Charles P NDE 6847
Charles P Possible NDE 6450
Charles S NDE 22034
Charles T NDE 4793
Charles T NDE 8594
Charles W NDE 9260
Charlie C NDE 9002
Charlie D NDE 4510
Charlie D NDE 2506
Charlie D Probable NDE 23250
Charlie J Probable NDE 8565
Charlotte A NDE 5049
Charmaine M NDEs 5313
Chao Y NDE 8489
Cheltsey T NDE 9267
Chen C NDE 16100
Chen M NDE 3866
Chenguan NDE 16101
Cherie B NDE 5457
Cherie J Probable NDE 5040
Cherie M NDE 3931
Cheryelle B NDE 4406
Cheryl B NDE 4839
Cheryl D NDE 20963
Cheryl G NDEs 7873
Cheryl G NDEs 7893
Cheryl N NDE 4741
Cheryl NDE 2259
Cheryl O NDE 22372
Cheryl R NDE 9512
Chet W NDE 10069
Chinese Perspective 12004
Choi NDE 12008
Chris NDE 16122
Chris B NDE 4940
Chris B NDE 8449
Chris B Possible NDE 6978
Chris C NDE 9105
Chris C NDE 9489
Chris D NDE 794
Chris DA NDE 8369
Chris F NDE 9859
Chris H NDE 8041
Chris H Probable REM Intrusion 3494
Chris L NDE 20726
Chris M NDE 5096
Chris Mother Probable NDE 6647
Chris M NELE 8689
Chris O NDE 5184
Chris P FDE 7623
Chris Probable NDE 6616
Chris R NDE 736
Chris T FDE 9028/6511/6510
Chris V NDE 6258
Chris W FDE 4415
Chris W Probable NDE 3944
Christal NDE 5322
Christian A Probable NDE 4838
Christian D NDE 4662
Christian Y NDE 23034
Christianne NDEs 10030
Christina C Probable NDE 6708
Christina M NDE 3459
Christina T NDE 4980
Christine A NDE 3591
Christine A Probable NDE 20770
Christine B NDE 822/4656
Christine D NDE 2830
Christine E NDE 2569
Christine L Probable NDE 8233
Christine R NDE 3217
Christine S NDE 2424
Christine S NDE 268
Christine S NDE 238/432
Christine S NDE 8677
Christine T Probable NDE 5046
Christophe NDE 5116
Christophe D NDE 7968
Christoph K NDE 9259
Christopher A Probable NDE 9779
Christopher C NDEs 9501
Christopher E OBE 3652
Christopher G NDE 3938
Christopher H NDE 4401
Christopher H Possible NDE 8939
Christopher J NDE 3658
Christopher K Possible NDE 9780
Christopher M NDE 6458
Christopher N NDE 5174
Christopher NDE 6514
Christopher R NDE 3056
Christopher R Possible NDE 2773
Christy B NDE 3964
Christy H NDE 6048
Christy NDE 3485
Chrystal W NDE 2796
Chuck B NDE 2603
Chuck H NDE 6222
Chuck K NDE 3290
Chuck M NDE 4946
Ciara B NDE 9858
Cindy B NDE 6207
Cindy B NDE 22755
Cindy D NDE 20633
Cindy D NDE 4491
Cindy E NDE 4198
Cindy J NDE 7523
Cindy M NDE 3342
Cindy Q Friend NDE 4094
Cindy S NDE 7865
Cindy S NDE 3428
Cinta J NDE 3997
Cinthia NDE 910
CJ C Possible NDE 3646
CJ L NDE 3371
CJ NDE 430
CJ V Probable NDE 6334
CL NDE 22425
CL Possible NDE 5120
Claire NDE 935
Claire B NDE 6564
Claire F Possible NDE 7688
Claire W NDE 9984
Clarice F NDE 6950
Clark B NDE 2008
Clark NDE 2110
Clark Possible NDE 812
Claud H NDE 6947
Claude B NDE 32
Claudine NDE 8798
Clautreaux Possible NDE 4954
Clayton D Probable NDE 8865
Cleo D Probable NDE 9055
Clint G NDE 4143
Clio P NDE 331
Clive H NDE 9682
Claudio D NDE 9954
Clyde S NDE 6716
CN Possible NDE 8079
Cobina C Possible NDE 8027
Cody S NDE 2427
Colby C NDE 9565
Colecia W NDE 9478
Coleen P Possible NDE 6281
Colin F NDE 3149
Colin S Probable NDE 5281
Colleen J NDE 6624
Colleen M NDE 9445
Colleen R NDE 22787
Colonel Fahad NDE 16001
Conan NDE 20422
Concetta S NDE 5461
Conner I NDE 45
Conni J NDE 7528
Connie C NDE 7004
Connie F NDE 6719
Connie J NDE 920
Connie L NDE 2996
Connie N Probable NDE 6386
Connie P NDE 4536
Connie T NDE 4307
Connie V NDE 3108
Cono J NDE 2914
Constanza S NDE 9446
Cora V NDE 3865
Corbin NDE 4179
Corey L NDE 6639
Cori R NDE 4881
Corina NDE 592
Corina K NDE 8752
Corinne K NDE 2211
Corinne TL NDE 16008
Cortney P NDE 8295
Cory G NDE 6280
Cory P NDE 2963
Cougar NDE 10002
Courtney NDE 4459
Courtney B Probable NDE 9705
Courtni T NDE 7848
Craig B NDE 21292
Craig P NDE 8172
Craig T NDE 2139
Cristael B NDE 6396
Cristal S NDE 21051
Cristina NDE 7826
Cristina F STE 9759
Cristine H Experience 23053
Crystal B NDE 3957
Crystal M NDE 4572
Crystal P NDE 9823
CS NDE 984
CT NDE 6901
Curt A NDE-like 20850
Curt AL NDE 397
Curtis F FDE 8081
Curtis K NDE 3696
Curtis M NDE 5297
Curtis P Probable NDE 6845
Curtis S NDE 8182
Cyanrose J NDE 7336
Cyndi G NDE 21780
Cynthi K NDE 3343
Cynthia NDE 21844
Cynthia NDE 10021
Cynthia C NDE 9587
Cynthia C Probable NDE 9545
Cynthia D STE 9472
Cynthia DM NDE 4665
Cynthia H NDE 5063
Cynthia H NDE 5071
Cynthia M NDE 4017
Cynthia N Probable NDE 8293
Cynthia P NDE 1035
Cynthia R NDE 3097
Cynthia T NDE 4764
Cynthia W NDE 2398
Cynthia Y NDE 4020
Cyril C NDE 336